Heinrich Hagenmeyer (1834–1915) was a German Protestant pastor and historian, specializing in writing and editing texts from the beginning of the Crusades. Closely associated with fellow German Reinhold Röhricht, their contribution to the history of the kingdom of Jerusalem set a sound archival footing for the discipline. In particular, Hagenmeyer's biography of Peter the Hermit, Peter der Eremite, established the basis for the study of the People's Crusade.[1]


Hagenmeyer was the son of a forester and studied theology in Heidelberg from 1852 to 1856. In 1859 he was appointed pastor and worked as such in Kälbertshausen. In 1866 he moved to Eberstadt and in 1871 to Großeicholzheim. From 1884 until his retirement he was pastor in Ziegelhausen.[2]

Hagenmeyer published key critical editions of original sources for the First Crusade, such as the Historia Hierosolymitana of Fulcher of Chartres and the collection of letters composed by the Crusaders.[3] HIs editions are still used by Crusades historians to this day. Hagenmeyer is regarded amongst the group of nineteenth-century historians who "set new scholarly standards in the discovery, appraisal and editing of old and new sources, thereby transforming both content and interpretation of the subject."[4] For his contribution to Crusade research, he was awarded an honorary doctorate of philosophy by Heidelberg University.[5]


The works of Heinrich Hagenmeyer include the following.[6]


  1. ^ William Purkis: Heinrich Hagenmeyer (1834–1915). In: Historians of the Crusades. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
  2. ^ Deutsche Biographie (1966). "Hagenmeyer, Heinrich". In Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). 7. Berlin.
  3. ^ Mayer, Hans Eberhard: Aspekte der Kreuzzugsforschung. In Geschichte und Gegenwart: Festschrift für Karl Dietrich Erdmann. pp. 75–94.
  4. ^ Tyerman, Christopher (1998). Invention of the Crusades. SpringerLink. pp. 119–120.
  5. ^ Tyerman, Christopher (2011). The Debate on the Crusades. Manchester University Press,. pp. 126–140.
  6. ^ Bibliothèque nationale de France {BnF Data}. "Heinrich Hagenmeyer (1834-1915)".
  7. ^ Hagenmeyer, H. (1879). Peter der Eremite. Leipzig.
  8. ^ Hagenmeyer, H. (1890). Anonymi gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolymitanorum. Heidelberg.
  9. ^ Hagenmeyer, H. (1973). Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes: Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088-1100. Hildensheim.
  10. ^ Hagenmeyer, H. (1901). Die kreuzzugsbriefe aus den jahren 1088-1100. Innsbruck.
  11. ^ Hagenmeyer, H. (1902). Chronologie de la première croisade (1094-1100). Paris.
  12. ^ Revue de l'Orient latin. Paris, E. Leroux.
  13. ^ Foucher de Chartres, Hagenmeyer, H. (1913). Fulcheri Carnotensis Historia Hierosolymitana (1095-1127). Heidelberg.