Many problems in mathematical programming can be formulated as problems on convex sets or convex bodies. Six kinds of problems are particularly important:[1]: Sec.2  optimization, violation, validity, separation, membership and emptiness. Each of these problems has a strong (exact) variant, and a weak (approximate) variant.

In all problem descriptions, K denotes a compact and convex set in Rn.

Strong variants

The strong variants of the problems are:[1]: 47 

Closely related to the problems on convex sets is the following problem on a convex function f: RnR:

Trivial implications

From the definitions, it is clear that algorithms for some of the problems can be used to solve other problems in oracle-polynomial time:


The solvability of a problem crucially depends on the nature of K and the way K it is represented. For example:

Weak variants

Each of the above problems has a weak variant, in which the answer is given only approximately. To define the approximation, we define the following operations on convex sets:[1]: 6 

Using these notions, the weak variants are:[1]: 50 

Trivial implications

Analogously to the strong variants, algorithms for some of the problems can be used to solve other problems in oracle-polynomial time:

Stronger weak variants

Some of these weak variants can be slightly strengthened.[1]: Rem.2.1.5(a)  For example, WVAL with inputs c, t' = t+ε/2 and ε' = ε/2 does one of the following:

Implications of weak variants

Besides these trivial implications, there are highly non-trivial implications, whose proof relies on the ellipsoid method. Some of these implications require additional information about the convex body K. In particular, besides the number of dimensions n, the following information may be needed:[1]: 53 

The following can be done in oracle-polynomial time:[1]: Sec.4 

The following implications use the polar set of K - defined as . Note that K**=K.

Necessity of additional information

Some of the above implications provably do not work without the additional information.[1]: Sec.4.5 

Geometric problems on convex bodies

Using the above basic problems, one can solve several geometric problems related to convex bodies. In particular, one can find an approximate John ellipsoid in oracle-polynomial time:[1]: Sec.4.6 

These results imply that it is possible to approximate any norm by an ellipsoidal norm. Specifically, suppose a norm N is given by a weak norm oracle: for every vector x in Qn and every rational ε>0, it returns a rational number r such that |N(x)-r|<ε. Suppose we also know a constant c1 that gives a lower bound on the ratio of N(x) to the Euclidean norm, Then we can compute in oracle-polynomial time a linear transformation T of Rn such that, for all x in Rn, .

It is also possible to approximate the diameter and the width of K:

Some problems not yet solved (as of 1993) are whether it is possible to compute in polytime the volume, the center of gravity or the surface area of a convex body given by a separation oracle.

Problems on combinations of convex sets

Some binary operations on convex sets preserve the algorithmic properties of the various problems. In particular, given two convex sets K and L:[1]: Sec.4.7 

From weak to strong oracles

In some cases, an oracle for a weak problem can be used to solve the corresponding strong problem.

General convex sets

An algorithm for WMEM, given circumscribed radius R and inscribe radius r and interior point a0, can solve the following slightly stronger membership problem (still weaker than SMEM): given a vector y in Qn, and a rational ε>0, either assert that y in S(K,ε), or assert that y not in K. The proof is elementary and uses a single call to the WMEM oracle.[1]: 108 


Suppose now that K is a polyhedron. Then, many oracles to weak problems can be used to solve the corresponding strong problems in oracle-polynomial time. The reductions require an upper bound on the representation complexity (facet complexity or vertex complexity) of the polyhedron:[1]: Sec. 6.3 

The proofs use results on simultaneous diophantine approximation.

Necessity of additional information

How essential is the additional information for the above reductions?[1]: 173 

Implications of strong variants

Using the previous results, it is possible to prove implications between strong variants. The following can be done in oracle-polynomial time for a well-described polyhedron - a polyhedron for which an upper bound on the representation complexity is known:[1]: Sec.6.4 

So SSEP, SVIOL and SOPT are all polynomial-time equivalent. This equivalence, in particular, implies Khachian's proof that linear programming can be solved in polynomial time,[1]: Thm.6.4.12  since when a polyhedron is given by explicit linear inequalities, a SSEP oracle is trivial to implement. Moreover, a basic optimal dual solution can also be found in polytime.[1]: Thm.6.5.14 

Note that the above theorems do not require an assumption of full-dimensionality or a lower bound on the volume.

Other reductions cannot be made without additional information:

Extension to non-well-described convex sets

Jain[5] extends one of the above theorems to convex sets that are not polyhedra and not well-described. He only requires a guarantee that the convex set contains at least one point (not necessarily a vertex) with a bounded representation length. He proves that, under this assumption, SNEMPT can be solved (a point in the convex set can be found) in polytime.[5]: Thm.12  Moreover, the representation length of the found point is at most P(n) times the given bound, where P is some polynomial function.[5]: Thm.13 

Geometric problems on polyhedra

Using the above basic problems, one can solve several geometric problems related to nonempty polytopes and polyhedra with a bound on the representation complexity, in oracle-polynomial time, given an oracle to SSEP, SVIOL or SOPT:[1]: Sec.6.5 

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Grötschel, Martin; Lovász, László; Schrijver, Alexander (1993), Geometric algorithms and combinatorial optimization, Algorithms and Combinatorics, vol. 2 (2nd ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-78240-4, ISBN 978-3-642-78242-8, MR 1261419
  2. ^ Yamnitsky, Boris; Levin, Leonid A. (1982). "An old linear programming algorithm runs in polynomial time". 23rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (SFCS 1982). pp. 327–328. doi:10.1109/SFCS.1982.63. Retrieved 2024-01-29.
  3. ^ Bland, Robert G.; Goldfarb, Donald; Todd, Michael J. (December 1981). "Feature Article—The Ellipsoid Method: A Survey". Operations Research. 29 (6): 1039–1091. doi:10.1287/opre.29.6.1039. ISSN 0030-364X.
  4. ^ Yudin and Nemirovskii, 1976, (in Russian)
  5. ^ a b c Jain, Kamal (2007). "A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Computing an Arrow–Debreu Market Equilibrium for Linear Utilities". SIAM Journal on Computing. 37 (1): 303–318. doi:10.1137/S0097539705447384. ISSN 0097-5397.
  6. ^ Edmonds, J.; Pulleyblank, W. R.; Lovász, L. (1982-09-01). "Brick decompositions and the matching rank of graphs". Combinatorica. 2 (3): 247–274. doi:10.1007/BF02579233. ISSN 1439-6912. S2CID 37135635.