12th Independent Battery Indiana Light Artillery
ActiveJanuary 25, 1862 – July 7, 1865
CountryUnited States
EngagementsSiege of Corinth
Siege of Chattanooga
Battle of Lookout Mountain
Battle of Missionary Ridge
Battle of Nashville

12th Indiana Battery Light Artillery was an artillery battery that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War.



The battery was organized at Jeffersonville and Indianapolis, Indiana, and mustered in for a three-year enlistment on January 25, 1862.

The battery served unattached, Army of the Ohio, to June 1862. Reserve Artillery, Army of the Ohio, to September 1862. Post and Defenses of Nashville, Tennessee, Department of the Ohio, to November 1862, and Department of the Cumberland to July 1865.

The 12th Indiana Battery Light Artillery mustered out of service on July 7, 1865.

Detailed service




The battery lost a total of 24 men during service; 2 officers and 22 enlisted men died of disease.



See also


