In 1693, Elkanah Settle published The new Athenian comedy containing the politicks, oeconomicks, tacticks, crypticks, apocalypticks, stypticks, scepticks, pneumaticks, theologicks, poeticks, mathematicks, sophisticks, pragmaticks, dogmaticks, &c. of that most learned society a play in three acts satirizing the members of The Athenian Mercury and the associated intellectual culture surrounding coffeehouses in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.[1][2] The play occurred in three acts, and despite being published with an extant copy, the play seems to have never been performed.[3]

Cast of Characters

Among the characters,[4] clear allusions to the actual members of The Athenian Society are present. Obadiah Grub likely represents Dr. John Norris of Bemerton, a noted English theologian, philosopher, and poet. Joachim Dash may refer to Richard Sault, a mathematician associated with the society. Jack Stuff likely draws his characterization from John Dunton, the founder and publisher of The Athenian Mercury.



  1. ^ Ellis, 2006 p. 109
  2. ^
  3. ^ Ellis, 2006 p. 109
  4. ^ Settle, 1693 Dramatis Personae

Major Sources