Elizabeth Moberly is a British research psychologist and theologian.

Moberly is the author of Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic. It suggests several possible causes of male homosexuality and offers a therapeutic approach to restore patients' sense of their gender identity. She believes that a temperamental predisposition contributes, but that the primary cause of male homosexuality is the failure of boys to bond with their fathers. Moberly opposes this idea to the "domineering mother" idea in Freudian psychoanalysis. Moberly believes that homosexuality is a reparative drive, an attempt to repair a lack of affection from persons of the same sex. She thinks that heterosexual "male bonding" is similar to homosexual desire but lacks a sexual element. Building on this idea, proponents of reparative therapy work to build non-sexual bonds between men. They aim to increase a subject's feeling of masculinity and thereby lessen homosexual desires.

Moberly was involved in ministry to homosexuals as Director of Psychosexual Education and Therapy for BCM International. She subsequently became involved in cancer research.
