
17 kesten

[1] Thit is thio erste kest and thio keninges Kerlis ieft alra Fresena, thet allera monna lic sines aynes bruke and walde, alsa longe sa hit vnforwrocht ehebbe.

[2] Thio other keste is thet: frethe alla godeshusum and alla godesmonnum bi lxxij pundum, and thet pund scol wesa bi sogen agripscha panningum, hwant Colneburch heth bi alda tydum Agrippina on alla noma, hwant thi kening heth Agrippinus, ther se stifte bi Oetauianus tidum. Tha was vs thio mente to fir and thi panning to swer, tha lichten hit tha franan and keren hit tha liude ene niarra menta and anne lichtera panning; leiden ende lageden with thet twa <and sogentich punda> lxxij scillinga Rednathes slachta iefta Kaueng slachta jefta Foka slachta. Sa hwasa thene frethe breke, thet hi gulde thria pund tha frana and xxj scillinga tha keningis bon tho liuda londrecht.

[3] Thio thredde kest is: Hweder sa ti mon hebbe driuande sa dregande hewa a wei sa a wetere, mersche sa mora, thet hi vppa sine gode sitte vnbirawat, hit nj e, thet ma him fon thes keninges halm tospreke and ma hine mith tele and mith rede and riuchta thingade vrwinne. Sa dwe hi alsaden, sa him sin asega deme and dele to liuda londriuchte and Fresna riucht. Thi asega ach ni acht nanne dom to delane, hit ne se, thet hine tha liude hebbe kern and hi tofara tha kayser to Rome hebbe swern. Sa ach hi thenne tho w itana alle riuchta thing and alle aftlike thing, thet sen kesta and londrucht. Sa ach hy thenna to delane tha fiunde alsar tha friunde, tha erma and tha rika, widum and wesum and alle walberum and alle warlase liudum like to helpane and hira thredda knj. Alsa thi asega nimth vnriuchte meida and tha vrlowade panningan, sa ach hi nanne dom mar to delane, thervmbe thet ti asega biteknat thene prestere. Thi asega and ti prestere hia sent <siande> and schen alle liudum helpa and then wei wisa, ther him sellum no ut helpa ne mei, hwant hia sen agen, oculi, ther liuda.

[4] Thio fiarde kest is: Hwasa inna otheres hewa and wera farith vnbiteldere tele and vnbithingade thinge er frana bon and vter asega ledene and liuda orlef, sa brecht hi X liudmerc; merka ec bi fior wedum, weda ec bi xij panningum; anna frana sine fiarda twedne scilling to liuda londrechte.

[5] Thio fifte keste is, thet wi Fresan agen [to heiane an] to haldane emes lawa, aldafeders lawa and edela lawa and feda lawa and thredknia lawa; ach ma to haldana and ded sunder strid mith xij monnum on tha withum.

[6] Thio sexte keste is, thet ma caplond and godeshuses erue, ther to tha godishuse bokat iefta iewen is, jef thet erue ening mon tha helgum [thet erue] wolde vntteztsa and vnttya, sa schel ma thet halda tha sancta to ther hond mith sogen monna withethum vter strid. And thera monna ne scel nen wesa menethich ne monslachtich ne an hordome ne an othera sendum sa fir biwllen se, thet hi ene karina schildich se. Alle schen wesa frey and fulbern, ayneruat an insetene liude, an alle schelen se kunna credo and pater noster.

[7] Thio sogende kest is, thet alle Fresan a fria stole sitte and hebbe frie spreke. Thet jef him thi goda kening Kerl, thruch thet hia cristen worde, henzech an herich tha sutherna keninge, clepschilde vrtege and huslowa gulde and sinte Peter vntkande mith tynze and mith tegeda and mith alsadene tynze, sa nu an keningis londe stant; and kapaden thermithe bi liuda riuchte and bi asega dome etheldom an freihals, want alle Fresan er nord vr hef herden in tha grimma herna.

[8] Thio achte kest is, thetter nen husmon ne ach with sinne hera to swithe ne winna jef with sinne kening nout to sere stridane. Jef hine alsa fir witherstride, thet ma hine alhir onspreke fon thes keninges halm, thet hi sines haudis schildich were, jef hit ouercome, thet his vngande <ne> were, jef his acbiseke, thet hine sikrie mith xij monna withethum: mith fior ethlingum, mith fior frilingum, mith fiower lethslachtum; mith alsadene twelwm sa riucht ma tha keninge. Sa ne thor thi husmon with thene keninge nanne kampa leda, thruch thet thi kening heth him selua allera kampana noch an sine sereda ridderum and thet ther ac alle kampan vnder thes keninges bon fiuchtat.

[9] Thio niogende kest is, thet wi Fresan agen vsen frethepanning to iewane, for tha twa hws thre <panningan> Rethnates slachta; hirmithe kapaden wi thes keninges bon. Hwasa him werne jefta sine weldicha boda and hit vrsitte bi sina dolla stride jefta bi sina vrmode, alhwan thi frana sinne skild vphalde, sa brecht hi thes keninges hagista bon, hit ne se thet his vngunge mith ene ethe, thet his na wernande were, ande jelde hi thes keninges bon tha frana mith xxj schillingum. Hirmithe ach ma vs to wariane sogen streta rum and rennande suther to farande, tria an londe and fior an wetere. Thio forme londstrete is vp to Omersburch and vt to Iewere. Thio other vp to Mimigerdeforde and vt to Emeda. Thio thredde is vp to Colne and vt to Stauerum. Thio forme weterstrete istio Elue. Thio other thio Wisere. Thio thredde is thio Emese. Thio fiarde is thet Ryn. Sa hwasa vs thira sogen stretena eng bitech iefta binimt, sa brecht hi theron X liudmerc and thes frana alrahagiste bon, thet is xxj schillinga. Jef thi Fresa iefta hira kapliud inna thira sogen stretena eng wert birawat jefta binereth and hit den se schen fon thes keningis halwm, sa ach ma hira schatha to fellene and to nimane of herum and of huslotha, of keninges lond and of liuda fia, thene schatha mithe to fellane. And is hit ac den fontes biscops halwm, sa ach ma hit to nimane of tinze and of thegede, hira schatha to fellane; and hira bon to betane to liuda londriucht.

[10] Thio tiande kest is, thet wi Fresan ne thoren nenes herabonnes farra plegia tha kayser to hilpe than aster to ther Wisere and wester to tha Fli. Tha wolde vs thi kening Kerl farra leda, aster to ther Eddere and wester to tha Sinfalem. Tha bihelden thet tha Fresan and efter wel biherten, thet hia sines bonnes farra ne plegede than aster to there Wisere and wester to tha Fli an suther nout farra than se ewenda machte witherkuma vmbe thet, thet wi vse londe bihalda machte with thene salta se and thene nord sereda ridder and with thene haga helm and thene rada schild and with then nordisca here.

[11] Thio alfte kest is: frethe alle widum and alle wesum, walberum and vnewaxena liudum, palmerum, rumfarum an riuchta karinerum, helga sindebodum bi X liudmerkum; and tham twifalde bote, ther vrswern hebbat wich and wepen thruch frethe an thruch nethe; and xxi schillinga tha frana.

[12] Thio twelfte keste is: tzurcfrethe, herefrethe, thingfrethe, rumfrethe, dycfrethe, hoffrethe, husfrethe, des byscops inferd and alder ma sweselika thriowa lowat bi xxxij reilmerkum, thet is achtehalf gratera merka; and xxi scillinga tha frana tho liuda londriuchte.

[13] Thio threttenste kest is: thi leida liudfrethe, ther tha liude lowiat, bi X liudmerkum, thera merka ec bi fior wedum, weda ec bi xij panningum. Sa hwasane brecht, sa ach hine to fellane mith alsathene panningum, sare on biseten is to liuda londeriucht.

[14] Thio fiortenste kest is: Jef thene mon Nordmon nimat and hi vrsant jefta vrseld wert, hweder nord vr hef jefta suther vr berch, jef hi sunt witherkume to londe and muge bikanna ayn an erda an sines feders statha, nomia feder and moder, brother iefta suster, foremunda iefta sinne [riuchtas] balemunda, ther sin lond inset, vrwixlat jefta vrkapat hebbe, sa <ach> hi to farane in sin ayn goud and vp sine ayne erwe vter strid mith alle Fresena riuchte.

[15] Thio fiftenste keste is: Gef hwa nat wida jefta famna jefta others monnes wif, ac ief hi ian schele and ma hine mith kompschelde winne, sa ach hi sine haud to lesane mith xij merkum itta liudum and hire wergeld mith othera xij merkum; and ofta twina xij merkum tha frana sine bon to fellane bi xxi schillingum, thrimen of ther liudschelde and twede ofta wergelde, thruch thet, thet hiu thes wares bihouath. Sine friund agen him to hilpane bi asega dome and nei scheltata bonne, jef hit selua nebbe. Jst ac thet, thet se hlied an clagat an worpena ware jefta inna heyda synde jefta inna thingada thinge, to kompian.

[16] Thio sextenste kest is, thet wi Fresan hebbat vrkern alle burga bihala twam burgum; thio forme istio aburch, thio other is thio seburch. Ther wart en hach frethe on leyd fon thes keninges halwm. Therefter vrkere wi Fresan stoc and stupa, skera and besma, hende and bende buta Saxena merkum, thruch thet wi Fresan mugen alle vse firna mith fia beta an fella, jef with hebbath. Werther ac hwa vrwonnen, vrdemet and ac vrdelet on liuda ware bi scheltata bonne an bi kayseris orleue, hebbe hi ac den hauddeda, ned brond jefta nednachtethiuchda jefta otheres morddeda, sa ielde hit selua mith sina halse, jef hi fia nebbe; sa scolre ac in thene kragga, ther tha kv nebbe, hwant hi like ielt alle liudum to thoncke, ther hongat. Mord scel ma mith mord kela.

peticio decem et septima. [17] Thio sogentenste keste is, ther Fresan mith hira fia kapaden itta kening Kerl, tha hi himman tha xvi hede iewen, thet hia thingat bi twira monna tele, bi asega dome, bi scelta bonne, an alra monna lic him sellum withe inna tha withum, hwet hi den hebbe, bihalua fif wendum.

[a] Thi forma wend is: Hwersa ma liachtis deys and bi skinande sunna twene heran sompniat and twene herefonan vpriucht and tha ofledene weddat, alle thet, ther ma ther fiucht jn dolghum jef in daddelum, thet scol alle iechta wesa.
[b] Thi other wend is: Hwersa ma ene frowa nimth wepande and ropande and ma hire fulgat mith fulke and mitha frana, hwet sa hire denna den is, sa ist alle iechta; ferist tha wiwe her werield and tha liudum hire frethe and tha frana sinne bon.
[c] Thi thredda weind is: Hwersa ma inna tha bonneda synethe jefta inna ena heyda thinge jefta inna ena liudworpena ware en wed weddat jefta enes thingis iecht, sa ne memma thes nene withe biada.
[d] Thi fiarda wend is: Hwasa farit nachtis bi slepanda monnum and bi vnwissa wakinghum to en othera monnis howe and huse [thruch] a thiawes laste aod brecht ther in hol an herna and ma hine bifarit vr send an vr sed mithera bundene bernde and ma him nimt a beke an a bosma tha blodiga thiuchde, sa ist al en iechta and ne memma there dede nene withe biada. And sa ach hi bi riuchta thene swartha lappa and thene smerta knotta and thet nordalde tre. Alle liudum ielt hi to thoncke ther hongat.
[e] Thi fifta wend is: Hwersa ma tha mentere binna thes keninges menta fad and falsched ander honde bigript, sa is sin hals thera liuda, hit ne se thet hia en lichtra londriucht kiase, thet hit mithera farra hond fella mote, and hit se a iechta and ne mei nene wite biada thruch thet, thetter nis nen werra thiaf than thi ofstelt helgum and herum and alla liudum.

Decem et septima Thit sent tha sogentene keste, ther thi kening Kerl alle Fresum ief and hia mith riuchta bruka schen, alsa longe sa lond lidze and tha liude libbe, wither alle heran and with alle husliude. Tha bad thi kening Kerl and therefter bade hit vs, thet wi alle afte thing and alle riuchta thinge helde and ovnade, sa longe sa wi liwade, and hwasa us thira thinga ening birawat, thet hi word fordemet and vrdelid tofara God almachtich and alle sine helgum in celo et in terra, bethe in hymelric and in erthric.

Thit riuchte ach ma and scol ma halda mith sogen liudewithum fonta sogen selondum to Vpstallisbame teysdey in ther pinxstrawika, alle Fresum to lowe ande to erum

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