Ariakan Ariakas
Dragonlance character
First appearanceThe Second Generation "Kitiara's Son" (1994)
Created byMargaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
In-universe information
Racecivilized human
ClassLegendary Tactician
AlignmentLawful Evil

In the Dragonlance series, Ariakan Ariakas is the son of Lord Ariakas, Dragon Highlord during the War of the Lance, and the sea goddess Zeboim. He was prompted by his Dark Queen Takhisis (also his maternal grandmother) to found the Knights of Takhisis, a dark reflection of the Knights of Solamnia, in fact, Ariakan's order borrowed much from the older order. He was often compared in intelligence and in facial expression to a sea hawk. He was a peerless commander, just as his father was, but he succeeded where his father failed in that his army was noble, just, and, above all, loyal, as opposed to the loose and disloyal Dragonarmies.

Early life

Ariakan was personally trained by his father as a fighter and served under him in the War of the Lance. He was captured at Neraka and made prisoner in the High Clerist's Tower by the Knights, where he learned of the values of honor and loyalty, as well as studying the Knights and learning all he could from them. He convinced the Knights to teach him their ways, and in a short time he was released, called a friend by many Knights.

Ariakan was charged with the creation of a Dark Knighthood by his Dark Queen, Takhisis. Ariakan began his recruitment, taking in survivors of the War of the Lance and also the boys old enough to be tempted to the Dark Knights, among them the son of Kitiara Uth Matar and Sturm Brightblade, Steel Brightblade. Ariakan went forth and founded Storm's Keep, the Dark Knights new fortress, situated on an island far from civilization as to remain secret. Ariakan also recruited barbarian people known as brutes to be his footsoldiers.

The Chaos War

Ariakan gathered his troops and sailed to Kalaman, which surrendered to his forces, being the first city to fall to him. He continues conquering in the north, eventually meeting the Knights of Solamnia at the High Clerist's Tower, which fell for the first time in history to the Dark Knights. Tanis Half-Elven perished at that battle. With the fall of the Tower came Palanthas, and all of northern Ansalon. Qualinesti later fell, but Thorbardin and Silvanesti eluded him, although he hoped they would soon be taken. Chaos's legions soon attacked the Tower, however, causing mass destruction and death. Ariakan himself fought in the battle, as well as being commander of the forces, and was slain in the battle. Zeboim appeared to Steel Brightblade and his men, the only survivors, to claim his body.

After the War

Once the War of Souls ended, Chemosh, god of the dead, revealed his possession of Ariakan's soul, leading to Zeboim aiding Chemosh in the effort to retrieve her son's soul. A kender and a former monk recover the piece of Ariakan's soul and return it to Zeboim, who resurrects her son in full mortality.

Ariakan still lives, and further information will come with the conclusion of the Dark Disciple Trilogy.
