Bishop Adrien-Hippolyte Languillat, S.J.

Adrien-Hippolyte Languillat (1808–1878) was a French Jesuit and missionary in China. He was titular bishop of Sergiopolis (1856–1878) and vicar apostolic of Southeastern Chi-Li (1856–1864) and Kiangnan (1864–1878).


Adrien-Hippolyte Languillat was born in Chantemerle, district of Épernay (Marne), on 28 September 1808. He was a French bishop who was Bishop in partibus of Sergiopolis, Apostolic Vicar of Nanjing and Honorary Member of the Société d'Agriculture, Commerce, Sciences et Arts de la Marne.

Languillat was ordained in Châlons-sur-Marne and was immediately placed as vicar in the parish of Notre-Dame, from where he was soon called to be parish priest of the Saint-Alpin church in Châlons. In 1841, he joined the Society of Jesus and went to China as a missionary.

In 1856, he was created Bishop in partibus of Sergiopolis, and appointed Apostolic Vicar of the new Apostolic Vicariate of the South-East Cheli, in the province of Nanjing, then in 1864, he succeeding Bishop Borgniet, Apostolic Vicar of Nanjing, until his death.

In 1867, he had come to see his native country again and recruit nuns for China, and returned to China after three months in France.

In Shanghai (which depended on Nanjing's headquarters), he approved the foundation of the Sisters of the Presentation (the presentandines) in 1873 for young Chinese women. Three nuns made their first vows that year. Their convent, closed after the 1949 revolution, reopened in 1985.

He also brought the Carmelites and auxiliaries from Purgatory to Zikawei (Shanghai). His last years were overshadowed by a stroke in 1874. He died in Zikawei (Shanghai) on 30 November 1878,