Jajahan India
Empayar India British
Entiti Imperial India
India Belanda1605–1825
India Denmark1620–1869
India Perancis1668–1954

India Portugis
Casa da Índia1434–1833
Syarikat Hindia Timur Portugis1628–1633

India British
Syarikat Hindia Timur1612–1757
Pemerintahan syarikat di India1757–1858
Raj British1858–1947
Pemerintahan British di Burma1824–1948
Kerajaan kecil India1721–1949
Pembahagian India

Wilayah India, Kepimpinan India British terdahulu dan masih terdahulu, 'bandar Kepimpinan', ialah bahagian pentadbiran British di India. Secara kolektif, mereka dipanggil 'India British'. Dalam satu bentuk atau yang lain, mereka wujud antara 1612 dan 1947, secara konvensional dibahagikan kepada tiga tempoh sejarah:


  1. ^ Imperial Gazetteer of India vol. IV 1908, halaman 5 Quote: "The history of British India falls ... into three periods. From the beginning of the 17th to the middle of the 18th century, the East India Company is a trading corporation, existing on the sufferance of the native powers, and in rivalry with the merchant companies of Holland and France. During the next century the Company acquires and consolidates its dominion, shares its sovereignty in increasing proportions with the Crown, and gradually loses its mercantile privileges and functions. After the Mutiny of 1857, the remaining powers of the Company are transferred to the Crown ..." (p. 5)


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