Womyn is a term used by some radical feminists in order to degender the English word women. Other spellings meant to perform the same function include "wimmin" (plural), wom!n, and "womban" (see womb). An occasional singular form, to refer to one person, is womon. A similar usage is "femal" instead of "female". All are pronounced the same as the conventional terms.

The English term "man" (from Proto-Germanic mannaz, "person") and words derived therefrom can designate any or even all of the human race regardless of gender or age. This is indeed the oldest usage of "man". In Old English the words wer and wyf (also wæpman and wifman) were what was used to refer to "a man" and "a woman" respectively, and the word "man" was gender neutral. In Middle English "man" displaced wer as term for "male human," whilst wyfman (which eventually evolved into woman) was retained for "female human."

Some feminists (and other people concerned with the power of language) argue that the terms "woman/women" socially subordinate women, as "man" is seen the root for being a human. Women who argue in favour of the terms "womon/womyn" contend that they have the right to choose how a term referring to them is spelt, rather than be subjected to the choice of the "past patriarchies". Others further argue that "womyn" is based on a medieval spelling of the word, and that returning to the old model of wyfman and waeman meaning man and woman, respectively, would be more egalitarian. Under this taxonomy "man" would revert to meaning "human".

Some see the adjustments as political correctness "run amok." Others feel it to be anti-male gender bias. Feminists in favor of the reform argue that language is a powerful tool that shapes the way people perceive their surroundings, and even how they understand gender and gender roles. They also feel that the current form of the words do not greatly value women. Therefore, some feminists see these sorts of words as part of a movement to correct what they consider inherent biases in language.

See also