Plantae Uah nilai ring Wikidata
Data (id) Pangalihan Basa
Sumber dariminyak sayur (id) Pangalihan Basa, Susu nabati (id) Pangalihan Basa, bahan tumbuhan (id) Pangalihan Basa, olahan berbahan tumbuhan (id) Pangalihan Basa, produk tumbuhan (id) Pangalihan Basa, protein tumbuhan (id) Pangalihan Basa miwah serat tumbuhan (id) Pangalihan Basa Uah nilai ring Wikidata
Krajan Uah nilai ring WikidataPlantae Uah nilai ring Wikidata
Haeckel Uah nilai ring Wikidata, 1866 Uah nilai ring Wikidata
Tata aran
Sinonim takson (id) Pangalihan Basa
  • Viridiplantae Cavalier-Smith 1981[1]
  • Chlorobionta Jeffrey 1982, emend. Bremer 1985, emend. Lewis and McCourt 2004[2]
  • Chlorobiota Kenrick and Crane 1997[3]
  • Chloroplastida Adl et al., 2005 [4]
  • Phyta Barkley 1939 emed. Holt & Uidica 2007
  • Cormophyta Endlicher, 1836
  • Cormobionta Rothmaler, 1948
  • Euplanta Barkley, 1949
  • Telomobionta Takhtajan, 1964
  • Embryobionta Cronquist et al., 1966
  • Metaphyta Whittaker, 1969
  • Nematophyta
  • Chlorophyta
    • Palmophyllales
    • Prasinophyceae
    • Nephroselmidophyceae
    • Pseudoscourfieldiales
    • Pyramimonadophyceae
    • Mamiellophyceae
    • Scourfieldiales
    • Pedinophyceae
    • Chlorodendrophyceae
    • Trebouxiophyceae
    • Ulvophyceae
    • Chlorophyceae
  • Streptophyta s.l.
    • Chlorokybophyta
    • Mesostigmatophyta
    • Klebsormidiophyta
    • Charophyta (stonewort)
    • Chaetosphaeridiales
    • Coleochaetophyta
    • Zygnematophyta
    • Embryophyta (Tetanduran darat)

Tetanduran inggih punika silih tunggil organisme sané kalimbakang ring silih tunggil genah, raris prasida kaalap ring masannyané ri kala sampun mentik. Sujatinyané makasami tetanduran punika marupa entik-entikan.


  1. Cavalier-Smith, T. (1981). "Eukaryote kingdoms: Seven or nine?". BioSystems. 14 (3–4): 461–481. doi:10.1016/0303-2647(81)90050-2.
  2. Lewis, L.A.; McCourt, R.M. (2004). "Green algae and the origin of land plants". American Journal of Botany. 91: 1535–1556. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.10.1535.
  3. Kenrick, Paul; Crane, Peter R. (1997). The origin and early diversification of land plants: A cladistic study. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 1-56098-730-8.
  4. Adl, S.M. et al. (2005). "The new higher level classification of eukaryotes with emphasis on the taxonomy of protists". Journal of Eukaryote Microbiology. 52: 399–451. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2005.00053.x.CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)

Pranala jaba

Data botani miwah vegetasi
