Tully Scott (July 12, 1857 – May 4, 1924)[1] was an associate justice of the Colorado Supreme Court from 1913 to 1923.

Born, St. Paris, Ohio, July 12, 1857; attended Kansas State Agricultural College; married Harriet I. Hunter of Pana, Illinois, December. 1891; admitted to Kansas Bar, 1891; Colorado Bar, 1901; Receiver Public Moneys, Oberlin, Kansas, 1885 to 1889; member Colorado Senate, 1907 to 1911; Presiding Judge, Colorado Court of Appeals, 1911 to 1912; Justice of Supreme Court since 1913.[2]

Tully Scott, former chief justice of th state en- preme court and a member-of the state utilities commission died at 9:15 o'clock last night at hi home 1921 East Colfax street Denver following a two nines ai a r1 ault of a heart attack Altho hope waa abandoned for hi recovery several day ago Judge Scott waa conscious and recognised those about his bedside until mid night Saturday night when lap' ed Into a coma i Hla last attack ot heart trouble waa the third be had suffered Be had suffered a paralytic stroke than two year ajo He received hla second heart attack a year ago and during the period since then until he was fatally stricken he apparently had been In better health than at any other time sine he was seized with paralysis had been eble to attend to hla duties on the public utilities commission neerly every day this year until hla final lllneaa Judgi Scott aa delegate from Colorado attended a convention of railroad commissioners in Miami Fla In December Beside his willow Judge Scott i survived by two aona Kemptborne. Scott of Dallas Texas and Jack Garrett Scott Antonio Colo a daughter Mrs Mira Scott Prank of Denver and two brother Scott Kansas Cityand David Scott Fresno Calif Arrangements for the funeral hare not been completed Judge Scott was born at St Parts Ohio July 12 1S57 When be was but ten years old he went to work to earn his own living driving a team of mules during the' construction of a turnpike In Ohio He still managed to make hla way thru tha high school at St Paris and Inter moved with bis family to Beloit Kens where bis father took up a homestead In what was then known as the new West Young Scott saved what little money be could and studied no as to fit hmiself fur entering the State Agricultural college at Manhattan Kan He completed the fonr-year course Ip two years paying hla board and tuition by taking rare of the lire stork at the college After leaving the agricultural college be began the study of law and was admitted to the Kansas bar In 1SS0 lie practiced law at Beloit and Inter waa appointed receiver of public money at Oberlln Kan by President Cleveland and served In tbla Dec Ilunt- 21 1MU be married Harriet I er of Tana III Judge Scott served for a number of year as a member of the Democratic Mate central committee in Kansas and was defeated as a Democratic nominee for congreaa from Kansaa In 1900 In 1901 be moved to Cripple Creek Colo with hla wife and la the name year was admitted to the Colorado bar He aerrtd aa Mate senator representing Teller county from 1907 to 19U and waa instrumental In procuring the enactment by the state legislature of number of Important statutes In the interest of tbe masses of the people On retiring from the legislature JIr was appointed presiding judge of the court of appeals and served lu that rapacity for one yea The following year he waa elected associate justice of the state supreme court I hiring his term of office from 1912 to 3023 he wrote decisions that are considered classics of logic and expression Ills opinion were rlasscd among the ablest ever banded down by a Western judge In 192t he became chief Justice on tbe retirement of Chief Justice Garrlgue Shortly after his term expired on the supreme bench Judge Scott wa appointed a member of tbe Mate public utilities commission In January 1923 In 1920 Judge Scott wa nominated to run for the office of senator ou the Democratic ticket In the November election he was defeated by Samuc-1 Nicholson Republican candidate.<ref name="FCC obit">


  1. ^ "Tully Scott Dies of Heart Attack Sunday", Fort Collins Coloradoan (May 5, 1924), p. 1, 8.
  2. ^ D. F. Stackelbeck, Bench & Bar of Colorado (1917), p. 80.

Political offices Preceded by[[]] Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court 1913–1923 Succeeded byJohn W. Sheafor

Category:1857 births Category:1924 deaths Category:Justices of the Colorado Supreme Court

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