182 v.C.
| 3de eeu v.C. | 2de eeu v.C. | 1ste eeu v.C. |

| 187 v.C. | 186 v.C. | 185 v.C. | 184 v.C. | 183 v.C. | ◄ 182 v.C. ► | 181 v.C. | 180 v.C. | 179 v.C. | 178 v.C. | 177 v.C. |
Dae | Eeue | Geskiedenis | Geskiedenisportaal

Eumenes II
Ab urbe condita 572
Chinese kalender 2515 – 2516

乙午 – 丙未

Hebreeuse kalender 3579 – 3580



  1. Habicht, Christian (1990). ""Athens and the Attalids in the Second Century B. C."". Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 59 (3): 561–77.((cite journal)): AS1-onderhoud: gebruik authors-parameter (link)
  2. Vermeulen, Frank (2022). “From Potentia to Porto Recanati: The Roman Coastal Colony and Its Modern Legacy.” Rome and the Colonial City: Rethinking the Grid. Oxbow Books. pp. 291–310.((cite book)): AS1-onderhoud: gebruik authors-parameter (link)