Chonemorpha fragrans
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Genus: Chonemorpha
C. fragrans
Binomial name
Chonemorpha fragrans
(Moon) Alston
  • Beluttakaka grandieriana Pierre [Invalid]
  • Beluttakaka griffithii (Hook.f.) Kuntze Beluttakaka macrophylla (G.Don) Kuntze
  • Cercocoma macrantha Teijsm. & Binn. [Invalid]
  • Chonemorpha blancoi Merr. [Illegitimate]
  • Chonemorpha elliptica Merr. & Rolfe
  • Chonemorpha grandieriana Pierre ex Spire
  • Chonemorpha grandiflora G.Don
  • Chonemorpha griffithii Hook.f.
  • Chonemorpha macrantha Pit.
  • Chonemorpha macrophylla G.Don
  • Chonemorpha macrophylla var. grandis A.DC.
  • Chonemorpha penangensis Ridl.
  • Chonemorpha rheedei Ridl. [Illegitimate]
  • Chonemorpha valvata Chatterjee
  • Chonemorpha yersinii Vernet
  • Echites fragrans Moon
  • Echites grandiflorus Roth [Illegitimate]
  • Echites grandis Wall. [Invalid]
  • Echites latifolius Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. [Invalid]
  • Echites macranthus Spreng. [Illegitimate]
  • Echites macrophyllus Roxb. [Illegitimate]
  • Epichysianthus macrophyllus (G.Don) Voigt
  • Rhynchodia macrantha Pharm. ex Wehmer
  • Tabernaemontana elliptica Blanco [Illegitimate]

Chonemorpha fragrans (Frangipani vine) is a plant species in the genus Chonemorpha. It is a vigorous, evergreen, climbing shrub producing stems 30 metres or more long that can climb to the tops of the tallest trees in the forest of south east asia, found in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand.


Franginpani vine leaves

This large-leafed, coarse vine sports large clusters of blooms with a subtle fragrance, best in full sun and acid soil. Large shiny leaves, prominent veins, superb white similar to Frangipani, propellor shaped, delicious rich scent. Flowers are pure white with yellow center. Another variety with creamy flowers - C. penangensis. Use it on larger structures (trellises, columns), or allow it to ramble over tall trees. This is a stunning vine, flowering profusely from May - July; one of the powerful lianas of the Indian and Malayan forests, climbing to the tops of the tallest trees. This plant goes dormant in subtropical climate and usually loses leaves if temperature gets below 60F, but it is somewhat cold tolerant (30-40F) and can survive mild frost for a short period.[2]

Chonemorpha fragrans is a vigorous climber native to India and South East Asia. The textured foliage is attractive, leaves are large, rather course and oval shaped. However, it is the spectacular display of flowers from January to end of April that makes this plant a worthwhile addition to the garden. The common name ‘Climbing Frangipani’ describes the flowers very well. They are indeed very similar to white, yellow throated Frangipani flowers and almost just as fragrant.

Semi-deciduous in subtropical areas, Chonemorpha can handle somewhat colder temperatures but will then be fully dormant during the winter months. Fresh new leaves unfold in spring a bright green with a bronze hue.

A sunny aspect is required for abundant flowering. Being a tropical plant, ample moisture during the summer months and rich, well-drained soil is necessary for healthy growth.

A vigorous climber, Chonemorpha requires a strong and sturdy structure to support it’s weight. This makes it more suited to be grown on larger structures such as columns and pergolas. It also makes a great screen on sturdy fencing with trellis to extend it’s height.

The scented, white flowers make this an ideal climber for summer entertaining areas where it adds a luxurious tropical holiday feeling to the setting.

It’s a good idea to prune the vine during the winter months to get it back into shape and to restrict growth to a manageable size.[3]

Common Name: Climbing Frangipani Plant Height: 7 Plant Spread: 7 Use: pergola, trellis Soil Moisture: dry between watering to constantly moist Sunlight: hot overhead sun Design: Suits cottage & tropical designs Plant Origins: India-Subcontinent, China-Korea, Tropical Asia Flower Colour: white Garden Type: twining climber Plant Seasonality: Evergreen[4]

evergreen, tropical climate, up to 5m tall,[5]

Chonemorpha fragrans is The plant is sometimes cultivated for the fibre that is obtained from its stem[266]. A very ornamental plant with deliciously fragrant flowers and large, shiny leaves, it is often grown in gardens[372].

Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Peradeniya). 11: 203. 1929. 大叶鹿角藤 da ye lu jiao teng

Echites fragrans Moon, Cat. Pl. Ceylon 20. 1824; Chonemorpha grandiflora G. Don; C. macrophylla G. Don; C. mollis Miquel; C. rheedei Ridley; E. macrophylla Roxburgh, not Kunth.

Lianas to 30 m, hirsute except for flowers. Petiole to 2 cm; leaf blade suborbicular to broadly ovate, 15-45 X 13-45 cm, papery, base cordate, apex acute or rounded, cuspidate; lateral veins 10-12 pairs. Calyx tubular, ca. 1 cm, apex toothed, glabrescent outside. Corolla white, limb to 8 cm wide; tube 3.5-4.5 cm, dilated at base, glabrous outside, throat villous; lobes obliquely obovate, ca. 3.5 cm. Filaments short pubescent. Follicles cylindric to fusiform, to 30 X 2 cm. Seeds oblong, coma ca. 5 cm. Fl. May-Jul. 2n = 20.

Dense montane forests, often clinging to trees. Guangxi, Yunnan; cultivated in Fujian and Guangdong [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand].[6]

It is known locally as 'Gardhedaro' in hindi, 'Chandra hoovina balli' - Kannada, 'Paal valli' in Malayalam, 'Murva' or 'morala' in Sanskrit, 'velutha kaaka kodi' in Tamil and 'Chaga' in Telugu. distrib - most of india, including Nicobar Islands.[7] habitat - prefers to grow in moist deciduous to semi-evergreen forests.[7] habit - perennial, very heavy climber, hence can only be used in stronger supports such as large trellises, columns or it can be allowed to remble over tall strong trees on the high compound walls. It is a disease free, quick growing deciduous climber, prefers partial shade to full sun. Loamy soil is preferred as it does not like poor soils.[7] All parts of the plant exude a milk-like substance when damaged. stem - bark is thin, grey and numerously lenticelled. leaf - simple, arranged in opposite manner, up to 20 cm across, broadly ovate to orbicular, base cordate or rounded and the lamina densely brownish hairy and velvet-like with prominent veins. flower - large cymore clusters of exuberant bisexual blooms with large up to 10 cm across. Large pure white, twisted black corolla with yellow throat, very fragrant flowering and fruiting - can flower any time, but mainly between May and July and then fruits between July and September.[7]

Botanical name: Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston Chonemorpha fragrans Family: Apocynaceae (Oleander family) Synonyms: Chonemorpha grandiflora, Echites fragrans, Chonemorpha elliptica Frangipani Vine is a stunning climbing plant, flowering profusely from May - July. The flowers deceptively resemble the Frangipani. It is one of the powerful climbers of the Indian and Malayan forests, climbing to the tops of the tallest trees. Flowers are pure white with a yellow center, and have a delicious rich fragrance. Even without the flowers, the vine is eye-catching with large shiny leaves with prominent veins. It is found in dense mountain forests, often clinging to trees, in the Himalayas, from Kumaun to NE India, Andaman isles and SE Asia, and also Western Ghats, at altitudes of 400-1800 m. Flowering May-July. Medicinal uses: Warning: Unverified information The leaves, roots, bark-stem are used in Ayurvedic system of medicines. Leaves are used in the form of churna/extract or in combination with the other plant materials in their formulation. It is administered orally. In folk medicine, Murva is used in diseases like anaemia, fever, diabetes, stomach disorders, typhoid, urinary infections and cough. It is also used in the treatment of diarrhea, polyuria, boils, leprosy, eye diseases, vomiting and poisoning.[8]

The yellow-centred, white pinwheel flowers of the climbing frangipani vine really do look exactly like the frangipani tree! They're even fragrant. The climbing frangipani is perfect for trellises and fences, or climbing though a traditional frangipani tree. They are semi-deciduous, do not cling to walls or paint, are not affected by frangipani rust, and can be set in pots or directly into the ground. They can handle direct sunlight or shaded locations, but do need a frost-free warm position.[9]

fruits consist of pairs of follicles which are woody, lanceolate and 17cm x 1cm[10]

stout spreading laiciferous shrub with soft greyish to rusty brown bark which yields fibre of good quality, leaves simple, opposite, large orbicular, fulvous tomentose underneath, veined, flowers large, whitish cream-yellow, fragrant, in terminal or pseudo axillary cymose panicles, fruits long, straight, woody parallel, follicular mericarps, seeds many, flat, shortly beaked with long white silky coma[11]


Genus: Chonemorpha (koh-nee-MORF-a) (Info) Species: fragrans (FRAY-granz) (Info)[12]

(Moon) Alston (Frangipani Vine[3] ) - China (Guangxi, Yunnan, Tibet), Indian Subcontinent, Indochina (its name in Khmer is /vɔə crẹj cruəj/ វល្លិជ្រៃជ្រួយ or /vɔə ʔɑŋkɑt krəhɑːm/ វល្លិអង្កត់ក្រហម[13]), Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines

Malay common name - 'akar gerip merah'[10]

Common name: Frangipani Vine, Wood vine, Funnel-Flower Vine • Hindi: मूर्वा Moorva, Garbhedaro • Tamil: பெரும்குரும்ப Perumkurumpa • Malayalam: Appuppanthadi, Mutthappanthadi, Novunni, Perumkurumba • Telugu: Chaga • Kannada: Manjinaru • Khasi: jyemi longwan • Nepali: घोर्यू Ghoryu • Sanskrit: Murva, Morata • Nepali: घोर्यु Ghoryu, गोठाला फूल Gothaalaa Phool, हम्मल काँडा Hammal Kaandaa [8]

Hindi name= 'gardhedaro'[5] (Moon)

Publication Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens Collation xi. 203 (1929)[14]

Arthur Hugh Garfit Alston English botanist (1902-1958) in

Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Peradeniya) 11: 203 1929.[1]

Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Peradeniya) 11:203. 1929

Name Verified on: 20-Jan-2012 by ARS Systematic Botanists.[15]

Distribution and habitat

Franginpani vine flower buds

It is native to temperate Asia and Europe.[15]

Distributional Range: Native

Asia-Temperate CHINA: China [Yunnan Sheng, Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu]

Asia-Tropical INDIAN SUBCONTINENT: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka INDO-CHINA: Myanmar, Thailand MALESIA: Brunei Darussalam, East Timor, Indonesia, [Sulawesi, Lesser Sunda Islands, Sumatera] Malaysia (Malaya), Philippines[15]

Cultivated Asia-Temperate CHINA: China [Fujian Sheng, Guangdong Sheng][15]


It is found in Iran


USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)- USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)[12]


From seed; germinate in vitro in gelatin, agar or other medium[12]

Seed Collecting: Bag seedheads to capture ripening seed

Allow pods to dry on plant; break open to collect seeds[12]


It has been used in folk medicine to help treat stomach problems, ascaris and bronchitis.[5]

It is used in Ayurveda (Indian root medicine), to treat skin diseases, leprosy, scabies, syphilis, inflammation, constipation, worm infestations (ascaris), hyperacidity, diabetes, jaundice, coughs, bronchitis, intermittent fevers, stomach disorders and as a laxative. The crushed roots of the plant are used to make a decoction drink to help remove a retained placenta. The stem of the plant is used to treat fractures and rheumatalgia.[16]

decoction drunk to treat [[amebic dysentery].[10] A steroidal alkaloid called 'chonemorphine' can be made from the plant and has been used to treat intestinal infections in Wistar rats. (Chatterjee DK et al (1987) Parasitol Res 74, 1, 30-33).[10]

roots are sweet, bitter astringent - laxative, thermogenic, depurative, carminative, anthelmintic, digestive, anti-scorbutic, sudorific, anodyne, expectorant and febrifuge.[11] treats skin diseases, leprosy, scabies, syphilis, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, constipation, helminthiasis, hyperdipsia, urethrorrhea, hyperacidity, cardiac debility, diabetes, jaundice, coughs, bronchitis and intermittent fevers.[11]


  1. ^ a b "Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston is an accepted name". (The Plant List). 23 March 2012. Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  2. ^ "Chonemorpha fragrans, Chonemorpha macrophylla, Frangipani vine -". - rare plants for home and garden. Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  3. ^ a b "PLANT OF THE MONTH – Chonemorpha fragrans, Frangipani Vine – GREAT ON A TRELLIS!". 9 April 2014. Retrieved 17 December 2016.
  4. ^ "Climbing Frangipani - Plant Guide - Lifestyle". Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  5. ^ a b c "Chonemorpha Fragrans Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients". Herbpathy. Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  6. ^ "FOC Vol. 16 Page 170". (Flora of China). Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  7. ^ a b c d K. Vanangamudi, V. Anbukkarasi and M. Prabhu Medicinal Seeds and Plants, p. 273, at Google Books
  8. ^ a b "Frangipani Vine". Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  9. ^ Ross, Linda (3 March 2015). "Climbing Frangipani". Retrieved 23 April 2020.
  10. ^ a b c d Wiart Christophe Medicinal Plants Of The Asia-pacific: Drugs For The Future (2006), p. 454, at Google Books
  11. ^ a b c P.K. Warrier, V.P.K. Nambiar & C. Ramankutty Indian Medicinal Plants: A Compendium of 500 Species, Volume 2 (1994), p. 66, at Google Books
  12. ^ a b c d "Frangipani Vine". Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  13. ^ LETI, Mathieu, HUL Sovanmoly, Jean-Gabriel FOUCHÉ, CHENG Sun Kaing, Bruno DAVID, Flore photographique du Cambodge, Paris: Privat, 2013, p. 78.
  14. ^ "Chonemorpha fragrans | International Plant Names Index". Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  15. ^ a b c d "Taxon: Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston". Retrieved 22 April 2020.
  16. ^ Umberto Quattrocchi CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology (2012), p. 936, at Google Books

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