This list is of Major Sites Protected for their Historical and Cultural Value at the National Level in Hubei Province, China.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Site Chinese name Location Designation Image
Military Government of the Wuchang Uprising Wuchang qiyi junzhengfu jiuzhi 武昌起义军政府旧址 Wuhan 1-7 Upload file
Golden Hall of Mount Wudang Wudang Shan jindian 武当山金殿 Danjiangkou 1-94 Upload file
Jinancheng, capital of Chu Chu Jinan gucheng 楚纪南故城 Jingzhou 1-147 Upload file
Site of the August 7 Conference Baqi huiyi huizhi 八七会议会址 Wuhan 2-5 Upload file
Yuquan Temple and its Iron Pagoda Yuquan si ji tieta 玉泉寺及铁塔 Dangyang 2-17 Upload file
Zixiao Palace Zixiao gong 紫霄宫 32°25′36″N 111°01′21″E / 32.42666667°N 111.0225°E / 32.42666667; 111.0225 Danjiangkou 2-25 Upload file
Tonglüshan ancient copper mine Tonglüshan gu tongkuang yizhi 铜绿山古铜矿遗址 Daye 2-51 Upload file
Tomb of Li Shizhen Li Shizhen mu 李时珍墓 Qichun County 2-59 Upload file
Site of the Battle of Tingsiqiao during the Northern Expedition Beifa Tingsi qiao zhanyi yizhi 北伐汀泗桥战役遗址 Xianning 3-23 Upload file
Qiliping revolutionary sites Hong'an Qiliping geming jiuzhi 红安七里坪革命旧址 Hong'an County 3-24 Upload file
Hunan-West Hubei Revolutionary Base Xiang E xi geming genjudi jiuzhi 湘鄂西革命根据地旧址 Honghu 3-30 Upload file
Zhishi Xuanyue Paifang "Zhishi Xuanyue" paifang “治世玄岳”牌坊 Danjiangkou 3-101 Upload file
Duobao Pagoda of the Guangde Temple Guangde si Duobao ta 广德寺多宝塔 Xiangyang 3-156 Upload file
Rock Carvings of the Yiting Pavilion Yitingming moya shike 怡亭铭摩崖石刻 Ezhou 3-175 Upload file
Qujialing site Qujialing yizhi 屈家岭遗址 Jingshan County 3-194 Upload file
Panlongcheng Panlongcheng yizhi 盘龙城遗址 31°40′30″N 114°15′50″E / 31.675°N 114.264°E / 31.675; 114.264 Wuhan 3-199 Upload file
Balingshan tombs Baling shan gu muqun 八岭山古墓群 Jingzhou 3-230 Upload file
Leigudun tombs Leigudun gumuqun 擂鼓墩古墓群 Suizhou 3-231 Upload file
Xianling Mausoleum Ming Xianling 明显陵 Zhongxiang 3-253 Upload file
Tomb of Li Zicheng Li Zicheng mu 李自成墓 Tongshan County 3-255 Upload file
Jigongshan site Jigongshan yizhi 鸡公山遗址 Jingzhou 4-3 Upload file
Shijiahe site Shijiahe yizhi 石家河遗址 Tianmen 4-15 Upload file
Diaolongbei site Diaolongbei yuzhi 雕龙碑遗址 Zaoyang 4-16 Upload file
Jishan Chu Tombs Jishan Chu muqun 纪山楚墓群 Shayang County 4-60 Upload file
Nanyan Palace Nanyan gong 南岩宫 Danjiangkou 4-123 Upload file
Ancient Longzhong Xiangyang “Gulongzhong” 襄阳“古隆中” Xiangyang 4-149 Upload file
Jingzhou City Wall Jingzhou chengqiang 荆州城墙 Jingzhou 4-150 Upload file
Site of the Nationalist Government in Wuhan Wuhan guomin zhengfu jiuzhi 武汉国民政府旧址 Wuhan 4-229 Upload file
Headquarters of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army Xinsijun wushi silingbu jiuzhi 新四军五师司令部旧址 Dawu County 4-245 Upload file
Xuetangliangzi site Xuetangliangzi yizhi 学堂梁子遗址 Yun County 5-79 Upload file
Guanmiaoshan site Guanmiaoshan yizhi 关庙山遗址 Zhijiang 5-80 Upload file
Menbanwan site Menbanwan yizhi 门板湾遗址 Yingcheng 5-81 Upload file
Zoumaling site Zoumaling yizhi 走马岭遗址 Shishou 5-82 Upload file
Yinxiangcheng site Yinxiangcheng yizhi 阴湘城遗址 Jingzhou 5-83 Upload file
Mopanshan site Mopanshan yizhi 磨盘山遗址 Dangyang 5-84 Upload file
Longwan site Longwan yizhi 龙湾遗址 Qianjiang 5-85 Upload file
Ewangcheng ruins E wangcheng yizhi 鄂王城城址 Daye 5-86 Upload file
Jijiahu ruins Jijiahu chengzhi 季家湖城址 Dangyang 5-87 Upload file
Chuhuangcheng ruins Chuhuangcheng chengzhi 楚皇城城址 Yicheng 宜城市 5-88 Upload file
Husi Kiln Sites Husi ciyao zhiqun 湖泗瓷窑址群 Wuhan 5-89 Upload file
Yuxu Palace Yuxu gong yizhi 玉虚宫遗址 Danjiangkou 5-90 Upload file
Tombs of Ming Princes of Chu Ming Chu wang mu 明楚王墓 Wuhan 5-175 Upload file
Sizu Temple Pagoda Sizu si ta 四祖寺塔 Huangmei County 5-359 Upload file
Old Architecture of Dashuijing Dashuijing gu jianzhuqun 大水井古建筑群 Lichuan 5-360 Upload file
Xiangyang City Wall Xiangyang chengqiang 襄阳城墙 Xiangyang 5-361 Upload file
Green Shield Wall of the Prince of Xiangyang Palace Xiangyang wangfu lüyingbi 襄阳王府绿影壁 Xiangyang 5-362 Upload file
Longgang Revolutionary Site Longgang geming jiuzhi 龙港革命旧址 Yangxin County 5-493 Upload file
Wuhan Peasant Movement School Wuhan nongmin yundong jiangxisuo jiuzhi 武汉农民运动讲习所旧址 Wuhan 5-494 Upload file
Dazhimen Station Dazhimen huochezhan 大智门火车站 Wuhan 5-495 Upload file
Hankow Customs House Jianghanguan dalou 江汉关大楼 Wuhan 5-496 Upload file
Early Architecture of Wuhan University Wuhan daxue zaoqi jianzhu 武汉大学早期建筑 30°32′27″N 114°21′40″E / 30.54083333°N 114.36111111°E / 30.54083333; 114.36111111 Wuhan 5-497 Upload file
Former Residence of Zhan Tianyou Zhan Tianyou guju 詹天佑故居 Wuhan 5-498 Upload file
Jianshi Man site Jianshi zhiliren yizhi 建始直立人遗址 Jianshi County 6-157 Upload file
Majiayuan site Majiayuan yizhi 马家垸遗址 Shayang County 6-158 Upload file
Taojiahu site Taojiahu yizhi 陶家湖遗址 Yingcheng 6-159 Upload file
Jimingcheng ruins Jimingcheng yizhi 鸡鸣城遗址 Gong'an County 6-160 Upload file
Ruins of the capital of Deng Deng guo guzhi 邓国故址 Xiangyang 6-161 Upload file
Ruins of Shizhou Shizhou chengzhi 施州城址 Enshi 6-162 Upload file
Tangya Tusi City Tangya tusi chengzhi 唐崖土司城址 Xianfeng County 6-163 Upload file
Rongmei Tusi Site Rongmei tusi yizhi 容美土司遗址 Hefeng County 6-164 Upload file
Qingshan Tombs Qingshan muqun 青山墓群 Zhijiang 6-268 Upload file
Jiuliandun Tombs Jiuliandun muqun 九连墩墓群 Zaoyang 6-269 Upload file
Mausoleum of Guan Yu Guanling 关陵 Dangyang 6-270 Upload file
Baizi Pagoda Baizi ta 柏子塔 Macheng 6-657 Upload file
Wuzu Temple Wuzu si 五祖寺 Huangmei County 6-658 Upload file
Ezhou Guanyin Pavilion Ezhou Guanyin ge 鄂州观音阁 Ezhou 6-659 Upload file
Yumuzhai Yumuzhai 鱼木寨 Lichuan 6-660 Upload file
Three Temples of Jingzhou Jingzhou sanguan 荆州三观 Jingzhou 6-661 Upload file
Jingzhou Wanshou Pagoda Jingzhou wanshou baota 荆州万寿宝塔 Jingzhou 6-662 Upload file
Huangling Temple Huangling miao 黄陵庙 Yichang 6-663 Upload file
Cihe Cheng'en Temple Cihe Cheng'en si 茨河承恩寺 Gucheng County 6-664 Upload file
Zhongxiang Wenfeng Pagoda Zhongxiang Wenfeng ta 钟祥文风塔 Zhongxiang 6-665 Upload file
Architecture of Wudang Mountains Wudang Shan jianzhuqun 武当山建筑群 32°24′03″N 111°00′14″E / 32.40083333°N 111.00388889°E / 32.40083333; 111.00388889 Shiyan 6-666 Upload file
Old Architecture of Fenghuangshan Fenghuang Shan gu jianzhuqun 凤凰山古建筑群 Zigui County 6-667 Upload file
Migong Temple Migong ci 米公祠 Xiangyang 6-668 Upload file
Wu Family Hall in Doushan Doushan Wu shi ci 陡山吴氏祠 Hong'an County 6-669 Upload file
Rock inscriptions of the Sanyou Cave Sanyoudong moya 三游洞摩崖 Yichang 6-844 Upload file
Xianfo Temple Grottoes Xian Fosi shiku 仙佛寺石窟 Laifeng County 6-845 Upload file
Dongpo Chibi Dongpo chibi 东坡赤壁 Huanggang 6-846 Upload file
Caihuangmu inscriptions of Cixiaogou Cixiaogou “Caihuangmu” moya 慈孝沟“采皇木”摩崖 Zhuxi County 6-847 Upload file
Former Residence of Li Xiannian Li Xiannian guju 李先念故居 Hong'an County 6-992 Upload file
Former Residence of Dong Biwu Dong Biwu guju 董必武故居 Hong'an County 6-993 Upload file
Modern Architecture of Hankou Hankou jindai jianzhuqun 汉口近代建筑群 Wuhan 6-994 Upload file
Former Residence and Tomb of Yang Shoujing Yang Shoujing guju he mu 杨守敬故居和墓 Yidu 6-995 Upload file
Hanyeping Iron and Coal Mines and Factory Hanyeping meitie changkuang jiuzhi 汉冶萍煤铁厂矿旧址 Huangshi 6-996 Upload file
All-China Federation of Trade Unions in Hankou Hankou Zhonghua quanguo zonggonghui jiuzhi 汉口中华全国总工会旧址 Wuhan 6-997 Upload file
Site of the Daye Soldiers Revolt Daye bingbao jiuzhi 大冶兵暴旧址 Daye 6-998 Upload file
Red Third Army Revolutionary Site Hongsan juntuan geming jiuzhi 红三军团革命旧址 Daye 6-999 Upload file
Wuliping Revolutionary Site Wuliping geming jiuzhi 五里坪革命旧址 Hefeng County 6-1000 Upload file
Zhongyuan Military Region site Zhongyuan junqu jiuzhi 中原军区旧址 Dawu County 6-1001 Upload file
Jingjiang Sluice Gates Jingjiang fenhongzha 荆江分洪闸 Gong'an County 6-1002 Upload file
New Fourth Army Headquarters in Hankou 汉口新四军军部旧址 Wuhan 7-1809-5-202 Upload file
Yuji Palace 禹稷行宫 Wuhan 7-1218 Upload file

See also


  1. ^ "国务院关于公布第一批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (1st Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 3 April 1961. Archived from the original on 9 June 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  2. ^ "国务院关于公布第二批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (2nd Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 23 February 1982. Archived from the original on 24 April 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  3. ^ "国务院关于公布第三批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (3rd Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 13 January 1988. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  4. ^ "国务院关于公布第四批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (4th Designations)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 20 November 1996. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  5. ^ "国务院关于公布第五批全国重点文物保护单位和与现有全国重点文物保护单位合并项目的通知 (5th Designations (also supplements))" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 25 June 2001. Archived from the original on 1 May 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.
  6. ^ "国务院关于公布第六批全国重点文物保护单位名单的通知 (6th Designations (also supplements)" (in Chinese). State Administration of Cultural Heritage. 25 May 2006. Archived from the original on 20 October 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2012.