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This article, Chinese hero cult, has recently been created via the Articles for creation process. Please check to see if the reviewer has accidentally left this template after accepting the draft and take appropriate action as necessary. Reviewer tools: Inform author

Taipei Yuanshan Loyalty Shrine

The Heroes's faith (義民爺) is an East Asian tradition of venerating "heroes" (義民 Yimin). Heroes are people who maintain courage and integrity during times of disorder. It is a collectivistic concept rather than an individualistic one.[1]。The temples go by various names and are collectively called Hero shrines.[2]

See also


  1. ^ 《臺陽筆記》,「故往往有漳人作亂而泉人攻之者,泉人謀逆而漳人揭之者。若漳、泉合謀不軌,則粵民必倡義以誅之,未有不成功者。」
  2. ^ 蔡錦堂:〈從神社忠烈祠--戰前與戰後台灣「國家宗祀的轉換」〉。

Category:East Asian folk religion Category:Articles containing non-English-language text Category:Religious Confucianism