Zea mays "fraise"
Zea mays "Oaxacan Green"
Zea mays "Ottofile giallo Tortonese”

Chibage (maize or corn in English) chinorimwa kuno kuchamhembe kweAfrica kwachinova ndicho kudya kunodyiwa mazuva mazhinji neruzhinji rwemhuri dziri kuno. Chibage chizhinji chinogayiwa kuita hupfu chodyiwa seSadza; chimwewo ndicho chinogochewa; kukangiwa nokubika manhuchu nemangayi.

Mamwe mazita anoreva chibage ndeaya: mabarwe, chibere, mabagwe, bonore kana mabonore.

Chibage ndiMabrijo

Munhu akashata

Kukohwa Chibage

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

Tinotyora chibage mumunda, ndokuchifurura nokuchiisa pamurwi kuti chiome. Chikaoma chinopurwa chova musvo. Musvo unorongedzerwa mudura. Kana hwodikwa upfu, wovazhwa musvo nokudururirwa muduri. Zvino wodzvurwa kuti usvokotorwe maunwa. Wozodururirwa murusero kuti ubvumburwe. Zvino wozosara dzava shoro. Shoro dzogayiwa dzichiva upfu: we break off a maize cob in the field, peel off its outer cover and put it on a heap to dry. When the cobs are dry they are threshed and become grains. The grain is put into its proper place in the storage bin. When meal is wanted, grain is poured into the mortar. Then it is pounded in the mortar to remove the skin from each grain. Next it is poured into a winnowing-basket to separate the husks from the meat of the grains. What is left is crushed maize. Crushed maize is ground into meal.

Mamwe Mazwi

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

Kurerurtsa Mutauro

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]

Mitauro yeBantu

[chinjirudza | chinjirudza mabviro]