Yu / iu / hiu
Julat zaman: Jurasik Awal–Kini
Carcharhinus longimanus
Pengelasan saintifik s
Domain: Eukaryota
Alam: Animalia
Filum: Chordata
Kelas: Chondrichthyes
Subkelas: Elasmobranchii
Infrakelas: Euselachii
Superorder: Selachimorpha



Yu (يو[1]), iu, hiu (Riau[2]) atau jerung (Jawi: جروڠ) ialah sekelompok ikan dalam superorder Selachimorpha dengan kerangka tulang muda yang lengkap dan tubuh yang ramping. Sebanyak 500 spesies ikan jerung yang diketahui wujud; kebanyakan ikan ini ditemukan di lautan.[3]

Ikan yu atau jerung bernafas dengan menggunakan lima pasang liang insang (kadang-kadang enam atau tujuh, bergantung pada spesies) di sisi, atau di belakang kepalanya. Kulit tubuh ikan-ikan jenis ini dilapisi dentikel dermis untuk melindungi kulit dari dirosakkan jangkitan parasit serta memperbaiki dinamik bendalir semasa berenang dalam air. Jerung juga mempunyai beberapa deret gigi yang dapat diganti.[4] Beberapa spesies jerung ini merupakan pemangsa puncak dalam rantai makanan habitat didiami. Ikan yu sebenarnya jarang menyerang manusia kecuali kalau terasa terancam tidak seperti yang ditanggap orang ramai.

Ikan yu mencakup spesies yu pigmi, Euprotomicrus bispinatus, dari laut dalam yang berukuran sebesar telapak tangan panjangnya hanya 22 cm, hingga yu paus, Rhincodon typus, ikan terbesar, yang tumbuh hingga sekitar 12 meter dan hanya makan plankton seperti ikan paus melalui alat penyaring di mulutnya. Yu banteng, Carcharhinus leucas, adalah yang paling terkenal dari beberapa spesies yang berenang di air laut mahupun air tawar (jenis ini ditemukan di Tasik Nicaragua, di Amerika Tengah) dan di delta-delta.


"Yu", "hiu" dan "iu" sewarisan turunan kata akar Bahasa Proto-Austronesia *qiSu.[5] "Yu" dicatat lazim di Semenanjung Melayu dan Sumatera.[6] "Iu" dan "hiu" lebih didapati di kepulauan Riau;[2] malah "hiu" sendirinya digunakan dalam bahasa baku Indonesia.[1]

Taburan habitat

Aneka spesies jerung berbeza boleh ditemui di semua lautan dan semua habitat marin. Ia sering dilihat berhampiran pantai dengan sumber makanan yang banyak. Di samping itu, selain dari perairan pantai cetek, ikan yu juga hidup di kawasan lautan dan laut dalam. Sesetengah spesies hidup khusus di dasar laut (bental), manakala spesies lain yang kebanyakannya besar lebih cenderung hidup di kawasan air terbuka (pelagik). Terdapat juga spesies jerung air tawar genus Glyphis atau "jerung lembu"[7] yang hidup lazimnya atau secara eksklusif dalam air payau serta tawar dalam sistem sungai atau tasik bersambungkan lautan.














Filogeni order-order ikan yu berdasarkan DNA mitokodria.[8]

Ikan yu tergolong dalam superorder Selachimorpha cabang Elasmobranchii dalam kelas rumpun ikan bertulang rawan, Chondrichthyes. Kelas Elasmobranchii juga termasuk ikan pari dan ikan skate, dan Chondrichthyes juga termasuk ikan kimera. Sebelum ini, ikan yu dipercayai membentuk kumpulan polifili: sesetengah jerung lebih berkait rapat dengan ikan pari berbanding dengan beberapa jerung lain.,[9] tetapi kajian data molekul mendukung monofili dalam ikan yu serta pari.[10][11]

Superorder Selachimorpha dibahagikan kepada Galeomorphii) dan Squalomorphii. Ikan Galeomorphii ialah Heterodontiformes, Orectolobiformes, Lamniformes dan Carcharhiniformes. Lamniformes dan Carcharhiniformes biasanya diletakkan dalam satu klad, tetapi kajian terbaru menunjukkan kedua-duanya adalah terpisah. Sesetengah saintis kini berpendapat bahawa Heterodontiformes mungkin berada di bawah Squalomorphii. Squalomorphii pula dibahagikan kepada Hexanchiformes dan Squalomorpha. Klad pertama termasuk yu garang dan yu berjumbai, walaupun sesetengah pengarang mencadangkan kedua-dua keluarga dipindahkan ke order berasingan. Squalomorpha mengandungi Squaliformes dan Hypnosqualea. Hypnosqualea mungkin tidak sah. Ia termasuk Squatiniformes, dan Pristorajea, yang mungkin juga tidak sah, tetapi termasuk Pristiophoriformes dan ikan pari.[9][12][13]

Ciri-ciri fizikal


Gigi yu terlekat pada gusi berbanding terus ke rahang, dan sering diganti-ganti sepanjang hayat. Lapisan-lapisan gigi pengganti tumbuh dalam ruang dalam rahang dan bergerak perlahan-lahan ibarat tali sawat; sesetengah ikan yu hilang lebih 30 ribu batang gigi dalam hayatnya. Kadar penggantian gigi berjulat dari sekali setiap 8-10 hari hingga beberapa bulan. Dalam kebanyakan spesies, gigi digantikan sekali satu masa berbanding sebaris gigi serentak seperti dalam Isistius.[14]

Bentuk gigi bergantund dengan dietnya: ikan yu yang makan moluska dan krustasea memiliki gigi yang padat dan rata bagi tujuan kunyahan, dan yang makan ikan lain memiliki gigi tajam bagi tujuan cengkaman, dan ikan yu yang memakan mangsa besar seperti mamalia memiliki gigi bawahan tajam bagi cengkaman dan gigi atasan bergerigi bagi menguyah. Gigi yu pemakan plankton lazimnya kecil dan tiada fungsi.[15]


Kerangka yu sangat berbeda dibandingkan dengan ikan-ikan bertulang seperti ikan lazim, rangka yu diperbuat dari rawan yang sangat ringan dan lentur, meskipun sebahagian ikan yu yang lebih tua kadangkala boleh mengeras sehingga lebih berupakan tulang. Rahang yu beraneka ragam dan diduga telah berevolusi dari rongga insang terawal. Rahang ini tidak melekat pada tengokrak dan mempunyai deposit mineral tambahan yang memberikannya kekuatan yang lebih besar.

Ikan yu umumnya lama dalam mencapai kematangan seks, dan menghasilkan zuriat yang sedikit dibandingkan dengan ikan-ikan lain. Ini telah menimbulkan keperihatinan dalam kalangan ahli biologi tatkala kes penangakapan ikan yu meningkat, dan banyak spesies yang kini dianggap terancam. Beberapa organisasi seperti misalnya Shark Trust, mengiat kempen mengehadkan penangkapan yu.

Serangan yu

Hanya beberapa spesies yu sahaja yang berbahaya kepada manusia. Dalam kalangan lebih 470 spesies, hanya tiga sahaja yang diketahui mengancam secara sahih: yu putih, yu harimau dan yu lembu;[16][17] yu perang juga diduga menyerang manusia, tetapi belum disahihkan dalam statistik.[18] Ikan-ikan yu ini bersaiz besar, kuat dan kadangkala membawa maut. Pada 2006, pertubuhan pengawasan serangan jerung menyiasan 96 serangan ikan yu, dan mengesahkan 62 daripadanya tidak melibatkan provokasi. Bilangan kematian global dari serangan tak provokatif, 2001-2006, ialah 4.3.[19] Persepsi ancaman ikan yu dipelopori beberapa serangan tak provokatif berasingan, serta bahan fiksyen popular seperti siri Jaws. Dalam hal ini, pihak pembikin Jaws kemudian cuba untuk menerbalikkan imej ikan yu sebagai pemangsa manusia.[20]

Secara umum, jerung tidak menunjukkan kecenderungan ketara dalam menyerang manusia secara khusus. Penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa apabila manusia menjadi mangsa yu, ada kemungkinan yu itu tersalah nampak manusia sebagai haiwan mangsa seperti anjing laut.[21][22]

Dalam budaya

Yu sangat menonjol dalam mitologi orang Hawaii. Ada cerita-cerita tentang manusia yu yang mempunyai rahang yu di belakang mereka. Mereka dapat berubah bentuk antara yu dan manusia pada waktu-waktu yang mereka inginkan. Sebuah tema umum dalam cerita-cerita ini adalah bahwa manusia-manusia yu ini akan memperingatkan orang-orang yang ke pantai bahawa di perairan itu terdapat yu. Orang-orang yang ke pantai itu akan menertawai dan mengabaikan peringatan-peringatan mereka dan akan tetap berenang, dan kerana itu kemudian mereka dimakan oleh manusia yu yang sama, yang memberikan peringatan kepada mereka agar tidak turun ke air.

Mitologi Hawaii juga mengandung banyak dewa yu. Mereka percaya bahwa yu adalah penjaga samudera, dan disebut Aumakua:

Di Yunani kuno, orang dilarang makan daging yu pada perayaan-perayaan perempuan.

Dalam budaya popular

Bertentangan dengan gambaran rumit yu dalam budaya Hawai'i dan budaya Pasifik lain, budaya Barat sering melihat ikan yu sebagai makhluk yang ngeri.[23] Ikan yu seringkali diapaparkan sebagai sang pemakan dan ancaman, terutamanya dalam novel Jaws dan filem bertajuk sama, serta karya susulannya.[24] Ikan yu juga dilihat sebagai pengancam dalam filem-filem seperti Deep Blue Sea, The Reef dan lain-lain, tetapi kadang-kadang dipaparkan dalam konteks komedi seperti dalam Finding Nemo dan siri Austin Powers. Ikan yu lazim dapat dilihat dalam kartun yang melibatkan latar lautan, seperti kartun Tom and Jerry dan Jabberjaw.


Ada mitos yang popular bahawa yu kebal terhadap penyakit dan barah; namun hal ini tidak benar. Ada penyakit dan parasit yang mempengaruhi yu. Bukti bahawa yu setidak-tidaknya tahan terhadap kanser dan penyakit boleh dikatakan hanya penyembuh dan kalaupun ada, sedikit sekali pembelajaran ilmiah atau statistik yang membuktikan bahawa yu dapat meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap penyakit.

Ancaman kepupusan

Pada 2008, dianggarkan hampir 100 juta jerung dibunuh oleh manusia setiap tahun akibat pancingan komersial dan rekreasi.[25][26]

Daging ikan yu seringkali dipancing sebagai makanan. Contoh ketara ialah sup sirip yu, suatu hidangan sup asal Asia (China, Taiwan,[27][28] dan Asia Tenggara[29]) yang lazim dihidangkan dalam majlis perkahwinan atau makanan mewah.[30] Kira-kira 72 juta ekor ikan yu dibunuh bagi memperoleh siripnya.[31] Kini, gantian hidangan ini dihasilkan tanpa memerlukan sirip yu,[32][33] sekaligus mengekang pengancaman terhadap ikan ini. Now I'm going to upload all of the Babyfirst episodes on Babyfirst Media Archive since the user is so proud of his recorded footages of 2008 and 2009. Here are all the episodes I'll be uploading for him and Lalaloopsy. Babyfirst Tales Rumpelstiltskin The Ugly Duckling Peter and the Wolf Sleeping Beauty Old Mother Hubbard The Piper of Hamelin Jack and the Beanstalk Tom Thumb The Toy Soldier The Bremen Town Musicians Pinocchio Cinderella Little Red Riding Hood Goldilocks and the Three Bears The Elves and the Shoemaker The Emperor’s New Clothes Three Little Pigs Rapunzel The Frog King The Princess and the Pea The Golden Goose Thumbelina Fred and Fiona Tomato Cow Apple Train Bird Guitar Frog Milk Dog Shoes Fish Ice Cream Truck Horse Book Pants Watermelon Broom Rose Airplane Boat Corn Whale Cucumber Orange Car Coconut Sheep Blocks Bicycle Pineapple Monkey Cloud Penguin Piano Giraffe Crayon Banana Parrot Teddy Bear Cake Telephone Lamp Cat Paintbrush Table Harry the Bunny Blanket (Bedtime) Radio Mirror Carrot Blue Hat Sand Growing a Flower Teddy Bear Circle Green Whistle Stuffed Animals One Orange Shirt Milk Cup Dog I See Something You Don’t See Long and Short Birthday Party Yellow Book of Animals Peek-A-Boo Paper and Crayon Baby Bottle Baby Cat Water Scarf Two Tree Remote Control Car Matching Socks Triangle Making Rhythm Grandparents Leaves Slide Coloring Book of Birds In and Out Five Horn Red Cereal Duck in Water Daddy My Pop Up Book Juice Milk Omelet Shoes Lunchbox Pajamas Flower Spoon Carrot Candles Kite Paper Dolls Maple Syrup Red Clown Nose Puzzle Present Cherry Bubble Bowl Straw Present (Birthday Party) Shells Picnic Basket Storybook Goldfish House Chick Bench Stroller Banana Sled Puppy Tractor Refrigerator Drumsticks Ice Cream Butterfly Ball Swing and Sing Itsy Bitsy Spider Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? Six Little Ducks Loopty Loo The Bear Went Over The Mountain Pat-a-Cake It’s Raining, It’s Pouring The Muffin Man Skip To My Lou Polly Wolly Doodle B-I-N-G-O Old Macdonald Had a Farm The More We Get Together Shoo Fly Mary Had A Little Lamb London Bridge Is Falling Down Pop Goes The Weasel If You’re Happy And You Know It The Farmer In The Dell A Tisket, A Tasket Safari Scrapbook Peacock Deer Duck Dog Kangaroo Stork Cat Owl Monkey Raccoon Swan Horse Snail Bee Gorilla Seal Beetle Donkey Sheep Cow Ant Elephant Butterfly Giraffe Camel Lion Penguin Frog Hippo Rabbit Zebra Parrot Chimpanzee Bear Ostrich Leopard Chicken Rhino Pig Goat Snake Mouse Turtle Fox Hedgehog The Yoyo and Peanut Show Up and Down Big and Small Above and Below Loud and Quiet Front and Back Wet and Dry Adult and Baby Fast and Slow More and Less Empty and Full Near and Far Hard and Soft Hot and Cold Fat and Thin On and Off In and Out Day and Night Whisper and Shout Laugh and Cry Open and Closed Give and Take Calm and Excited Heavy and Light Forward and Backward Strong and Weak Smile and Frown Friendly Jack Dinner Exercise Bike Gardener Balloons Birthday Party Tillie Knock Knock Freddie the Frog Daphne the Duck Betty the Bird Caleb the Cat Donny the Dog Harry the Horse Cassie the Cow Polly the Pig Bernie the Bear Sherman the Sheep Ronald the Rooster Bradley the Bee Sammy the Snake Penny the Parrot Ollie the Owl Wendell the Wolf Damon the Dove Gabby the Goat Trevor the Turkey Desmond the Donkey Bella the Baby Chick Melvin the Mouse Connie the Crab Gretta the Grasshopper Calvin the Cuckoo Willie the Woodpecker Marvin the Monkey Gilda the Goose Emma the Elephant Helen the Hen Leonard the Lion Sidney the Seal Cosmo the Cow Dolly the Dolphin Peekaboo, I See You! Hat, Television, Hanger Barrel, Two Snowmen, Wagon Bucket, Three Balls, Sandcastle Table, Mat, Shelf Bottles, Boots, Bananas Book, Rocking Horse, Door Boot, Pants, Cowboy Hat Sink, Curtains, Seesaw Book of Fairytales, Three Rubber Duckies, Magician Hat Sandbox, Gate, Cloud Teddy Bear, Two Bottles, Slide Slide, Bench, Pile of Leaves Teapot, Two Flowers, Orange Slice Picture Frame, Piano, Cello Turtle, Suitcase, Salad Telephone, Three Ladybugs, Paper Bag Logs, Bathtub, Laundry Basket Sun, Two Bushes, Hay Piggy Bank, Computer, Books House, Two Hot Air Balloons, Bush Present, Train, Cake Couch, Bed, Pillows Accordion, Two Bongos, Watermelon Slice Gate, Basket, Pine Tree Stuffed Dragon, Fedora Hat, Mushroom Newspaper, Three Cups, Toast Soccer Ball, Two Pineapples, Chunk of Cheese Stroller, Toy Box, Castle Pear, Two Snails, Notepad Sailboat, Two Pine Trees, Tent Picture Frame, Three Acorns, Camera Bush, Crib, Laundry Basket Bowl, Two Parrots, Winter Hat Mirror, Pumpkin, Stuffed Panda Cart, Bush, Apple Tree Cup, Two Clocks, Shoe Stuffed Giraffe, Stuffed Monkey, Stuffed Elephant Mountain, Couch, Feathers Ship, Two Cities, Airplane What Is It? Apple and Butterfly Banana and Bottle Soccer Ball and Sunflower Shirt and Ice Cream Sheep and Boots Truck and Camel Sock and Hippo Mushroom and Stork Bib and Gorilla Fork and Cockatoo Pizza and Rooster Pillow and Zebra Present and Mouse Flute and Candle Toothbrush and Hot Dog Cat and Pacifier Cup and Telephone Guitar and Table Pear and Snail Book and Hanger Glove and Donkey Window and Broccoli Puzzles Airplane Apple Baby Ball Balloon Banana Basket Bed Bird Boat Book Boots Brush Butterfly Cake Camera Candle Car Carrot Cat Caterpillar Chair Cheese Chicken Clock Cloud Clown Cookies Corn Cow Cup Deer Dog Doll Drum Duck Elephant Feather Fish Flower Frog Umbrella Tree Teddy Bear Train Lion Rainbow Penguin Pig Snail Ladybug Leaf Owl Turtle Goat House Kite Horse Moon Star Toothbrush Socks Hat Ice Cream Sun Zoo Sheep Queen Zebra X-Ray Giraffe Watermelon Mouse Rat Pile of Leaves Piano Sky Tomato Rabbit Hay Ice Girl Skier Sled Rink Skates Ice Skates Gift Box Seal Turkey Violin Xylophone Saxophone Trumpet Guitar Snowman Rooster Shoes Sandals Rain Squirrel Snow Recorder Rope Swan Goose Strawberry Plate Rainbow Horse Duck, Donkey, Pig Sunflower, Tree, Rose Socks, Shirt, Pants Bird, Cat, Dog Bicycle, Car, Truck Palm Tree, Pine Tree, Maple Tree Lion, Bear, Giraffe Chair, Table, Bed Carrot, Pickle, Pepper Igloo, House, Skyscraper Star, Moon, Cloud Helicopter, Airplane, Hot Air Balloon Peacock, Crow, Parrot Trumpet, Guitar, Piano Spoon, Cup, Pot Doll, Block, Ring Toy Motorcycle, Tractor, Train Fish, Seal, Dolphin Watch, Alarm Clock, Cuckoo Clock Bread, Cheese, Cake Apple, Banana, Grapes Lizard, Snake, Turtle Boots, Coat, Umbrella Rooster, Sheep, Cow Pacifier, Bottle, Bib Turnip, Corn, Cabbage Hammer, Drill, Saw Ant, Ladybug, Butterfly Tiger, Zebra, Rhinoceros Flute, Violin, Drum Ball, Teddy Bear, Kite Cherry, Pear, Pineapple Raft, Motorboat, Big Ship Flashlight, Arch Lamp, Light Post Penguin, Walrus, Whale Mittens, Winter Hat, Sweater Sunglasses, Sandals, Floatie Swan, Stork, Ostrich Ice Cream Truck, Fire Truck, Dump Truck Maracas, Triangle, Xylophone Sea Turtle, Crocodile, Hippopotamus Strawberry, Banana, Watermelon Saxophone, Cello, Harp Dresser, Rocking Chair, Sofa Mouse, Rabbit, Chipmunk Seashell, Pail, Sandcastle Balloon, Cake, Present Crayon, Paintbrush, Paint Palette Bee, Snail, Frog Tulip, Daisy, Cactus Mushroom, Garlic Onion, Lettuce Seesaw, Merry Go Round, Slide Scooter, Police Car, Bus Hamster, Porcupine, Squirrel Hot Dog, Sandwich, Salad Princess, King, Castle Puzzles, Baby, Robot Blocks, Mobile, Rocking Horse Sled, Snowman, Winter Tree Starfish, Crab, Octopus Bobby’s Balloon House Teddy Bear Parrot Lion Mermaid Dog Two Pacifiers Car Clown Moon Sun Grapevine Chicken Owl Bird Rabbit Tiara Snail Flower Fairy Cactus Squirrel Butterfly Peacock Frog Koala Bear Sheep Reindeer Caterpillar Giraffe Airplane Swan Whale Tricycle Helicopter Duck Elephant Snake on a Tree Doll Bloop and Loop Tree, Teddy Bear, Caterpillar Pumpkin, Bee, Ladybug Grapes, Snail, Grasshopper Bottle, Seahorse, Cat Broccoli, Turtle, Penguin Apple, Frog, Bird Mushroom, Crab, Rabbit Popsicle, Dinosaur, Cow Hot Dog, Train, Horse Strawberry, Bicycle, Elephant Cup, Bus, Rooster Spoon, Ship, Lion Pacifier, Fish, Helicopter Bib, Ball, Pig Mug, Seesaw, Kangaroo Teapot, Drum, Peacock Bell, Dolphin, Ant Sock, Hand, Watering Can Guitar, Owl, Car Shoe, Mouse, Wheel Hammer, Dog, Sheep Football, Boat, Rose Soccer Ball, Rocket, Leaf Star, Lips, Spatula Rubber Ducky, Gorilla, Shorts Top Hat, Piggy Bank, Tricycle Oven Mitt, Airplane, Seal Hot Air Balloon, Fire Engine, Snowman Telephone, Candle, Clock Stool, Earmuffs, Chick Key, Octopus, Hands Cupcake, Stuffed Monkey, Glasses Frog, Tractor, Boots Kangaroo, Hot Air Balloon, Dog Couch, Butterfly, Purse Doll, Tap, Bucket Umbrella, Jack in the Box, Heart Lamp, Xylophone, Kite Book, Lizard, House Toothbrush, Banana, Sun Hands, Cup, Helicopter Piggy Bank, Hammer, Butterfly Tractor, House, Jack in the Box Shell, Paintbrush, Shirt Penguin, Umbrella, Boat Snowman, Rabbit, Chick Peacock, Star, Train Kite, Leaf, Frog Guitar, Watering Can, Rocket Turtle, Car, Airplane Wonder Box Episode 1 (Two Balls, Cat and Panda, Flower/Dog, Dog) Episode 2 (Tree, Raccoons, Apple, Monkeys) Episode 3 (Balls, Giraffe and Monkey, Pillow/Sandwich, Scissors) Episode 4 (House, Flowers, Ball, Lions) Episode 5 (Table, Bird/Tomato, Kangaroo and Elephant, Cats) Episode 6 (Dogs, Guitar, Rabbits, Cow) Episode 7 (Cats, Pig and Horse, Cake/Cone, Flower) Episode 8 (Baby Bottle, Cups, Bib, Bears) Episode 9 (Shoe, Kangaroo/Window, Frog and Snail, Oranges) Episode 10 (Rabbits, Baby Bottle, Shoes, Car) Episode 11 (Oranges, Sheep and Cow, Orange/Table, Butterfly) Episode 12 (Cake, Hats, Lion, Pigs) Episode 13 (Hat, Cat/Rose, Spider and Mouse, Cars) Episode 14 (Cats, Butterfly, Bear, Pots) Episode 15 (Cars, Turtle and Caterpillar, Chick/Drumsticks, Tree) Episode 16 (Airplane, Cakes, Train, Giraffes) Episode 17 (Umbrella, Cow/Hot Dog, Lion and Tiger, Pumpkins) Episode 18 (Elephants, Fish, Spoons, Shirt) Episode 19 (Ducks, Banana, Tables, Drum) Episode 20 (Dogs, Duck and Rabbit, Dog/Straw, Car) Episode 21 (Airplane, Lid/Hamburger, Cat and Elephant, Rabbits) Episode 22 (Snails, Umbrella, Dolls, Star) Episode 23 (Rabbits, Panda and Pig, Apple/Rabbit, Bicycle) Episode 24 (Boat, Candles, Truck, Frogs) Episode 25 (Crayons, Cup/Tomato, Rabbit and Frog, Pots) Episode 26 (Mice, Hat, Giraffes, Guitar) Episode 27 (Pots, Cow and Horse, Flowers/Monkey, Necklace) Episode 28 (Doll, Toothbrushes, Rattle, Kangaroos) Episode 29 (Glasses, Chicken/Monkey, Turtle and Duck, Boats) Episode 30 (Sheep, House, Brooms, Balloon) Episode 31 (Boats, Lion and Monkey, Horse/Plum, T-Shirt) Episode 32 (Butterfly, Teddy Bears, Fish, Swans) Episode 33 (Ice Cream, Frog/Giraffe, Kangaroo and Tiger, Squirrels) Episode 34 (Tigers, Boat, Cookies, Clock) Episode 35 (Squirrels, Bear and Elephant, Flower/Bread, Airplane) Episode 36 (Teddy Bear, Balloons, Pacifier, Peacocks) Episode 37 (Clown, Cookies/Mouse, Penguin and Giraffe, Tomatoes) Episode 38 (Turtles, Spoon, Lions, Dog) Episode 39 (Tomatoes, Sheep and Peacock, Vine/Carrot, Seesaw) Episode 40 (House, Buckets, Pineapple, Penguins) Episode 41 (Slide, Ladybug/Monkey, Ant and Caterpillar, Dolls) Episode 42 (Zebras, Fork, Dogs, Mushroom) Episode 43 (Dolls, Chicken and Mouse, Ball/Caterpillar, Teddy Bear) Episode 44 (Truck, Tractors, Sheep, Donkeys) Episode 45 (Cat, Squirrel/Fish, Zebra and Hippo, Flowers) Episode 46 (Cows, Giraffe, Sandwiches, Hat) Episode 47 (Flowers, Peacock and Turtle, Butterfly/Koala Bear, Kite) Episode 48 (Whale, Guitars, Banana, Flamingos) Episode 49 (Car, Baby/Seal, Mouse and Squirrel, Bears) Episode 50 (Alligators, Elephant, Trees, Snail) Episode 51 (Bears, Seal and Swan, Sheep/Lemon, Ice Cream Cone) Episode 52 (Alligator, Cats, Cow, Deer) Episode 53 (Guitar, Clown/Woodpecker, Dog and Cat, Stars) Episode 54 (Hippos, Apple, Presents, Basket) Episode 55 (Stars, Spider and Snail, Sandwich/Peanuts, Sun) Episode 56 (Seal, Monkeys, Giraffe, Squirrels) Episode 57 (House, Bear/Baby, Hippo and Zebra, Mice) Where Do They Go? Cat and Dog Orange and Purple Gloves Watermelon and Chicken Plate and Fork Stuffed Monkey and Rabbit Umbrella and Coat Orange and Blue Car Drum and Flute Tree and Flower Boot and Coat Cup and Spoon Happy and Sad Face Banana and Orange Television and Piano Excited and Mad Face Airplane and Cloud Helicopter and Car Rocking Horse and Stroller Zebra and Monkey Squirrel and Acorn Bell and Trumpet Purple and Yellow Square Gloves and Scarf Flower and Bird Frog and Duck Chair and Rug Orange and Blue Cup Purple and Green Horse Snake and Butterfly Flower and Bee Orange and Blue Diamond Book and Crayon Yellow and Red Umbrella Leaf and Acorn Guitar and Hot Dog Chair and Bed Cake and Ice Cream Airplane and Boat Boy and Girl Green and Blue Ball Purple and Red Heart Green and Blue Toothbrush Sandwich and Pizza Teddy Bear and Doll Bottle and Pacifier Bowl and Spoon Fish and Shell Yellow and Blue Star Truck and Boat Bus and Bicycle Babies Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Episode 20 Episode 21 Episode 22 Episode 23 Episode 24 Episode 25 Numbers Around the Globe 2 Polar Bears 3 Monkeys 4 Mice 5 Butterflies 2 Seals 4 Rabbits 5 Chicks 2 Cats 2 Bees 3 Cheetahs 4 Monkeys 5 Birds 2 Penguins 3 Elephants 4 Chicks 5 Bees 3 Polar Bears 4 Cheetahs 3 Penguins 5 Rabbits 3 Seals Shape A Majigs Snowman Truck Ladybug Ice Cream Cone Caterpillar Slice of Watermelon Chunk of Cheese Mouse Mushroom Slice of Orange Lollipop Sailboat Pair of Glasses Rubber Ducky Train Seesaw Owl Pine Tree Crown Elephant Snail Guitar Fish Pig Turtle Trumpet Envelope Butterfly Apple Tree Pie Star Kite Airplane Hot Air Balloon Sun Car House Key What’s Different? Apples Peppers Bunches of Grapes Piglets Balloons Cats Turtles Fishes Butterflies Trees with Leaves Flowers Cars Bikes Fire Engines Rubber Duckies Kites Ice Cream Cones Umbrellas Dresses Gift Boxes Stars Triangles Squares Combs Crayons Sheep Books Beds with Pillows Trains Dogs Dinosaurs Tables with Vases Rabbits Elephants Teddy Bears Wagons Clocks Boots Lemons Drums Zebras Bears Clowns Ants Sailboats Widget and his Wonder Machine Balls Rubber Duckies Carrots Cars Apples Birthday Cakes Hats Trucks Rings Bicycles Trumpets Coats Unicycles Fire Engines Teddy Bears Baby Bottles Blocks Slippers Rattles Hula Hoops Coconuts Telephones Fish Guitars Books Roller Skates Umbrellas Dolls Pumpkins Kites Cupcakes Balloons Sleds Shoes The Wordies Grapes Squirrel Umbrella Airplane Egg House Tomato Telephone Ant Chair Bird Milk Mountain Key Monkey Shoes Sand Water Spoon Orange Camera Frog Bowl Toothbrush Teddy Bear Cat Apple Book Banana Snow Plate Kangaroo Table Balloon Rabbit Bread Sink Penguin Knife Dog Bottle Bucket Tree Cake Crayons Truck Bathroom Door Sun Mushroom Lake Kite Cookie Hat Kitchen Sailboat Butterfly Pile of Leaves Stroller Train Soap Bed Clock Ready, Dress, Go! Lucy: Astronaut Lee: Scuba Diver Lucy: Wedding Lee: Baseball Lucy: Queen Lee: Snow Lucy: Ballerina Lee: Sailor Lucy: Firefighter Lee: Wedding Lucy: Doctor Lee: Karate Lucy: Pirate Lee: Painter Lucy: Magician Lee: Fisherman Lucy: Soccer Lee: Fortune Teller Lucy: Park Lee: Beach Lucy: Police Officer Lee: Knight Lucy: Farmer Lee: Crossing Guard Lucy: Parade Lee: Pajamas Lucy: Princess Lee: King Lucy: Pool Lee: Chef Lucy: Beach Lee: Pool Number Time 2 Rabbits, 2 Birds 3 Tricycles, 3 Helicopters 4 Squirrels, 4 Turtles 5 Giraffes, 5 Cows 6 Bells 7 Chicks 8 Fish 9 Zebras 10 Cameras 2 Snails, 2 Grasshoppers 3 Ducks, 3 Dolphins 4 Hats, 4 Sweaters 5 Lions, 5 Tigers 6 Birds 7 Frogs 8 Mice 9 Hats 10 Turtles 2 T-Shirts, 2 Pairs of Shorts 3 Pairs of Pants, 3 Coats 4 Sandwiches, 4 Peaches 5 Octopuses, 5 Hippos 6 Basketballs 7 Paintbrushes 8 Pumpkins 9 Plates 10 Pictures 2 Bowls, 2 Plates 3 Pineapples, 3 Cherries 4 Oranges, 4 Roses 5 Hangers, 5 Mittens 6 Bees 7 Butterflies 8 Umbrellas 9 Pineapples 10 Tractors 2 Bananas, 2 Apples 3 Chairs, 3 Ladders 4 Cameras, 4 Hairbrushes 5 Cups, 5 Spoons 6 Gloves 7 Shirts 8 Teapots 9 Lilies 10 Bottles 2 Clocks, 2 Backpacks 3 Radios, 3 Violins 4 Televisions, 4 Ovens 5 Chairs, 5 Tricycles 6 Mugs 7 Pots 8 Strawberries 9 Guitars 10 Apples 2 Trumpets, 2 Whistles 3 Rectangles, 3 Triangles 4 Tulips, 4 Snowmen 5 Cakes, 5 Watermelons 6 Bananas 7 Carrots 9 Leaves 2 Peanuts, 2 Roses 6 Shells 2 Houses, 2 Trees 2 Pails, 2 Kites 9 Phones 8 Mushrooms 10 Pumpkins 3 Horses, 3 Shovels 4 Circles, 4 Squares 5 Newspapers, 5 Pillows 6 Cakes 7 Cookies 8 Combs 10 Pacifiers 3 Cars, 3 Trucks 4 Basketballs, 4 Dolls 5 Radios, 5 Whistles 6 Keys 7 Books 8 Lamps 9 Stars 10 Trumpets 3 Owls, 3 Pigs 4 Cars, 4 Buses 5 Triangles, 5 Airplanes 7 Guitars 8 Pianos 9 Balloons 10 Snowmen 6 Shoes 7 Daisies 8 Rattles 9 Envelopes 10 Locks 6 Airplanes 7 Wheels 8 Cars 9 Trucks 10 Pails Hide and Seek Living Room Bedroom Kitchen Play Room Dining Room Garden Backyard (Autumn) Playground Beach Forest Farm Pool Stable Lake Bathroom Nursery Alley Garage Laundry Room Park Porch Picnic Attic Sandbox Doghouse Carpenter House Moving Day Library Vegetable Garden Circus Backyard (Spring) Tool Shed Basement Library Art Room Vegetable Garden Puppet Theater Classroom Amusement Park Petting Zoo Pantry Flower Shop Backyard (Winter) Fruit Stand Fire Station Bakery Shapes and Sizes Triangle, Circle, Square, Rectangle Bee, Crow, Owl, Parrot Giraffe, Elephant, Monkey, Zebra Butterfly, Caterpillar, Snail, Turtle Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep Polar Bear, Penguin, Seal, Walrus Fish, Shark, Dolphin, Whale Sea Star, Seahorse, Jellyfish, Oyster Cat, Dog, Squirrel, Mouse Lion, Tiger, Alligator, Dinosaur Grasshopper, Rabbit, Kangaroo, Frog Camel, Horse, Duck, Ladybug Bird, Goose, Flamingo, Ostrich Apple, Banana, Pear, Watermelon Loaf of Bread, Sandwich, Tomato, Egg Carrot, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Pie Chocolate Bar, Ice Cream Cone, Strawberry, Birthday Cake Pizza, Chunk of Cheese, Mushroom, Pineapple Tablespoon, Teaspoon, Plate, Cup Orange, Lemon, Grape, Grapefruit Butter Knife, Fork, Jar, Refrigerator Bottle of Milk, Baby Bottle, Soft Drink Can, Milk Carton Cookie, Cucumber, Lollipop, Red Bell Pepper Chair, Table, Sofa, Bed Television, Disc, Book, Computer Coat, Button, Shirt, Trousers Umbrella, Scarf, Woolen Hat, Snowman House, Ladder, Window, Stairs Key, Lock, Door, Mailbox Crayon, Marker, Paintbrush, Smiley Face Alarm Clock, Grandfather Clock, Watch, Cuckoo Clock Balloon, Kite, Airplane, Helicopter Tractor, Train, Car, Truck Big Ship, Small Boat, Raft, Rubber Boat Cloud, Lightning Bolt, Star, Rainbow Swing, Seesaw, Slide, Merry-Go-Round Microphone, Headphones, Keyboard, Computer Mouse Glasses, Binoculars, Telescope, Magnifying Glass T-Comb, Hairbrush, Nail Clipper, Q-Tip Toothbrush, Tube of Toothpaste, Bar of Soap, Bottle of Shampoo Baby, Child, Man, Woman Guitar, Harp, Violin, Cello Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Drum Sock, Sneaker, Mitten, Baseball Cap King, Queen, Crown, Scepter Leg, Hand, Palm, Foot Saxophone, Maracas, Tambourine, Bongos Harmonica, Keyboards, Accordion, Piano Oak Tree, Pine Tree, Leaf, Flower Clown, Puppet, Teddy Bear, Rubber Ducky Recorder, Trumpet, Clarinet, Whistle Small Recorder, Medium Recorder, Big Recorder, Bigger Recorder The Number Six, The Number Twelve, Big Hand, Small Hand The Numbers Farm 4 Birds, 4 Crows 4 Ducks, 4 Geese 2 Birds, 2 Butterflies, 2 Crows 2 Ducks, 3 Dogs, 3 Horses 2 Cows, 2 Sheep, 2 Goats 2 Geese, 3 Butterflies, 3 Doves 4 Sheep, 4 Goats 2 Horses, 2 Cows, 2 Frogs 2 Crows, 3 Pigs, 3 Birds 2 Chicks, 2 Frogs, 2 Ducks 2 Ducks, 2 Geese, 2 Doves 2 Pigs, 3 Cats, 3 Cows 4 Doves, 4 Butterflies 2 Cats, 2 Dogs, 2 Sheep 2 Frogs, 3 Horses, 3 Goats 5 Dogs, 5 Doves 5 Cats, 5 Butterflies 2 Cats, 3 Chicks, 3 Doves 5 Birds, 5 Goats 5 Geese, 5 Pigs 2 Sheep, 3 Goats, 4 Pigs 5 Horses, 5 Frogs 4 Cats, 4 Dogs 5 Crows, 5 Sheep 2 Ducks, 3 Dogs, 4 Crows 4 Chicks, 4 Cows 5 Ducks, 5 Rabbits 3 Geese, 4 Chicks, 4 Cats 4 Doves, 3 Frogs, 2 Horses 2 Cows, 3 Geese, 4 Frogs 3 Doves, 4 Cats, 5 Horses Play With Me Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Episode 20 Episode 21 Episode 22 Episode 23 Episode 24 Episode 25 Episode 26 Episode 27 Episode 28 Episode 29 Episode 30 Episode 31 Episode 32 Episode 33 Episode 34 Episode 35 Episode 36 Episode 37 Episode 38 Episode 39 Episode 40 Baby Maze Birthday Party Ball Remote Controlled Car Pool Toy Box Snowman Roller Skating Hide and Seek Picnic Basket Vacation Kite Shoe Cherry Gardening Soap Crayons Rainy Day Cereal Soup Cookies Flower Scuba Dots Fish Dolphin Whale Shark Octopus Jellyfish Crab Lobster Seahorse Starfish Clam Preserver Trout Swordfish Boat Eel Snail Seal Sea Turtle Shell Hippo Treasure Chest Ship Yacht Alligator Diver Submarine Blowfish Anchor Mermaid Salamander Penguin Raft with Flag Arty Party Apple Cat Horse Chicken Cup Dog Duck Elephant Flower Fish Ice Cream Stork Sheep Swan Table Toothbrush Turtle Butterfly Banana House Lion Socks Spoon Sun Slide Guitar Rabbit Penguin Shoes Saxophone Car Tree Connect the Dots Fish Bottle Dog Flower Cat Umbrella Giraffe Telephone Elephant Snowman Bird Car Horse Chair Snail Guitar Window Turtle Kite Duck Book Shoes Sun Train Clown Xylophone Monkey Lamp Butterfly Bus Bed Airplane Kangaroo Boat Apple Table Ice Cream Bathtub Baby Trumpet Toothbrush Swing Blocks Hammer Slide Petey Paintbrush Orange Butterfly, Carrot, Slippers, Basketball Yellow Duck, Banana, Daffodil, Pencil Green Caterpillar, Peas, Leaves, Socks Blue Fish, Blueberries, Sky, Skates Purple Octopus, Grapes, Violets, Crayon Red Car, Apple, Ball, Backpack Orange Popsicle, Fish, Sippy Cup, Orange Green Turtle, Broccoli, Dinosaur, Pear Blue Parakeet, Blanket, Jeans, Bicycle Purple Blocks, Eggplant, Button, Party Dress Orange Pumpkin, Sweater, Comb, Orange Juice Yellow Giraffe, Cheese, Stars, Rubber Duck Green Frog, Lettuce, Alligator, Grasshopper Blue Dolphin, Pajamas, Towel, Booties Purple Jewel, Plum, Bottle, Lollipop Yellow Corn, Bird, Telephone, Sweater Green String Bean, Grass, Hat, Bracelet Blue Baby Bottle, Feather, Airplane, Eyes Purple Grape Jam, Roller Skates, Candle, Barrette Red Robin, Heart, Scarf, Tricycle Orange Seahorse, Flag, Flower, Pants Yellow House, Shell, Boat, Flashlight Green Cactus, Onion, Mittens, Party Dress Blue Chair, Frisbee, Bow, Coat Purple Grape Juice, Purse, Sofa, Robe Red Raspberries, Lobster, Street Sign, Helmet Orange Tiger, Shirt, Teapot, Teacups Yellow Bumblebee, Squash, Guitar, Balloon Black and White Car 2 Bicycle 1 Boat 2 Airplane 1 Elephant 1 Train 1 Duck 1 Giraffe 1 Turtle 1 Balloon 1 Bee 1 Horse 1 Bus 1 Fish 1 Caterpillar 1 Deer 1 Dog 1 Ducks 4 1 Bird 1 Hot Air Balloon 1 Cat 1 Teddy Bear 2 Frog 1 Cat 2 Car 1 Bicycle 2 Boat 2 Airplane 2 Elephant 2 Train 2 Duck 2 Giraffe 2 Turtle 2 Balloon 2 Horse 2 Bus 2 Fish 2 Caterpillar 2 Deer 2 Dog 2 Ducks 4 2 Bird 1 Hot Air Balloon 2 Carousel Dreams Car/Motorcycle Boy/Girl Ship/Airplane Guitar/Drum Fish/Shell Flower/Bee Monkey Doll/Bunny Cat/Dog Rocking Horse/Rocking Chair Giraffe/Zebra Parrot/Owl Umbrella/Raincoat Frog/Duck Dolphin/Whale Violin/Piano Pineapple/Strawberry Bed/Stroller Cement Truck/City Bus Bird/Chicken Caterpillar/Butterfly Squirrel/Turtle Bicycle/Scooter Helicopter/Jet Teacup/Teapot Tree/Flower Cake/Ice Cream Hat/Jacket Leaf/Acorn Trumpet/Acoustic Guitar Watermelon Pixies Chick Ship Flower House Elephant Giraffe Car Stork Fish Sun Bicycle Clock Tree Mouse Doll Umbrella Owl Rabbit Turtle Lion Guitar Dog Key Rocking Horse Cat Bottle Lamp Butterfly Apple Camel Danny and Daddy Pair of Shoes Telephone Helicopter Hog Horse Cute Pig Mouse Duck Snake Island Bird Cute Dog Pigs Elk Clown Puppy Squirrel Sleeping Pig Horse Cat Cute Frog Drum Butterfly Dove Flower Sheep Seal Ram Trumpet Cute Frog Hippopotamus Mouse Cute Pig Spectacles Giraffe Christmas Reindeer Snowman Ducks Red Butterfly Kick Scooter Dog Cartoon Ladybug Turtle Train Rooster Fishes Hippo Bull Smiley Bee Pinocchio Elephant Princess Gift Box Nightingale Race Car Sneaker Tortoise Watch Hamburger Rocket Cheese Ladies Jeans Cartoon Ship Cupcake Toothbrush Table Lamp Car Superman Space Shuttle Macaw Cutlery Snowman Clown Cactus Mobile Phone Airplane Cat Bone Scissors Toilet Landscape Puppy Dinosaur Wheel Shrimp Surfer Tortoise Parrot Octopus Goat Roller Coaster Lady Skating Stationery Bag English Soldier Clown Pirate Book Toothbrush Cute Octopus Cute Frog Baby Mio Mao The Peacock The Little Lamb The Ants The Chameleon The Beehive The Spider The Tortoise The Caterpillar The Cicada The Egg The Snake The Dog The Dormouse The Polyp The Hippopotamus The Squirrel The Monkey The Hedgehog The Tadpole The Snail The Owl The Mole The Beaver The Piglet The Hare The Fox The Worm The Anteater The Seed The Cricket The Swan The Turkey The Crocodile The Raccoon The Crab The Penguin The Little Bear The Christmas Tree The Snowman The Seal The Parrot The Mushroom The Dragonfly The Bat The Chestnut The Hornet The Kangaroo The Cow The Ladybird The Donkey The Koala The Deer The Elephant The Mouse The Ostrich The Pelican The Dove The Kingfisher The Television The Clew The Dolphin The Ghost The Goldfish The Zebra The Vacuum Cleaner The Sky Terrier The Sloth The Gorilla The Genie The Bull The Train The Little Theater The Tap The UFO The Vulture The Piano The Dinosaur Vocabularry Soccer Ball Tricycle Car Table Doll Umbrella Truck Guitar Ladder Telephone Bed Rocking Horse Apple Cup Bench Helicopter Train Bottle Bell Drum Flower Shirt Ball Spoon Box Banana Pants Chair Egg Motorcycle Cow Boots Joey’s Toy Box Toothbrush Spoon Fork Sippy Cup Baby Bottle Hat Plastic Plate Crayon Notebook Eraser Boots Gloves T-Shirt Shorts Shoes Coat Scarf Umbrella Comb Book Flute Telephone Watch Chair Pacifier Pillow Drum Ball Kite Guitar Toy Car Puzzle Socks Xylophone Tennis Racket Watering Can Sandals Trumpet Key Tub The Notekins Drum Piano Trumpet Violin Darbuka Chimes Triangle Xylophone Didgeridoo Flute Oboe Maracas Trombone Bagpipes Castanets French Horn Banjo Mandolin Organ Guitar Electric Guitar Recorder Saxophone Harp Tuba Accordion Tambourine Harmonica Cello Pipe Organ Clarinet Tell Me A Story 10 Rubber Duckies No More TV Sleepy Cat Silly Pig Bear Goes Shopping The Big Red Blanket Bear Gets Dressed 10 Little Sock Monkeys Where Are The Dogsharks? How Will I Ever Sleep In This Bed? Where Is Humpty Dumpty? Good Dog, Rover Knick Knack Paddy Whack What Happened To Jack & Jill? I Hate Boots! Grandpa, Will You Play With Me? Move Over! All Dirty! All Clean! Clown Games Wait For Us! Are You Sleepy Yet, Petey? Grandma, Where Are You? Cat Goes Fiddle-I-Dee Can You Play? Who Spilled The Milk? Bear All Year Fish Wish Bear's Busy Morning Hoot Scoot & What Snake Banana House Rain Train Bread Tomato Clock Car Moon Airplane Tree Cat Teddy Bear Sun Milk Book Bicycle Winter Bird Ice Cream Summer Cow Cereal Ball Dog I Can Sign Eat Drink Milk Water Apple Banana Bottle Play Sleep Mother Father Socks Help Head Hands Flower Ball Ice Cream Cone Happy Boy Eye Cry Train Picnic Bird Plant Farm Hat Halloween Fly Insect Zoo Cookie Baby Kiss Book Car Ear Feet Nose Elephant Boat Horse Duck Goat Cow Rainbow Penguin Cat Firetruck Bread Down Blanket Junglies First Day at School Hide And Seek Penny's Little Brother Echo Valley Albert's Tooth Journey To The Moon Where's Zoe Say Cheese Everyone Heavy, Heavy, Heavy Down the River Flying South The Great Storm A Very Big Monkey Shushybye Baby My Dog Ate My Homework Your Musical Journey Begins Welcome to the Shushybye Zoo The Shushy Swing We Got Your Dreams Tonight May I Have This Dance With You? MOON-FM Dream On! Pillow Park Rock Captain Yawn's Birthday Surprise Feels Like Magic Who's Making Dreams? I Really Love To Go To Sleep Wake Up Zeez! The Shushybye Dream Team Boogie Tonight I Wanna Thank You From The Shushies, With Love Shushybye Hoe Down My Newest Best Friend Snoozles, Won't You Come Out to Play? Do the Shushy Dance Shushybye and Goodnight A Land We Call Shushybye The Shushybye Blues It's a Shushy Day Harry & Larry Pros Who Help Carpenter Teacher Carpenter 2 Police Officer Firefighter Baker Scientist Cowboy Harry In Pj Baseball Player Orchestra Conductor Pilot Police Officer 2 Chef Astronaut Teacher 2 Baseball Player 2 Pilot 2 Doctor Harry in Pj 2 Orchestra Conductor 2 Doctor 2 Cowboy 2 Firefighter 2 Scientist 2 Bonnie Bear Seagulls, Ocean’s Waves, Boat Horn Bike Bell, Footsteps, Car Guitar, Piano, Drums Thunder Clouds, Rain, Wind Dog, Bird, Lawn Mower Car, Firetruck, Motorcycle Cooking, Teapot, Water Running Motorboat, Duck, Frog Cow, Rooster, Tractor Elephant, Lion, Monkey Violin, Flute, Harp Drums, Horns, Marching Feet Bee, Woodpecker, Sprinkler Airplane, Helicopter, Big Plane Cricket, Owl, Someone Snoring Bird, Bear, Wind In The Trees Tiger, Parrot, Snake Hammer, Saw, Drill Bath Water, Rubber Duckie, Splashing Dolphin, Whale, Seal Train Horn, Conductor’s Whistle, Train Moving On A Track Popcorn Popping, Somebody Eating Popcorn, Somebody Laughing Rattlesnake, Coyote, Eagle Party Horns, Blowing Out Candles, The Happy Birthday Song Telephone Ring, Cuckoo Clock, Cat Meow Horse, Squeaky Gate, Cow Rain, Tropical Birds, Jaguar Bouncing Ball, Children Playing, Dog Goat, Donkey, Goose Elephant, Clown, Children Laughing Jack Hammer, Saw, Bulldozer Vacuum Cleaner, Spray Bottle, Water From A Sink Ice Cream Truck, Children Playing Ball, Sipping Through A Straw Wind Chimes, Cat, Screen Door Cash Register, Coins, Paper Bag Duck, Frog, Fish Splashing Water Rattle, Baby, Mobiles Rooster, Alarm Clock, Yawn Chicks, Farmer Calling His Chicks, Rooster Xylophone, Triangle, Cymbals Cow, Sheep, Dog Pig, Horse, Sheep Bee, Baby Birds, Woodpecker Clay World Beach Playground Bedroom/Playroom Transportation Basketball Kitchen Yard Strollers and Bicycles Pool Desert Park Desert Zoo Funfair Dinner Soccer Field Duck Pond Farm Bathroom Music Shop Doctor Ocean Orchestra School Birthday Party Winter Ball Room Fishing Lemonade Marching Band North Pole Art Museum Picnic Fair Library Childhood Songs That’s What Puppets Do, Do, Do A Hen On A Wall Rabbits Three Old Ma Michel It's Pouring Rain Sweet Shepard On The Road To Ballyway Hello My Cousins, How Are You? Big Deer Did You See The Cow Three Eskimos A Spider Knit A Pair Of Socks Cadet Roussel Do You Plant Cabbage? The Wolf, The Fox, And The Weasel The Little Hunter When Biron Wanted To Dance A Red Fish Go To Sleep My Little Brother Nice ConPoppy A Fish At The Bottom Of A Pond Magic Tunnels Basketball, Bird, Bee in Egg, Three Apples Five Trucks, Pink Bottle and Stroller, Grapes, Cat in Egg Three Tomatoes, Five Kites, Green Hat and Coat, Truck Peacock, Truck, Elephant in Egg, Three Broccolis Five Balls, Yellow Sun and Moon, Stroller, Horse in Egg Three Peppers, Five Chairs, Red Motorcycle and Car, Clock Umbrella, Boat, Lion in Egg, Three Pears Five Trees, Blue Umbrella and Boot, Rainbow, Cow in Egg Three Eggplants, Five Boots, Teal Fish and Dolphin, House Ladybug, Key, Teddy Bear in Egg, Three Potatoes Five Motorcycles, Green Flower and Tree, Mouse, Dog in Egg Three Pumpkins, Five Planes, Red Bear and Doll, Mouse Dolphin, Stroller, Zebra in Egg, Three Oranges Five Buses, Pink Ice Cream and Balloon, Hot Air Balloon, Rabbit in Egg Three Onions, Five Telephones, Orange Guitar and Recorder, Giraffe Bottle, Baby Bottle, Frog in Egg, Three Watermelons Five Dolls, Yellow Spoon and Bowl, Baby Bottle, Rooster in Egg Three Lemons, Five Toothbrushes, Brown Clock and Camera, Bee Rings, Telephone, Duck in Egg, Three Peppers Five Cars, Purple Trumpet and Piano, Teddy Bear, Donkey in Egg Three Peaches, Five Clocks, Light Blue Cup and Bowl, Ice Cream Snail, Lamp, Monkey in Egg, Three Round Peaches Five Drums, Green Seahorse and Octopus, Xylophone, Squirrel in Egg Three Green Pears, Five Toasters, Red Sailboat and Binoculars, Tractor Train, Pineapple, Crocodile in Egg, Three Strawberries Five Cakes, Yellow Train and Tractor, Airplane, Bear in Egg Three Pineapples, Five Milks, Blue Crane and Swan, Flower Tec the Tractor Village Show Tractor Show The Hospital The Dentist The Echo The Cold Winter Tec Sleeps In Tec Goes to School Shearing Sheep Sheep Dog Trials Sam the Scarehen Making Hay Milking the Cows Planting Sweets Hunting for Eggs Hitch and Hike A Day at the Fair Drainage Problems Doris and Owen Concrete Trouble Bonfire Night Happy Birthday Big Bales Benji the Bull Babies on the Farm Beach Day Squeak! Max's Treasure Hunt Scarecrow Marvel's Garden The Flight Instructor Had Arrived Sami the Seagull The Pine Cone Foodie Fables Episode 2 Episode 6 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 23 Sali Mali Who Ate the Lettuce? Autumn Leaves Wet Paint Let’s Go Camping A Day at the Beach Hot Day Little Playdates There’s A Bear In There This Old Man The Old Gray Mare Little Miss Muffet The Eensie Weensie Spider The Little Red Engine Tik Tak Episode 66 Episode 72 Episode 123 Episode 125 Symfollies The Magician Grass-mower The Broken String Go Camping The Thieves The Rainbow Babysitter The Mirror Viola is Ill The Race The Treasure The Apple Parade The Broken Window Melted Ice Creams The Balloon Up the Hill The Marble Adolescent Love The Hunt The Kite Cracked Ice Plant Breeding The Clown Lost Objects Curiosity Music Lesson Falling Star Musical Note Celine's First Flight Glasses Aeroplane Sleepwalking Maestro in Problems Cycling Scissors Jawbreakers Masks Trampoline Cake Rocket Dowsing Rod Magnet Cave Castle Glue Fun Fair The Movie The Bridge The Cabin The Snow Race Dinner at the Castle The Wedding Word of the Day Kiss Ear Ball Apple Fish Shoes Orange Sit Mother Father Sister Brother Grandmother Grandfather Eat Water Milk Cookie Drink Play Book Car Feet Hands Eye Nose Sing in English Milk and Eggs Let’s Take a Trip Mommy, Mommy What Color Is It? Count to Ten Spring Musti 2D The Thunderstorm Daddy’s Car Trouble Musti’s Creative Capers The Goldfish The Buzzing Flower Silent Shopping The Sled The Itchy Guests Painting The Captain Hopla Hopla Throws a Party An Air Balloon Delicious Ice Cream Hopla in the Circus Hopla Drives the Train All Ladybugs On The Boat Hopla in His Car A Gift for Hopla Hopla on the Side Hopla on the Beach Hopla on the Farm Teddy Bears Dance of the Frogs A Mouse in the House Party Time Hopla and Nina Make Music Look, A Dolphin To The Fair New Glasses A Fun Hopla To Rock The Ball and the Seals An Elephant in the Air Onki and the Turtle A Delicious Ice Cream An Umbrella in the Clouds Have a Good Night, Hopla On The Boat Play with Hopla Hopla and Lola on the See-Saw Look, A Dolphin Hopla Makes Pancakes A Chicken Dance Let's Go Picnic, Hopla The Fox Saw, Saw To the Circus Here Comes The Balloon Hopla Plays Music Hopla and the Ambulance The Dance of the Penguins A Violin in the Cupboard Hopla Goes Camping A Gift and a Flower The Flamingo A Cow at the Fair Hopla is a Bus Driver A Strange Fish Hopla's Bike A Kite on the Beach A Snowman in Air Lola in a Rocket Skip Rope with Hopla Strawberries are Red Three Balls on the Trap A Train Hopla Wants a Color Hopla is Playing Soccer A Dress-Up Party Hopla and the Fanfare What a Beautiful Butterfly A Castle for Hopla It Rains Giddy Up Horse Good Morning Hopla The Dancing Alarm Clocks Two Bees Buzz Away An Apple for Hopla Funny Penguins There's the Train Hopla Goes Shopping Onki and Hopla Make Music Nina is a Fairy Lola Has A Dog A Ladybug Hopla Drives the Ambulance A Beautiful Castle A Cute Dolphin Onki is a Real Clown Two Ducks in the Pond Hopla and Lola in the Tent Puzzles with Hopla Who Wants an Ice Cream Hopla on a Go-Cart To The Hospital A Ball for Hopla Onki is a Santa Claus Hopla is in the Helicopter Hopla Blows Bubbles A Fish on the See-Saw Lola Splashes at Hopla Where is the Alarm Clock Hopla Goes Diving Hopla Can Magic Look, A Monkey A Visit to the Zoo A Fish for Hopla Dancing Snowmen On the Picnic Together A Squirrel Behind the Window Let's Play Domino So Much Music A Delicious Pear A Duck in the Air It's a Party Who's on the See-Saw Twelve Cakes in a Row Hopla in a Wheelchair Hopla and Nina Goes Apple Picking Hopla in the Train Station Nina is Looking for Hopla An Ice Cream Among the Fruit Tools on the Market The Mouse Loves Candy An Octopus in Hopla's Dream Something Jumps Out of the Toaster A Painting of Lola Who is Climbing the Apple Tree There's a Horse in the Closet A Flamingo and a Penguin on the Train The Moon in the Clouds Hopla Takes a Bath Cat is Hungry A Tractor On the Road Pick Flowers


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  27. ^ Simon Denyer (2018). "Even as China turns away from shark fin soup, the prestige dish is gaining popularity elsewhere in Asia". The Washington Post.
  28. ^ Adam Sweeting (2011-01-17). "Gordon Ramsay: Shark Bait/ Dispatches: Fish Unwrapped, Channel 4". The Arts Desk (dalam bahasa Inggeris).
  29. ^ Saeed Kamali Dehghan (2019-06-04). "Marine 'gold rush': demand for shark fin soup drives decimation of fish". the Guardian (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 2021-07-14.
  30. ^ Keith Bradsher, Disneyland in China Offers a Soup and Lands in a Stew, 17 June 2005 The New York Times
  31. ^ Shark Finning. Humane Society International.
  32. ^ Faux fins and mock meat
  33. ^ Alpha Food Lab Faux fin

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