Nisma Cherrat (Nisma Bux-Cherrat, born 1969 in Casablanca, Morocco) is an Afro-German actress.

Life and career

She grew up in the Schwarzwald region in Germany[1] and attended 1989 to 1992 the Neue Münchner Schauspielschule. She studied classical singing 1993 to 1995 with Bennie Gillette in Munich and at the Jazzschool München.

Nisma Cherrat is a founding member of the SFD - Schwarze Filmschaffende in Deutschland (Black Artists in German Film) association.

Cherrat was trained at the Schlaffhorst-Andersen school in Bad Nenndorf [2] as teacher for respiratory and speech therapy. Since July 2011 she works for a research project at the Freiburger Institute for Musicians' Medicine of the University of Music in Freiburg, Germany.[3]

Film and TV work

Theatre work (selection)



  1. ^ "Autor*innen Informationen Nisma Cherrat". Retrieved 2021-02-16.
  2. ^ "Bunte Mischung für Stimme und Sprache". Schaumburger Nachrichten. December 2, 2010. Retrieved August 28, 2012.
  3. ^ Freiburger Institut für Musikermedizin - Mitarbeiter
  4. ^ "UNRAST Verlag | Mythen, Masken und Subjekte". Retrieved 2021-02-16.