The Qwaser of Stigmata is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same name written by Hiroyuki Yoshino and illustrated by Kenetsu Satō. Produced by Hoods Entertainment and directed by Hiraku Kaneko, the series was broadcast on the Mainichi Broadcasting System on January 10 to June 20, 2010, with a second season airing from April 12 to June 28, 2011. The Qwaser of Stigmata hydroplanes across the common magical girl concept shown in series such as Sailor Moon and My-Hime while availing acts of sexual perversion and violence that includes torsos being forcibly torn asunder along with heavy use of fanservice that has led to the TV broadcast of the episodes having been censored earlier. The raw uncensored "Director's Cut" version of the anime is available only by webcast or DVD/Blu-ray. The word master series is called "Quantum Meruit Quorum".

The first season adapts the first seven volumes of the manga over 20 episodes, with the last four episodes forming an original, self-contained story arc. Some episodes containing inappropriate previews have them replaced by a short recap episode in the TV version.

As of July 2010, four volumes have been released in Japan on DVD and Blu-ray by Victor Entertainment, based on director's cut version, but with reemed images and remixed audio along with new cuts. The first volume was released on April 21, 2010. The eight and last volume will be released on November 24, 2010. Each volume contains three episodes, as well as two pictures dramas per volume. The first series of them is Bugger Me! Secret of The Qwaser of Stigmata (ドキッ! 聖痕のクェイサー秘, Doki! Seikon no Kueisā no Himitsu) featuring the different female main character per volume. The second of them is Let's play with Katja (カーチャ様と遊ぼう, Kācha-sama to asobou) featuring Katja.

Sentai Filmworks licensed both seasons and the OVA for digital distribution and home video release in North America, releasing English subtitled DVD sets in 2012 and 2013.[1] All episodes except for the OVA are available online in North America from the Anime Network streaming site.[2]

Episode list

The Qwaser of Stigmata (TV)

No. Title Original airdate

The Qwaser of Stigmata: Portrait of the Empress (OVA)

This OVA episode was originally released in Japan on a DVD that was included with Volume 10 of the manga.

No. Title Original release

This OVA episode is included on the North American DVD release of The Qwaser of Stigmata II, as episode 10.5. The action for this side story takes place around the time period of the middle of the first season.

The Qwaser of Stigmata II (TV)

No. Title Original airdate

The OVA Portrait of The Empress is listed as episode 10.5 on the North American DVD release of Qwaser of Stigmata II but its plot takes place around the middle of the first season.

Theme songs

Song Title Lyrics Author Composition Data Performance Parameters
"Errand" (Season 1 - episodes 1-12, used in episode 24 as ending) Aki Hata Composed/arranged by Daisuke Kikuta (Elements Garden) Sung by Faylan as First season Opening I
"Baptize" (Season 1 - episodes 13-24) YUI Composed/arranged by Daisuke Kikuta (Elements Garden) Sung by Yōsei Teikoku as First season Opening II
"Passionate Squall" (Season 1 - episodes 1-4, 6-12) Aki Hata Composed/arranged by Tom-H@ck Sung by Ayumi Fujimura, Aki Toyosaki, Minori Chihara, Aya Hirano, Yōko Hikasa, (anime role voices) as First season Ending I
"Mimei no Inori" (未明の祈り) (Dedicated solely to Episode 5 of Season 1) Aki Hata Composed by Satoru Takada and arranged by Katsuya Yoshida Sung by Minori Chihara as First season Ending II
"Wishes Hypocrites" (Season 1 - episodes 13-23) Aki Hata Composed by Katsuya Yoshida and arranged by Satoru Takada Sung by Ayumi Fujimura, Aki Toyosaki, Minori Chihara, Aya Hirano, Yōko Hikasa, (anime role voices) as First season Ending III
"Rasen, Arui wa Seinaru Yokubō" (Season 2 - episodes 1-12) Sung by Faylan
"Metaphor" (メタファー) (Season 2 - episodes 1-12) Composed by Pixelbee, RD-Sounds and arranged by Pixelbee Sung by Shoujo byou, Aki Toyosaki as the Second season Ending

See also


  1. ^ "Sentai Filmworks Licenses Qwaser of Stigmata Anime". Anime News Network. July 1, 2012. Retrieved November 27, 2013.
  2. ^ "Anime Network A-Z Show Index". Anime Network. Archived from the original on December 8, 2013. Retrieved November 29, 2013. ((cite web)): Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)