Gennady Alamia is an Abkhazian poet and playwrite who was born in Abkhazia (when part of the USSR) in the village of Kutol in 1949. He studied physics and mathematics in Sukhumi and after moving to Moscow, Russia, graduated from the Literary Institute of the Writer's Union of the USSR. Here he met Denis Chachkhalia who became his translator (into Russian) and close friend. Alamia has published six collections of poems in the Abkhazian language and three in Russian. He has also translated many Russian poems and plays into Abkhazian. He is now Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Circassian World", which is published in Turkish, Russian, and English.

His most famous poem "Seed of Fire" is dedicated to Dirmit Gulia, the founder of Abkhazian written literature, who spent his childhood in exile, but returned to Abkhazia, dying at the age of 90 in 1963.
