In mathematics, a basis of a matroid is a maximal independent set of the matroid—that is, an independent set that is not contained in any other independent set.



As an example, consider the matroid over the ground-set R2 (the vectors in the two-dimensional Euclidean plane), with the following independent sets:

{ {}, {(0,1)}, {(2,0)}, {(0,1),(2,0)}, {(0,3)}, {(0,3),(2,0)} }.

It has two bases, which are the sets {(0,1),(2,0)} , {(0,3),(2,0)}. These are the only independent sets that are maximal under inclusion.

The basis has a specialized name in several specialized kinds of matroids:[1]





All matroids satisfy the following properties, for any two distinct bases and :[2][3]

However, a basis-exchange property that is both symmetric and bijective is not satisfied by all matroids: it is satisfied only by base-orderable matroids.

In general, in the symmetric basis-exchange property, the element need not be unique. Regular matroids have the unique exchange property, meaning that for some , the corresponding b is unique.[6]



It follows from the basis exchange property that no member of can be a proper subset of another.

Moreover, all bases of a given matroid have the same cardinality. In a linear matroid, the cardinality of all bases is called the dimension of the vector space.

Neil White's conjecture


It is conjectured that all matroids satisfy the following property:[2] For every integer t ≥ 1, If B and B' are two t-tuples of bases with the same multi-set union, then there is a sequence of symmetric exchanges that transforms B to B'.



The bases of a matroid characterize the matroid completely: a set is independent if and only if it is a subset of a basis. Moreover, one may define a matroid to be a pair , where is the ground-set and is a collection of subsets of , called "bases", with the following properties:[7][8]

(B1) There is at least one base -- is nonempty;
(B2) If and are distinct bases, and , then there exists an element such that is a basis (this is the basis-exchange property).

(B2) implies that, given any two bases A and B, we can transform A into B by a sequence of exchanges of a single element. In particular, this implies that all bases must have the same cardinality.



If is a finite matroid, we can define the orthogonal or dual matroid by calling a set a basis in if and only if its complement is in . It can be verified that is indeed a matroid. The definition immediately implies that the dual of is .[9]: 32 [10]

Using duality, one can prove that the property (B2) can be replaced by the following:

(B2*) If and are distinct bases, and , then there exists an element such that is a basis.



A dual notion to a basis is a circuit. A circuit in a matroid is a minimal dependent set—that is, a dependent set whose proper subsets are all independent. The terminology arises because the circuits of graphic matroids are cycles in the corresponding graphs.

One may define a matroid to be a pair , where is the ground-set and is a collection of subsets of , called "circuits", with the following properties:[8]

(C1) The empty set is not a circuit;
(C2) A proper subset of a circuit is not a circuit;
(C3) If C1 and C2 are distinct circuits, and x is an element in their intersection, then contains a circuit.

Another property of circuits is that, if a set is independent, and the set is dependent (i.e., adding the element makes it dependent), then contains a unique circuit , and it contains . This circuit is called the fundamental circuit of w.r.t. . It is analogous to the linear algebra fact, that if adding a vector to an independent vector set makes it dependent, then there is a unique linear combination of elements of that equals .[10]

See also



  1. ^ Ardila, Federico (2007). "Matroids, lecture 3". youtube. Archived from the original on 2020-02-14.
  2. ^ a b Bonin, Joseph E.; Savitsky, Thomas J. (2016-01-01). "An infinite family of excluded minors for strong base-orderability". Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 488: 396–429. arXiv:1507.05521. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2015.09.055. ISSN 0024-3795. S2CID 119161534.
  3. ^ "Matroids Lecture 2: Bases". YouTube.
  4. ^ a b Brualdi, Richard A. (1969-08-01). "Comments on bases in dependence structures". Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. 1 (2): 161–167. doi:10.1017/S000497270004140X. ISSN 1755-1633.
  5. ^ Greene, Curtis; Magnanti, Thomas L. (1975-11-01). "Some Abstract Pivot Algorithms". SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 29 (3): 530–539. doi:10.1137/0129045. hdl:1721.1/5113. ISSN 0036-1399.
  6. ^ McGuinness, Sean (2014-07-01). "A base exchange property for regular matroids". Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B. 107: 42–77. doi:10.1016/j.jctb.2014.02.004. ISSN 0095-8956.
  7. ^ Welsh, D. J. A. (1976), Matroid Theory, L.M.S. Monographs, vol. 8, Academic Press, ISBN 978-0-12-744050-7, Zbl 0343.05002. Section 1.2, "Axiom Systems for a Matroid", pp. 7–9.
  8. ^ a b Federico, Ardila (2012). "Matroids: Lecture 6". Youtube.
  9. ^ White, Neil, ed. (1986), Theory of Matroids, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 26, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-30937-0, Zbl 0579.00001
  10. ^ a b Ardila, Federico (2012). "Matroids lecture 7". Youtube.