Merging of coffea drinks


It's an old topic and muy memory is missing but i think I created that cathegory as an artifact to differentiate proper coffee made of roasted beans from other drinks such as soft drinks and alcoholic drinks. I'm glad that User:Fayenatic_london did correctly identify that coffea was a more general term for beverages from the coffea plant and not only beans. In fact at that time I remember that I was particulary intrested at the coffee berry juice, that as you may expect is not made with the bean, as well as beverages from other parts of the plant, so I created a more general category that also seved as a separation betwwen coffe infusions, soft drinks and alcoholic beberages, so it wasn't just a selfish purpose, it could be an overkill, but anyway where do you put coffee berry juice and coffee leave tea now?

Does not matter, great job anyway.