The Kiwi Concert Party was a group of New Zealand entertainers. They were originally called N.Z. Entertainment Unit, formed in 1941 within the 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Force.[1]

They had a great deal of success after World War Two.[2]


  1. ^ Jock Phillips. 'Kiwi - A kiwi country: 1930s–2000s', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 5-May-15 URL:
  2. ^
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This is a list of stub categories and templates. When you add a particular stub template to the very end of a stub article, that article is added to the template's related category and a stub message describing the category the stub belongs to appears in the saved, rendered stub article text, in the format:

[icon] This [description of the stub's category]–related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

This list is maintained and regularly updated by Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting (WP:WSS), the stub-sorting WikiProject, with the purpose of keeping a list of templates and categories the project approves, and so users can find the best-fitting stub template(s) for each stub article.

Note: Please do not add any other material here, as it will be removed.


Note to administrators deleting stub types

It is very important when you delete a stub type that you also remove it from the stub type list on this page, not only for maintaining consistency but also to avoid confusing stub-sorters. Please don't leave red links anywhere on this page! Otherwise well-formed stub categories may be deleted if they fall significantly below the threshold of 60 stubs (usually if they fall below about 50 stubs). In this event, well-formed stub templates on the list should be upmerged into appropriate parent categories rather than being deleted or redirected.

An important note on stub icons

Some stub categories relate to controversial issues. For this reason, their icons have been chosen carefully so they do not cause offense or appear biased.

Before you change any stub icon, please clear that icon change at both Wikipedia:WikiProject Stub sorting/Proposals and at any WikiProject associated with the stub category.

Sizes of stub categories

Maintenance note: reminder to all editors that the maximum section depth is 6 (WP:MAXLEVEL). Because all category pages are embedded in the WP:All stub types page, they should begin at level 3 (i.e. ===).

On March 15, 2007, all size counts (by the number of stubs in each stub category) were removed from this page to improve accessibility and maintainability. The names of stub categories with lists of stub articles too long to be easily maintained is at WikiProject Stub sorting/To do § Oversized stub categories. A list of all stub categories, ordered by size, is at WikiProject Stub sorting/Stub type sizes.

From July 22-24, 2024, stub types were finished being de-transcluded from this master page. A new all stub type page was created with everything transcluded, and subpages were reformatted to conform to that embedding.

Relationships between stub types

The parent-child relationships shown in the listing below reflect the relationship between categories into which each template places the article to which it is affixed. Multiple parentage is indicated by the presence of small text describing child stub types that appear elsewhere in the listing. This is done to eliminate duplication of stub counts, which inevitably leads to different values for the multiple listings of the same stub type as a result of human error.

Stub categories without a stub template

There are a few stub categories that are not associated with a stub template or contain only child categories (no articles):

List of stub types and templates

Generic stub types


See the separate Architecture page.


See the separate Commerce page.


See the separate Culture page.


See the separate Education page.


See the separate Geography page.

Government, law, and politics

See the separate Government, law, and politics page.


See the separate History page.


See the separate Leisure page.


See the separate Organizations page.


See the separate Military page.


See the separate People page.


See the separate Science page.


See the separate Sports page.

Religion, mythology, faiths, and beliefs

See the separate Religion, mythology, faiths, and beliefs page.


See the separate Technology page.


See the separate Transport page.


See the separate Miscellaneous page.


See the separate Footnotes page.