44 v.C.
| 2de eeu v.C. | 1ste eeu v.C. | 1ste eeu |

| 49 v.C. | 48 v.C. | 47 v.C. | 46 v.C. | 45 v.C. | ◄ 44 v.C. ► | 43 v.C. | 42 v.C. | 41 v.C. | 40 v.C. | 39 v.C. |
Dae | Eeue | Geskiedenis | Geskiedenisportaal

Astronomiese kalender -43
Ab urbe condita 710
Chinese kalender 2653 – 2654

癸子 – 甲丑

Hebreeuse kalender 3717 – 3718
- Vikram Samvat 12 – 13


[wysig | wysig bron]


[wysig | wysig bron]


[wysig | wysig bron]


[wysig | wysig bron]
  1. The Roman Near East, 31 B.C.-A.D. 337 ACLS Humanities E-Book, Fergus Millar, Harvard University Press, 1993, ISBN 0674778863, ISBN 9780674778863
  2. Milena Melfi (2014). ""Religion and Society in Early Roman Corinth: A Forgotten Coin Hoard and the Sanctuary of Asklepios."". Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 83 (4): 747–76. doi:10.2972/hesperia.83.4.0747.