The New York Forum

The New York Forum[1]is an American organization whose main aim is to organize debates dealing with the transformation of curent economic models. It was founded by Richard Attias , June, 2010, in New York.

Origines of the New York Forum

Richard Attias, former organisator of the Davos Forum and co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative and the Nobel Prizes' Conference, decided to create a debatting space in order to find concrete and innovative solutions to contemporary economic problems[2].

According to him, one needed an event dedicated to economic issues. It's a key question for both the decision-makers and for the general public, suffering from the opacity and the incoherence of financial news.[3]

The New York Forum belongs to Richard Attis' advising strategy society, whose name is The Experience, sponsored by the New York Times, whose president, Arthur Sulzberger, regularly participates in the New York Forum[4].

The New York Forum's mission

The New York Forum challenge is to launch thinking and debatting outlines between the main influencing figures of the contemporary world (economists,traders,CEOs,industrials, media decision-makers, politicians.), around the will to transform our economic model.

A new generation is taking charge, ready to transform the existing economic models, needing a consulting link whose goals would be pragmatical. Such is the New York Forum vocation, as his founder puts itFigaro Article.</ref>.

. On May, 22, 2012, the last edition of the Forum was notably held with Michel Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, and the Mexican business man, Ricardo Salinas. They came across themes such as the relationships between the United States and China, and the economic interests of immigration.[5]. Along with its own activities, the New York Forum was, since its creation, declined[6]..

The New York Forum Institute[7] was created so as to give a practical hand to entrepreneurs. Its founders thus define it : We want The New York Institute to be a space for tests, for exploration and share of the means to rebuild trust and credibility, and kickstart the economy. [8]

From June, 8 to June,10,2012, the first edition of the New York Forum Africa[9] was held in Libreville, Gabon. Its goal was to find concrete idea to support the economic recovery of Africa. Many personalities from the political and financial world, like Jacques Attali or Alassane Ouattara attended the event.[10].


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