In rational homotopy theory, the Halperin conjecture concerns the Serre spectral sequence of certain fibrations. It is named after the Canadian mathematician Stephen Halperin.


Suppose that is a fibration of simply connected spaces such that is rationally elliptic and (i.e., has non-zero Euler characteristic), then the Serre spectral sequence associated to the fibration collapses at the page.[1]


As of 2019, Halperin's conjecture is still open. Gregory Lupton has reformulated the conjecture in terms of formality relations.[2]


  1. ^ Berglund, Alexander (2012), Rational homotopy theory (PDF)
  2. ^ Lupton, Gregory (1997), "Variations on a conjecture of Halperin", Homotopy and Geometry (Warsaw, 1997), arXiv:math/0010124, MR 1679854

Further reading