Don't forget[edit]

If you add a unique article or redirect, remember to also add it to the list of cutaneous conditions. ---kilbad (talk) 02:56, 26 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, yes :) Fvasconcellos (t·c) 03:54, 26 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]


(This was originally posted on the dermatology task force talk page, but I moved it here due to being more appropriate). Here is the list that needs creating/redirecting or simply ignoring. I am not sure as what to do with it but will leave to your judgment:

Here are my redirects (I need to figure out a way of further classifying some?)
I will place the ones that are appropriate on your list and that is that.
Will do another letter some other day hehe!
So apart from the above, the letter Z is taken care of. Cheers!Calaka (talk) 08:34, 27 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Only 25 to go. Lәo(βǃʘʘɱ) 08:39, 27 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Zonisamide, hypohidrosis et al. don't merit redirects in my humble opinion. Instead, a note should be added to the "Side effects" section of the Zonisamide article. Fvasconcellos (t·c) 14:54, 27 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Articles currently missing are:

The redirects, for the most part, are suggested by Bolognia with "See foo". The one exception is X-linked neutropenia, which is listed under Primary_immunodeficiency#Phagocyte_disorders, found through the search results. I'll proceed to make the redirects unless anyone has any objections. I guess it should be noted that I really lack any specific medical knowledge; I'm just here to help out. Lәo(βǃʘʘɱ) 03:02, 28 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

  • I think some of the x-linked items may need their own articles. I will try to work on those topics today. ---kilbad (talk) 19:57, 28 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • I have looked through X and am satisfied with the work we have done. What do you all think? Can we move on to the next letter? Thanks again. ---kilbad (talk) 20:43, 28 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Larger letters might need more coordination between members; micromanagement between the specific subsections of each letter? Lәo(βǃʘʘɱ) 21:34, 28 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I think micromanagement between the specific subsections of each letter is a good idea. ---kilbad (talk) 01:53, 30 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Note that two above do not start with the letter Y but were found within the Y index. All the other items in the letter Y have been taken care of or were already present on Wikipedia.
Cheers!Calaka (talk) 12:19, 29 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Q sounds good. Lәo(βǃʘʘɱ) 04:51, 30 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]


I have already done some work on Q. Perhaps someone could review that section and see if we need any additional stubs/redirects? ---kilbad (talk) 04:52, 30 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Here is my overview of Q:
Cheers!Calaka (talk) 13:31, 31 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I think Optical penetration depth is different than penetration depth. The first deals with eyesight and such (I assume, with the "optical" bit. I'll have to check the book to confirm or disprove this) and the second is about electromagnetic radiation. Lәo(βǃʘʘɱ) 18:27, 31 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • I am going to cross Q off if nobody objects? ---kilbad (talk) 13:36, 1 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
None by me. My assumption is that once a list has been looked through and any missing articles/redirects/etc. have been either taken care of or posted her for others to tackle then the letter can be crossed off.Calaka (talk) 09:03, 2 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Perhaps we can hold off on crossing letters off until all the redirects/stubs have been created. ---kilbad (talk) 12:11, 2 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Here's what's missing starting with M:

Question about adding synonyms to the list: are they to be added wikilinked in the main listing, or in parentheses after the preferred name? Sasata (talk) 05:54, 31 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

  • Generally, with diseases that are known by more than one name, if none of those names are found in the list, then add one of the names to the list as a link (I try to use the most common name/preferred name for the link; though this can be a somewhat subjective choice) followed by the remaining synonyms in an alphabetized parenthetical without linking. So, the format is: Some Disease (Synonym 1, Synonym 2, etc). Does that make sense? Also, again, though the synonyms are not made links in the list, they should have redirects created with categories (see above discussions). ---kilbad (talk) 12:21, 31 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]


A big section in relation to Urticaria (I am guessing much just needs to be redirected but best to double check for sub pages):
That finishes of U.Calaka (talk) 11:49, 1 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Done with "U" ---kilbad (talk) 21:08, 3 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]


  • What chapter of the book is it in? ---kilbad (talk) 20:25, 5 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
This is it for now, I am up to Keratoderma.Calaka (talk) 11:10, 5 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
You have all been doing a great job. However, in addition to making redlinks though, perhaps you all could help create these redlink redirects/stibs? I just feel there are too many for one person to take on... ---kilbad (talk) 20:24, 5 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]
HAHA! I was actually thinking, boy Kilbad is very generous in creating all the articles we find for him! :) But nah, my plan was to have all the red links down, then to attempt them. Whenever I see articles already here and all is needed is a redirect I usually go for it and only leave the ones I am unsure of. As for creating articles that there is no info on, I would give it a go, but I am not an expert in this field so maybe if someone with expertise can check my articles creations just to make sure I did it right then that would go a lot better (when time permits that is hehe). Cheers!Calaka (talk) 05:00, 6 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]


I think I have finished W. Does someone want to spot check me, and then cross it out? ---kilbad (talk) 17:02, 7 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Sure. Fvasconcellos (t·c) 23:02, 8 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Bojilov (talk) 03:21, 10 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]


Ok, I am done with the first of the six sections of T. ---kilbad (talk) 20:45, 11 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Required Redirects[edit]

The following is an archived discussion concerning redirect creation. Please do not modify it.

Some of the following pages already exist, many only need a redirect, or are not exclusivly dermatology related. Nonetheless they should all exist (E&OE).

  1. “butterfly” rash
  2. “cafe au lait” patches
  3. “cold sores” (herpes simplex virus type I)
  4. “crazy paving” pattern
  5. “fishtank” granuloma
  6. “follicular” impetigo
  7. “leopard skin”
  8. “nits”
  9. “seroconversion illness”
  10. “slapped cheek” disease (fifth disease)
  11. “swimming pool” granuloma
  12. “wrinkle lines,” surgical excision
  13. 5-fluorouracil cream
  14. abcesses
  15. acantholysis
  16. acanthosis nigricans
  17. aciclovir
  18. acitretin
  19. acne and diet
  20. acne and fluid retention
  21. acne conglobata
  22. acne excoreé
  23. acne fulminans
  24. acne keloidalis
  25. acne scars
  26. acne treatment
  27. acne vulgaris
  28. acne
  29. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  30. acquired melanocytic naevi
  31. acral melanoma
  32. acrodermatitis pustulosa
  33. actinic keratosis
  34. actinomycetoma
  35. acute erythrodermic psoriasis
  36. acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
  37. acute vasculitis with necrosis
  38. acyclovir
  39. adenoma sebaceum
  40. adult pattern alopecia
  41. adverse effects
  42. aetiology
  43. AIDS and lymphoma
  44. AIDS patients
  45. AIDS skin changes
  46. AIDS stages
  47. AIDS-associated drug eruptions
  48. AIDS-related bacterial infections
  49. AIDS-related candidiasis
  50. AIDS-related fungal infections
  51. AIDS-related mycobacterial disease
  52. AIDS-related viral infections
  53. AIDS
  54. albinism
  55. allergic contact dermatitis
  56. allergic reaction to elastic
  57. allergic reaction to latex
  58. allergic reactions to plants
  59. allergic reactions
  60. alopecia areata
  61. alopecia due to ciclosporin
  62. alopecia due to drugs
  63. alopecia due to inflammatory skin disease
  64. alopecia due to malnutrition
  65. alopecia totalis
  66. alopecia treatment
  67. alopecia universalis
  68. alopecia
  69. amelanotic melanoma
  70. ampicillin
  71. Amsler chart
  72. amyloidosis
  73. anaemia
  74. anagen effluvium
  75. anagen
  76. anaphylactic reactions
  77. Ancylostoma caninum
  78. androgenic alopecia
  79. androgens
  80. angio-oedema
  81. angiomas
  82. animal ringworm
  83. annular lesions
  84. anthrax
  85. anti-pruritics
  86. antiandrogens
  87. antibiotics
  88. antifungal drugs
  89. antigen-antibody complex reactions
  90. antihistamines
  91. antimitotic agents
  92. antiperspirants
  93. antiseptic paints
  94. antiseptics
  95. antiviral drugs
  96. aquagenic urticaria
  97. argyria
  98. arterial leg ulcers
  99. arterial ulcers
  100. arthropathy
  101. Ascaris lumbricoides
  102. asteatosis
  103. asteatotic eczema
  104. athlete's foot
  105. atopic eczema
  106. atopy inheritance
  107. atrophie blanche
  108. atrophy
  109. Auspitz sign
  110. autoantibodies
  111. autoimmune disease
  112. autoimmune response
  113. azathioprine
  114. azole drugs
  115. B cell lymphoma
  116. bacillary angiomatosis
  117. Bacterial Index (BI)
  118. bacterial infections
  119. balanitis xerotica obliterans
  120. barrier preparations
  121. basal cell carcinoma
  122. basal cell epithelioma
  123. basal cell
  124. bath additives
  125. bath preparations
  126. Bazin's disease
  127. BCC
  128. Beau's lines
  129. Becker's naevus
  130. benign lentigo
  131. benign moles
  132. benign pigmented lesions
  133. benign skin tumours
  134. benzoyl peroxide
  135. biliary obstruction, pruritus
  136. biopsy
  137. blackheads
  138. Blashko's lines
  139. blastomycosis
  140. blepharitis
  141. blistering eruptions due to drugs
  142. blisters
  143. blue naevus
  144. body lice
  145. boils
  146. borderline leprosy
  147. Borrelia infections
  148. Bowen's disease
  149. Breslow classification
  150. bullae
  151. bullous drug eruptions
  152. bullous impetigo
  153. bullous pemphigoid
  154. Buruli ulcer
  155. Calamine lotion
  156. calcipotriol
  157. camouflage preparations
  158. Campbell de Morgan spots
  159. Candida albicans
  160. Candida intertrigo
  161. candidiasis
  162. cantharadin
  163. carbon dioxide cryotherapy
  164. carbuncle
  165. carcinoid
  166. carcinoma
  167. cat scratch disease
  168. catagen
  169. cautery
  170. cavernous angioma
  171. cavernous angiomas
  172. cavernous haemangioma
  173. cell-mediated immune reactions
  174. cell-mediated
  175. cellulitis
  176. champagne bottle legs
  177. chickenpox
  178. chloasma
  179. chloracne
  180. chlorpromazine
  181. cholestyramine
  182. cholinergic urticaria
  183. chromomycosis
  184. ciclosporin
  185. circulating immune complexes
  186. Clark classification
  187. cleaning lotions
  188. clinical examination
  189. clinical presentation
  190. clubbing (nails)
  191. clubbing of nails
  192. coal tar preparations
  193. coal tar
  194. coeliac disease
  195. cold urticaria
  196. comedones
  197. community studies
  198. complex disorders
  199. compound naevi
  200. compound naevus
  201. compression bandages
  202. conditions involving skin and organs
  203. congenital alopecia
  204. congenital angiomas
  205. congenital hairy naevus
  206. congenital pigmented naevus–
  207. congenital pigmented naevus
  208. connective tissue diseases
  209. contact dermatitis
  210. corticosteroid preparations
  211. Corynebacterium minutissimum
  212. cosmetic acne
  213. cosmetic allergy
  214. cosmetics
  215. cowpox
  216. crab lice
  217. CREST syndrome
  218. Crohn's disease
  219. cryotherapy
  220. curettage
  221. cutaneous leishmaniasis
  222. cutaneous signs
  223. cyclosporin
  224. cyproterone acetate
  225. cystic acne
  226. cystic basal cell carcinoma
  227. cysts
  228. cytotoxic reaction
  229. dapsone
  230. Darier's disease
  231. deep fungal infections
  232. deep vein obstruction
  233. deficiency states
  234. delayed hypersensitivity
  235. delusional parasitosis
  236. Demodex folliculorum
  237. dengue
  238. depigmenting agents
  239. dermatitis artefacta
  240. dermatitis herpetiformis
  241. dermatitis
  242. dermatofibroma
  243. dermatographism
  244. dermatomyositis
  245. dermatophyte infections of the hand
  246. dermatophyte infections
  247. dermo-epidermal junction
  248. desquamating erythema
  249. desquamation
  250. diabetes mellitus
  251. diabetes-related candidiasis
  252. diabetic dermopathy
  253. diabetic ulcers
  254. diagnosis of skin conditions
  255. diagnostic criteria
  256. diffuse alopecia
  257. direct immunofluorescence
  258. discoid eczema
  259. discoid lupus erythematosus
  260. dithranol
  261. diurnal variation of ultaviolet light
  262. dracontiasis
  263. dressings, leg ulcers
  264. drug eruptions
  265. drug-induced alopecia
  266. drug-induced blistering eruptions
  267. drug-induced photosensitivity
  268. drug-induced rashes
  269. drug-related contact dermatitis
  270. drugs
  271. dry skin
  272. dysplastic lesions
  273. dysplastic melanoma
  274. dysplastic naevi
  275. dysplastic naevus syndrome
  276. ecthyma
  277. eczema herpeticum
  278. eczema treatment
  279. eczema
  280. effects of ultraviolet light on skin
  281. Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
  282. electrocautery treatment
  283. electrocautery
  284. electrodesiccation
  285. elliptical excision
  286. emollients
  287. emulsifying ointment BP
  288. en coup de sabre pattern
  289. endocrine disorders
  290. enzyme preparations
  291. ephelides
  292. epidermal thickening
  293. epidermodysplasia verruciformis
  294. epidermoid cyst
  295. epidermolysis bullosa
  296. epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
  297. Epidermophyton spp.
  298. erosion (dermatology)
  299. eruptive angiomas
  300. erysipelas
  301. erythema annulare
  302. erythema chronicum migrans
  303. erythema due to antibiotics
  304. erythema gyratum repens
  305. erythema induratum
  306. erythema infectiosum
  307. erythema marginatum
  308. erythema multiforme
  309. erythema nodosum
  310. erythema
  311. erythrasma
  312. erythrocyanosis
  313. erythrodermic psoriasis
  314. erythroplasia of Queyrat
  315. ethyl chloride
  316. etretinate
  317. eumycetoma
  318. excessive hair
  319. exclamation mark appearance
  320. excoriation
  321. facial erythema
  322. facial psoriasis
  323. favus
  324. fifth disease
  325. figurate erythema
  326. filariasis
  327. fish protein
  328. fissuring (dermatology)
  329. Fitzpatrick classification
  330. fixed drug eruptions
  331. flamazine
  332. flea bites
  333. flexural candidiasis
  334. flexural psoriasis
  335. folliculitis decalvans
  336. folliculitis
  337. formulary
  338. freckles
  339. fungal infections of the nails
  340. fungal infections
  341. furuncles
  342. ganciclovir
  343. gastrointestinal disease and skin lesions
  344. gastrointestinal disease
  345. genetic basis for psoriasis
  346. genetics and skin disease
  347. genital herpes
  348. genital warts
  349. genodermatoses
  350. German measles
  351. Gianotti–Crosti syndrome
  352. graft versus host disease
  353. grain mites
  354. Gram negative folliculitis
  355. granuloma annulare
  356. granuloma
  357. gravitational ulcers
  358. griseofulvin
  359. guttate psoriasis
  360. haemangioma
  361. haemolytic anaemia
  362. haemosiderin deposition
  363. hair growth pattern
  364. hair loss
  365. hair shaft abnormalities
  366. halo naevus
  367. hand dermatitis
  368. hand, foot and mouth disease
  369. harvest mites
  370. head lice
  371. heat cautery
  372. heat urticaria
  373. heliotrope rash
  374. Henoch–Schönlein purpura
  375. hepatic porphyrias
  376. herald lesions
  377. hereditary angio-oedema
  378. hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
  379. herpes simplex virus infections
  380. herpes virus infections
  381. herpes viruses
  382. herpes zoster
  383. hirsuties due to drugs
  384. hirsuties
  385. histoplasmosis
  386. history-taking
  387. HIV infection
  388. Hodgkin's disease
  389. Hodgkin's lymphoma
  390. hormones
  391. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  392. human papilloma viruses (HPV)
  393. humoral immune reactions
  394. Hutchinson's sign
  395. hydrogen peroxide
  396. hydroxychloroquine
  397. hyperkeratosis
  398. hyperlipidaemia
  399. hyperpigmentation due to drugs
  400. hyperpigmentation due to phenytoin
  401. hyperpigmentation
  402. hypersensitivity
  403. hyperthyroidism
  404. hypertrichosis
  405. hypoalbuminaemia
  406. hypopigmentation
  407. hypopituitarism
  408. hypothyroidism
  409. ice-pick scars
  410. ichthammol
  411. immediate hypersensitivity
  412. immune complexes
  413. immune reactions
  414. immunofluorescence
  415. immunological response
  416. immunology
  417. immunosuppressants
  418. impetigo
  419. in eczema
  420. in venous ulcer
  421. incisional biopsy
  422. incompetent leg valves
  423. incompetent valves
  424. increasing incidence of skin cancer
  425. indirect immunofluorescence
  426. induration of skin
  427. infantile acne
  428. infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
  429. infected eczema
  430. infections
  431. infectious mononucleosis
  432. infestations
  433. inflammation
  434. inoculation herpes
  435. insect bites
  436. intradermal naevus
  437. intraepidermal carcinoma
  438. intraepidermal vesicles
  439. intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix
  440. iodine solution
  441. iron deficiency
  442. irritant contact dermatitis
  443. irritant dermatitis
  444. isotretinoin
  445. itch–scratch–itch cycle
  446. itching
  447. jaundice
  448. junctional naevi
  449. junctional naevus
  450. juvenile plantar dermatosis
  451. kala-azar
  452. Kaposi's sarcoma
  453. Kaposi's varicelliform eruption
  454. keloid scars
  455. keratoacanthoma
  456. keratolytics
  457. keratoses
  458. kerion
  459. ketoconazole shampoo
  460. Koebner's phenomenon
  461. koilonychia
  462. Koplik's spots
  463. kwashiorkor
  464. larva migrans
  465. laser treatment for tattoos
  466. laser treatment
  467. late stage disease
  468. latex
  469. leg ulcers
  470. leishmaniasis, cutaneous
  471. lentigo maligna melanoma
  472. lepromatous leprosy
  473. leprosy
  474. leukonychia
  475. leukoplakia
  476. lice infestation
  477. lichen planus-like reactions to drugs
  478. lichen planus
  479. lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
  480. lichen sclerosus
  481. lichen simplex
  482. lichenification
  483. lichenified eczema
  484. linear IgA disease
  485. lipodermatosclerosis
  486. lipoma
  487. liquid nitrogen
  488. livedo reticularis
  489. liver disease
  490. Loa Loa
  491. localised alopecia
  492. localised depigmentation
  493. localised lesions
  494. loiasis
  495. lupus erythematosus
  496. lupus pernio
  497. lupus vulgaris
  498. Lyme disease
  499. lymphatic filariasis
  500. lymphoedema
  501. lymphoma
  502. macules
  503. Madura foot
  504. major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes
  505. malabsorption syndromes
  506. malar erythema
  507. malar rash
  508. Malassezia furfur
  509. male pattern alopecia
  510. malignancy
  511. malignant lesions
  512. malignant melanoma
  513. malignant pigmented lesions
  514. malignant skin tumours
  515. mandibular zoster
  516. Martorelli's ulcer
  517. measles
  518. melanin
  519. melanocytic naevus
  520. melanoma diagnosis
  521. melanoma
  522. melasma
  523. methotrexate
  524. microfilaria
  525. Microsporum audouinii
  526. Microsporum canis
  527. Microsporum, ringworm
  528. milia
  529. milkers' nodules
  530. minocycline, hyperpigmentation due to
  531. minor surgery, in general practice–
  532. minoxidil, hair loss treatment
  533. moles
  534. molluscum contagiosum
  535. molluscum inclusion bodies
  536. Mongolian blue spot
  537. monilethrix
  538. morbilliform rashes
  539. morphoea
  540. morphology
  541. mosaics
  542. mouth ulcers
  543. Mucha–Habermann disease
  544. mucoid cyst
  545. mycetoma
  546. mycobacteria
  547. mycobacterial disease
  548. Mycobacterium chelonei
  549. Mycobacterium leprae
  550. Mycobacterium marinum
  551. Mycobacterium ulcerans
  552. mycosis fungoides
  553. myeloma
  554. myiasis
  555. naevi
  556. naevus flammeus
  557. naevus sebaceous
  558. naevus vascular lesions
  559. naevus
  560. nail colour changes due to drugs
  561. nail infections
  562. nail plate
  563. nailbed erythema
  564. napkin psoriasis
  565. narrow waveband
  566. necrobiosis lipoidica
  567. necrotising angiitis
  568. necrotising fasciitis
  569. neomycin
  570. neonatal lupus erythematosus
  571. neoplasms
  572. neoplastic basal cell
  573. neurodermatitis
  574. neurofibromatosis
  575. nickel allergy
  576. nickel
  577. Nikolsky sign
  578. nitrous oxide
  579. nodular basal cell carcinoma
  580. nodular melanoma
  581. nodular prurigo
  582. nodules
  583. non-bullous impetigo
  584. non-scarring alopecia
  585. non-sedating antihistamines
  586. non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease
  587. Norwegian (crusted) scabies
  588. nummular eczema
  589. occupational acne
  590. occupational conditions
  591. occupational contact dermatitis
  592. occupational dermatitis
  593. oestrogen - acne association
  594. oil folliculitis
  595. Onchocerca volvulus
  596. onchocerciasis
  597. onychogryphosis
  598. onycholysis
  599. onychomedesis
  600. onychomycosis
  601. ophthalmic zoster
  602. oral hairy leukoplakia
  603. oral use of steroids
  604. orf
  605. oriental sore
  606. ornithosis
  607. oxytetracycline
  608. pachyonychia congenita
  609. Paget's disease of nipple
  610. Paget's disease
  611. palmo-plantar pustulosis
  612. papilloma
  613. papular urticaria
  614. papules–
  615. parakeratosis
  616. parapsoriasis
  617. parasites
  618. parasitophobia
  619. parasitosis, delusional
  620. paronychia
  621. paste bandages
  622. patch testing
  623. pathogenesis
  624. pathology
  625. patient assessment
  626. patient support groups
  627. pediculosis capitis
  628. pediculosis
  629. pellagra
  630. pemphigoid blisters
  631. pemphigoid gestationis
  632. pemphigoid mucous membrane
  633. pemphigoid
  634. pemphigus erythematosus
  635. pemphigus vegetans
  636. pemphigus vulgaris
  637. pemphigus
  638. penicillin
  639. Penicillium marneffei
  640. perianal squamous cell carcinoma
  641. perianal
  642. perioral dermatitis
  643. periungual fibrokeratoma
  644. permethrin
  645. Peutz–Jeghers syndrome
  646. phaeochromocytoma
  647. photodermatitis
  648. photosensitivity due to drugs
  649. photosensitivity induced by drugs
  650. photosensitivity
  651. phototherapy
  652. Phthirus pubis
  653. physical urticaria
  654. piedra
  655. pigmentation changes
  656. pigmented basal cell carcinoma
  657. pigmented lesions
  658. pigmented streaks in the nail
  659. pilar cysts
  660. pinch grafts
  661. pitting in the nail
  662. pityriasis alba
  663. pityriasis amiantacea
  664. pityriasis lichenoides varioliformis acuta
  665. pityriasis lichenoides
  666. pityriasis rosea
  667. pityriasis versicolor
  668. Pityrosporum in AIDS
  669. Pityrosporum orbiculare
  670. Pityrosporum ovale
  671. Pityrosporum
  672. plants
  673. plaque psoriasis
  674. plaque
  675. podophyllin
  676. poikiloderma
  677. polycythaemia
  678. polymorphic light eruptions
  679. polyvinyl chloride workers
  680. pompholyx
  681. porphyria cutanea tarda
  682. porphyria
  683. port wine stain
  684. postfebrile alopecia
  685. postherpetic neuralgia
  686. postinflammatory hypopigmentation
  687. postinflammatory pigmentation
  688. potassium permanganate
  689. pox viruses
  690. premalignant lesions
  691. pressure urticaria
  692. prevention od skin cancer
  693. Propionibacterium acnes
  694. proprietary preparations
  695. prurigo gestationis
  696. pruritus ani
  697. pruritus vulvae
  698. pruritus
  699. pseudoacanthosis nigricans
  700. pseudomembranous candida
  701. pseudomembranous candidiasis
  702. pseudoxanthoma elasticum
  703. psittacosis
  704. psoralens
  705. Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI)
  706. psoriasis pathogenesis
  707. psoriasis treatment
  708. psoriasis
  709. psychological significance of hair
  710. pterygium formation in lupus erythematosus
  711. pterygium formation
  712. pubic lice
  713. punch biopsy
  714. PUPP syndrome
  715. purpura
  716. purpuric vasculitis
  717. pustular psoriasis
  718. PUVA therapy
  719. pyoderma faciale
  720. pyoderma gangrenosum
  721. pyogenic granuloma
  722. rashes arising in the dermis
  723. rashes due to drugs
  724. rashes due toantibiotics
  725. rashes with epidermal changes
  726. Raynaud's phenomenon
  727. Reiter's syndrome
  728. relapsing fever
  729. renal disease
  730. reticulate pattern rashes
  731. retinoids
  732. rhinophyma
  733. rickettsial infections
  734. ridging in the nail
  735. ringworm
  736. river blindness
  737. Rochalimea infections
  738. Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  739. rodent ulcer
  740. rosacea
  741. roseola infantum
  742. rubella
  743. rupioid lesions
  744. salicylic acid
  745. sand fly
  746. saphenous vein insufficiency
  747. sarcoid granuloma
  748. sarcoidosis
  749. scabies
  750. scalp
  751. scar sarcoidosis
  752. scarlatiniform rashes
  753. scarring alopecia
  754. Schamberg's disease
  755. scleroderma
  756. sclerosing basal cell carcinoma
  757. sclerosing haemangioma
  758. Scopulariopsis brevicaulis
  759. scrub typhus
  760. scurvy
  761. sebaceous cyst
  762. sebaceous gland
  763. seborrhoeic dermatitis (eczema)
  764. seborrhoeic dermatitis
  765. seborrhoeic eczema
  766. seborrhoeic keratoses
  767. seborrhoeic warts
  768. secondary syphilis
  769. secondary ulcers
  770. sedating antihistamines
  771. selenium sulphide shampoo
  772. senile purpura
  773. sentinel lymph node biopsy
  774. shingles
  775. silver nitrate solution
  776. silver salts in the skin
  777. single gene disorders
  778. skin cancer
  779. skin conditions and general practice
  780. skin disease
  781. skin diseases affecting the nail
  782. skin diseases involving the scalp
  783. skin lesions in gastrointestinal disease
  784. skin signs of liver failure
  785. skin tags
  786. skin tumours
  787. skin types
  788. smallpox
  789. solar (actinic) keratoses
  790. solar elastosis
  791. solar keratoses
  792. solar lentigo
  793. solar urticaria
  794. Solarcaine, allergic response
  795. solid carbon dioxide
  796. spectrum of clinical disease
  797. spider bites
  798. spider naevi
  799. spider naevus
  800. Spitz naevus
  801. splinter haemorrhage
  802. spongiosus
  803. squamous cell carcinoma development
  804. squamous cell carcinoma
  805. squamous cells
  806. stable plaque psoriasis
  807. staphylococcal infections
  808. stasis eczema
  809. steroid ointment
  810. Stevens–Johnson syndrome
  811. stinging nettle weals
  812. strawberry naevi
  813. strawberry naevus
  814. streptococcal infections
  815. Sturge–Weber syndrome
  816. subacute lupus erythematosus
  817. subcutaneous myiasis
  818. subungual exostosis
  819. subungual melanoma
  820. sulfapyridine
  821. sun exposure
  822. sun exposure and melanoma
  823. sun exposure and skin cancer
  824. sunscreens
  825. superficial basal cell carcinoma
  826. superficial fungal infections
  827. superficial spreading melanoma
  828. superficial spreading of melanoma
  829. surgery in general practice
  830. surgical excision of malignant lesions
  831. surgical excision
  832. Sweet's syndrome
  833. sycosis barbae
  834. syphilis with AIDS
  835. syringoma
  836. systemic agents
  837. systemic corticosteroids
  838. systemic disease
  839. systemic lupus erythematosus
  840. systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)
  841. systemic sclerosis
  842. T cell lymphoma
  843. T cell
  844. T lymphocytes
  845. tacalcitol
  846. tache de bougie
  847. tacrolimus
  848. talon noir
  849. tar paste
  850. tar preparations
  851. tar-based shampoo
  852. tar
  853. target lesions
  854. telangiectasia
  855. telogen effluvium
  856. telogen
  857. teratogenic drugs
  858. terbinafine
  859. thrush, vaginal
  860. thyroid disease
  861. tick bites
  862. tick typhus
  863. tinea capitis
  864. tinea corporis
  865. tinea cruris
  866. tinea imbricata
  867. tinea incognito
  868. tinea nigra
  869. tinea pedis (athlete's foot)
  870. tinea pedis
  871. tinea versicolor
  872. topical agents
  873. topical preparations
  874. topical treatments
  875. toxic epidermal necrolysis
  876. Toxocara canis
  877. traction alopecia
  878. trauma to the nail
  879. treatment
  880. triamcinolone, alopecia areata treatment
  881. Trichophyton concentricum
  882. Trichophyton rubrum infection
  883. Trichophyton schoenleinii
  884. Trichophyton tonsurans
  885. Trichophyton, nail infections
  886. trichotillomania
  887. trigeminal zoster
  888. tropical bacterial infections
  889. tropical deep fungal infections
  890. tropical helminth infestations
  891. tropical impetigo
  892. tropical infections
  893. tropical skin disease
  894. tropical skin diseases
  895. tropical superficial fungal infections
  896. tropical ulcers
  897. tuberculoid leprosy
  898. tuberculous mycobacterial disease
  899. tuberculous mycobacterial infections
  900. tuberous sclerosis
  901. tuberous ulcers
  902. tumours
  903. tungiasis
  904. type I (immediate) hypersensitivity
  905. type II (cytotoxic) hypersensitivity
  906. type III (immune complex) hypersensitivity
  907. type IV (delayed) hypersensitivity
  908. types of melanoma
  909. typhus
  910. ulcerated basal cell carcinoma
  911. ulcerated melanoma
  912. ulcers
  913. ultraviolet A
  914. ultraviolet B treatment
  915. ultraviolet radiation
  916. ultraviolet treatment
  917. unstable plaque psoriasis
  918. urticarial vasculitis
  919. varicella zoster virus (VZV)
  920. varicose veins
  921. variola
  922. vascular lesions
  923. vascular naevus
  924. vasculitis
  925. vellus hair
  926. venous leg ulcers
  927. venous ulcers
  928. venous valves
  929. verrucous epidermal naevi
  930. verrucous epidermal naevus
  931. vesicles
  932. viral infections
  933. viral rashes
  934. viral warts
  935. viral
  936. virilising syndrome
  937. visceral larva migrans
  938. vitamin A acid
  939. vitamin D analogues
  940. vitiligo association
  941. vitiligo
  942. wart viruses
  943. warts
  944. wen (sebaceous cyst)
  945. wet soaks
  946. Whitfield's ointment
  947. Wickham's striae
  948. Willi hair syndrome
  949. Wuchereria bancrofti
  950. xanthomas
  951. yeast infections
  952. yellow fever
  953. yellow nail syndrome
  954. zinc oxide


More will come... Åkebråke (talk) 20:37, 16 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for your help. I think the block articles could be merged if you want to. ---kilbad (talk) 00:22, 18 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
At first I thought that they should be merged, but now I am not sure, Inferior alveolar nerve anaesthesia is for dental procedures, but Retrobulbar_block is for eye surgery. Åkebråke (talk) 13:47, 19 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Åkebråke (talk) 13:47, 19 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Bolognia push update[edit]

Thank you all for your help on the Bolognia push. We have made a lot of progress, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank the community. ---kilbad (talk) 02:44, 22 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Kawasaki disease[edit]

Kawasaki disease is throwing me for a loop. I see a few potential groups it can go into (Autoinflammatory, Erythemas, maybe like SJD drug related); however, the one I feel is best doesn't exist: Category:Cardiocutaneous. any suggestions? Calmer Waters 20:07, 24 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

It is already in the list under "vascular-related." ---kilbad (talk) 20:09, 24 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Search the list for Kawasaki's disease. Hope that helps! ---kilbad (talk) 20:10, 24 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

T update[edit]

I am on section 5/6 of the letter T. ---kilbad (talk) 14:46, 16 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, I am halfway through the last section of T, just FYI. ---kilbad (talk) 17:31, 20 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
T is done ---kilbad (talk) 03:56, 5 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

K update[edit]

I have finished with the keratodermas, I think, and am into the second, and final, section of K. Once I finish K I will move back to S. How is everyone else doing? ---kilbad (talk) 03:54, 5 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

S update[edit]

I am on section 1/6 for the letter S, just FYI. ---kilbad (talk) 21:25, 23 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I have now finished the massive first section (1/6) of S. ---kilbad (talk) 17:02, 7 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Done with 2/6 of S ---kilbad (talk) 06:41, 19 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Done with 3/6 of S ---kilbad (talk) 04:18, 25 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
4/6 done ---kilbad (talk) 22:06, 25 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Done with S! ---kilbad (talk) 22:31, 31 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Clouston's hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia[edit]

Please remind me as to which area a disease process should go when it is classified within two. In early 2009, Clouston's hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia was categorized as Category:Genodermatoses, while its synonym Clouston syndrome was categorized as Category:Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic skin diseases. Bolognia haves it under Diffuse keratodermas, so that is also where I placed it under the list. My question is: if a disorder falls into two categories, does it go into both categories on the List of cutaneous conditions? Calmer Waters 13:59, 20 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

  • Thanks for the question, and you persistent effort to carefully edit dermatology-related content. A disease should only be listed once in the list of cutaneous conditions. A synonym should also only be listed once, unless the term has been used to describe several different conditions. Conditions and unique redirects may be categorized into multiple subcategories of Category:Cutaneous conditions if appropriate. Therefore, with that being stated, hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia should only be listed once in the list of cutaneous conditions, but the article and unique synonyms may be categorized under both Category:Genodermatoses and Category:Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic skin diseases. Does that make sense? ---kilbad (talk) 16:15, 20 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Makes sense. Those little PPKs I tell you :) Thanks again kilbad. Calmer Waters 16:40, 20 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • The PPK's are brutal... no doubt about it! ---kilbad (talk) 23:42, 20 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Update on Section R[edit]

I have finished the first 1/4 sections of the letter R. ---kilbad (talk) 01:46, 9 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Section 2/4 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 04:51, 15 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]
R is complete ---kilbad (talk) 03:43, 25 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Update on Section P[edit]

I have finished the first 1/12 sections of the letter P. ---kilbad (talk) 03:43, 25 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

  • Section 2/12 of letter P complete. ---kilbad (talk) 00:39, 1 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 3/12 done.. ---kilbad (talk) 01:14, 4 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 4/12 done... ---kilbad (talk) 23:06, 17 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 5/12 done.... ---kilbad (talk) 23:52, 17 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 6/12 done..... ---kilbad (talk) 18:54, 28 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 7/12 done...... ---kilbad (talk) 20:11, 28 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 8/12 done....... ---kilbad (talk) 01:39, 4 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 9/12 done........ ---kilbad (talk) 17:57, 11 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 10/12 done........ ---kilbad (talk) 20:30, 11 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The letter P is done! ---kilbad (talk) 18:46, 16 April 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Update on Section O[edit]

Update on Section N[edit]

Update on Section M[edit]

The following is an archived discussion concerning redirect creation. Please do not modify it.

Note: repeating lines are from the original data. They appear represent the normalisation of valid variants.

ICD Redirects[edit]


  1. A06.700: Cutaneous amoebiasis
  2. A06.700: Cutaneous amebiasis
  3. A06.810: Amoebic balanitis
  4. A06.810: Amoebic balanitis
  5. A18.410: Tuberculous abscess
  6. A18.410: Tuberculosis cutis primaria
  7. A18.420: Lupus vulgaris
  8. A18.422: Lupus vulgaris tumidus
  9. A18.424: Tuberculous ulcer
  10. A18.430: Lupus mutilans
  11. A18.440: Warty tuberculosis
  12. A18.450: Tuberculosis fungosa serpiginosa
  13. A18.460: Metastatic tuberculous ulcer
  14. A18.462: Scrofuloderma
  15. A18.462: Tuberculosis cutis colliquativa
  16. A18.470: Tuberculide
  17. A18.472: Nodular tuberculide
  18. A18.472: Nodular tuberculide
  19. A18.476: Papulonecrotic tuberculide
  20. A18.476: Papulonecrotic tuberculide
  21. A18.480: Erythema nodosum due to tuberculosis
  22. A18.482: Bazin's disease
  23. A18.482: Erythema induratum due to tuberculosis
  24. A18.484: Lichen scrofulosorum
  25. A18.486: Tuberculous gumma
  26. A18.490: Cutaneous tuberculosis
  27. A21.900: Cutaneous involvement tularaemia
  28. A22.000: Cutaneous anthrax
  29. A22.000: Cutaneous anthrax
  30. A22.000: Malignant pustule
  31. A23.900: Brucellosis of skin
  32. A24.300: Melioidosis of the skin
  33. A25.000: Spirillum minor rat-bite fever
  34. A25.000: Sodoku
  35. A25.110: Haverhill fever
  36. A25.110: Streptobacillary rat-bite fever
  37. A25.110: Streptobacillary rat-bite fever
  38. A26.000: Erysipeloid
  39. A27.010: Canicola fever
  40. A27.010: Leptospirosis icterohaemorrhagica
  41. A27.010: Weil's disease
  42. A27.900: Cutaneous involvement leptospirosis
  43. A28.010: Cutaneous involvement pasteurella multocida infection
  44. A28.100: Cat scratch fever (Bartonella henselae)
  45. A28.110: benign Lymphoreticulosis
  46. A28.110: Benign lymphoreticulosis
  47. A30.000: Indeterminate leprosy
  48. A30.100: Tuberculoid leprosy
  49. A30.200: Borderline tuberculoid leprosy
  50. A30.200: Borderline tuberculoid leprosy
  51. A30.300: Midborderline leprosy
  52. A30.400: Borderline lepromatous leprosy
  53. A30.400: Borderline lepromatous leprosy
  54. A30.500: Lepromatous leprosy
  55. A30.510: Diffuse lepromatous leprosy
  56. A30.810: Dimorphic leprosy
  57. A30.820: Erythema nodosum leprosum
  58. A30.830: Lucio leprosy
  59. A30.830: Lucio leprosy
  60. A30.840: Lucio phenomenon
  61. A30.870: Lepra reaction type 1
  62. A30.872: Upgrading lepra reaction type 1
  63. A30.874: Downgrading lepra reaction type 1
  64. A30.900: Hansen's disease
  65. A30.900: Leprosy, NOS
  66. A31.110: Fish tank granuloma
  67. A31.110: Fish tank granuloma
  68. A31.110: Swimming pool granuloma
  69. A31.110: Mycobacterium marinum infection of skin
  70. A31.120: Buruli ulcer
  71. A31.120: Mycobacterium ulcerans infection of skin
  72. A31.810: Atypical mycobacterium infection, NOS
  73. A32.000: Cutaneous involvement listeriosis
  74. A36.300: Cutaneous diphtheria
  75. A38.x00: Scarlet fever
  76. A38.x00: Scarlet fever
  77. A41.820: Janeway lesions
  78. A41.910: Septicaemia affecting skin
  79. A42.200: Cervico-facial actinomycosis
  80. A42.810: Actinomycetoma from Other Actinomycetes
  81. A42.900: Actinomycosis, NOS
  82. A43.100: Cutaneous nocardiosis
  83. A44.000: Cutaneous involvement oroya fever
  84. A44.110: Verruga peruana
  85. A44.800: Carrion's disease
  86. A44.850: Bacillary angiomatosis
  87. A44.900: Bartonellosis
  88. A46.x00: Erysipelas
  89. A46.x20: Facial erysipelas
  90. A46.x40: Erysipelas of lower limb
  91. A48.300: Toxic shock syndrome
  92. A48.300: Toxic shock syndrome
  93. A48.810: Rhinoscleroma
  94. A48.820: Rhodoccocus infection
  95. A48.830: Cutaneous pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
  96. A50.900: Congenital syphilis
  97. A51.000: Genital syphilitic chancre
  98. A51.010: Primary chancre syphilis
  99. A51.010: Primary chancre syphilis
  100. A51.090: Primary syphilitis
  101. A51.100: Perianal syphilitic chancre
  102. A51.200: Extragenital syphilitic chancre
  103. A51.210: Primary chancre syphilis
  104. A51.300: Secondary syphilis
  105. A51.302: Macular syphilide
  106. A51.304: Papular syphilide
  107. A51.306: Nodular syphilide
  108. A51.308: Psoriasiform syphilide
  109. A51.310: Macular syphilide
  110. A51.312: Condylomata lata
  111. A51.320: Oral mucous membrane lesions secondary syphilis
  112. A51.330: Syphilitic alopecia
  113. A51.350: Tonsillitis secondary syphilis
  114. A51.360: Leucoderma syphiliticum
  115. A51.382: Secondary - nail involvement syphilis
  116. A51.390: Secondary Syphilis
  117. A52.100: Symptomatic neurosyphilis
  118. A52.200: Asymptomatic neurosyphilis
  119. A52.300: Neurosyphilis, NOS
  120. A52.720: Syphilitic gumma
  121. A52.900: Late syphilis
  122. A53.000: Latent syphilis
  123. A53.900: Syphilis
  124. A54.000: Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract
  125. A54.020: Gonococcal cervicitis
  126. A54.030: Gonococcal urethritis
  127. A54.040: Gonococcal cystitis
  128. A54.050: Gonococcal vulvovaginitis
  129. A54.110: Gonococcal bartholinitis
  130. A54.300: Gonococcal infection of eye
  131. A54.400: Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system
  132. A54.500: Gonococcal pharyngitis
  133. A54.800: Gonococcal infection, other
  134. A54.820: Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
  135. A54.850: Gonococcal septicaemia affecting skin
  136. A54.900: Gonorrhoea, NOS
  137. A55.x00: Lymphogranuloma inguinale
  138. A56.000: Chlamydial urethritis
  139. A56.020: Chlamydial cervicitis
  140. A56.030: Chlamydial salpingitis
  141. A57.x00: Chancroid
  142. A58.x00: Donovanosis
  143. A58.x00: Granuloma inguinale
  144. A59.000: Urogenital trichomoniasis
  145. A60.010: Genital herpes simplex
  146. A60.100: Perianal herpes simplex
  147. A63.000: Condylomata acuminata
  148. A64.x00: Venereal disease, NOS
  149. A65.x00: Bejel
  150. A65.x00: Endemic non-venereal syphilis
  151. A66.000: Primary yaws
  152. A66.000: Primary yaws
  153. A66.110: Multiple of yaws papillomata
  154. A66.200: Early skin lesions of yaws, other
  155. A66.300: Hyperkeratosis of yaws
  156. A66.500: Gangosa
  157. A66.500: Gangosa
  158. A66.710: Mucosal yaws
  159. A66.900: Pian in yaws
  160. A66.900: Yaws
  161. A66.900: Yaws
  162. A67.000: Early pinta
  163. A67.100: Pintids
  164. A67.200: Late phase pinta
  165. A67.900: Pinta
  166. A68.900: Unspecified relapsing fever
  167. A69.000: Stomatitis gangrenosa
  168. A69.010: Cancrum oris
  169. A69.020: Cancrum oris
  170. A69.020: Noma
  171. A69.110: Vincent's angina
  172. A69.120: Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis
  173. A69.200: Lyme disease
  174. A69.210: Borrelia burgdorferi infection
  175. A69.220: Erythema chronicum migrans
  176. A69.230: Lymphocytoma cutis


  1. B00.000: Eczema herpeticum
  2. B00.100: Herpes simplex infection
  3. B00.110: Herpes simplex labialis
  4. B00.210: Herpes simplex gingivostomatitis
  5. B00.215: Aphthous stomatitis
  6. B00.216: Herpetiform stomatitis
  7. B00.500: Primary ocular herpes simplex
  8. B00.530: Herpetic keratitis
  9. B00.550: Herpes simplex keratoconjunctivitis
  10. B00.700: Disseminated herpes simplex
  11. B00.800: Herpes simplex, other
  12. B00.840: Herpetic whitlow
  13. B01.900: Chickenpox
  14. B01.990: Herpesvirus varicellae infection (chickenpox)
  15. B02.210: Herpes zoster oticus
  16. B02.270: Ramsay-Hunt syndrome
  17. B02.300: Ophthalmic herpes zoster infection
  18. B02.700: Disseminated herpes zoster
  19. B02.910: Herpes zoster
  20. B03.x00: Smallpox
  21. B03.x20: Smallpox
  22. B04.x00: Monkeypox
  23. B05.990: Measles
  24. B05.990: Morbilli
  25. B06.900: Rubella
  26. B06.990: Rubella
  27. B06.990: Rubella
  28. B07.x00: Common warts
  29. B07.x10: Filiform warts
  30. B07.x12: Hand warts
  31. B07.x14: Plantar warts
  32. B07.x18: Mosaic plantar warts
  33. B07.x18: Mosaic plantar warts
  34. B07.x20: Plane warts
  35. B07.x30: Butcher's warts
  36. B07.x30: Butcher's warts
  37. B08.010: Cowpox
  38. B08.030: Cowpox
  39. B08.040: Ecthyma contagiosum
  40. B08.040: Orf
  41. B08.050: Vaccinia
  42. B08.100: Molluscum contagiosum
  43. B08.200: Roseola infantum
  44. B08.200: Exanthema subitum
  45. B08.300: Fifth disease
  46. B08.300: Erythema infectiosum
  47. B08.400: Hand, foot and mouth disease
  48. B08.500: Herpangina
  49. B08.820: Foot and mouth disease
  50. B08.830: Tanapox
  51. B09.x20: Viral exanthem
  52. B20.010: Tuberculosis in HIV disease
  53. B20.100: HIV-modified bacterial infection of skin
  54. B20.110: Bacillary angiomatosis in HIV disease
  55. B20.200: Cytomegalovirus infection in HIV disease
  56. B20.300: HIV-modified viral infection of skin
  57. B20.400: HIV-modified candidosis
  58. B20.500: HIV-modified fungal infection of skin
  59. B20.800: HIV disease resulting in other infectious or parasitic infections
  60. B20.900: HIV-modified infection/infestation of skin, NOS
  61. B21.100: Burkitt's lymphoma in HIV disease
  62. B21.200: HIV disease with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, other
  63. B21.300: HIV-associated cutaneous lymphoma
  64. B21.800: HIV disease with malignant neoplasm, other
  65. B21.900: HIV disease with malignant neoplasm, NOS
  66. B22.000: HIV disease resulting in encephalopathy
  67. B22.010: Dementia in HIV disease
  68. B22.200: Slim disease
  69. B22.700: Elsewhere classified hIV disease resulting in multiple diseases
  70. B23.000: Acute HIV infection syndrome
  71. B24.x20: Human immunodeficiency virus infection
  72. B24.x20: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  73. B24.x90: Human immunodeficiency virus infection
  74. B25.810: Cytomegalovirus infection of skin
  75. B27.010: Epstein-Barr virus infection
  76. B27.800: Infectious mononucleosis
  77. B33.100: Ross River virus infection
  78. B35.006: Tinea capitis
  79. B35.020: Kerion (due to tinea elsewhere classified)
  80. B35.020: Kerion
  81. B35.030: Favus
  82. B35.040: Tinea barbae
  83. B35.040: Beard ringworm
  84. B35.050: Tinea barbae
  85. B35.060: Tinea faciei
  86. B35.100: Tinea unguium
  87. B35.100: Onychomycosis due to dermatophyte
  88. B35.110: Total dystrophic onychomycosis
  89. B35.110: Total dystrophic onychomycosis
  90. B35.120: Distal and lateral subungual onychomycosis
  91. B35.130: Proximal subungual onychomycosis
  92. B35.140: Superficial white onychomycosis
  93. B35.190: Onychomycosis
  94. B35.200: Tinea manuum
  95. B35.200: Hand ringworm
  96. B35.300: Foot ringworm
  97. B35.300: Tinea pedis
  98. B35.310: Interdigitale tinea pedis
  99. B35.330: Moccasin foot
  100. B35.400: Tinea corporis
  101. B35.400: Ringworm of body
  102. B35.500: Tokelau
  103. B35.500: Tinea imbricata
  104. B35.600: Tinea cruris
  105. B35.610: Ringworm of groin
  106. B35.810: Tinea profunda
  107. B35.820: Granulomatous dermatophytosis
  108. B35.830: Majocchi's granuloma
  109. B35.890: Disseminated dermatophytosis
  110. B35.900: Tinea, NOS
  111. B35.900: Ringworm, NOS
  112. B36.000: Pityriasis versicolor
  113. B36.000: Tinea versicolor
  114. B36.100: Tinea nigra
  115. B36.100: Keratomycosis nigricans palmaris
  116. B36.200: White piedra
  117. B36.200: White trichosporosis
  118. B36.200: Piedra alba
  119. B36.300: Black trichomycosis nodularis
  120. B36.300: Black trichosporosis
  121. B36.810: Malassezia (pityrosporum) folliculitis
  122. B36.810: Malassezia (pityrosporum) folliculitis
  123. B36.820: Onychomycosis due to mould infection
  124. B36.900: Dermatomycosis, NOS
  125. B36.920: Otomycosis, NOS
  126. B37.000: Oral candidiasis
  127. B37.000: Candidal stomatitis
  128. B37.000: Oral candidosis
  129. B37.000: Oral candidosis
  130. B37.010: Chronic atrophic candidiasis
  131. B37.020: Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis
  132. B37.030: Candida leukoplakia
  133. B37.050: Perlèche moniliasis
  134. B37.050: Candidal angular cheilitis
  135. B37.210: Cutaneous candidiasis
  136. B37.212: Disseminated cutaneous candidosis
  137. B37.214: Flexural candidosis
  138. B37.216: Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica
  139. B37.216: Interdigital candidiasis
  140. B37.220: Nail candidiasis
  141. B37.220: Nail candidiasis
  142. B37.230: Candidal paronychia
  143. B37.230: Paronychia due to candidiasis
  144. B37.250: Cutaneous candidal granuloma
  145. B37.260: Granulomatous candidiasis
  146. B37.280: Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
  147. B37.290: Chronic mucocutaneous candidosis
  148. B37.290: Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
  149. B37.310: Candidiasis of vulva
  150. B37.310: Vulvar candidiasis
  151. B37.330: Candida vulvovaginitis
  152. B37.330: Candida vulvovaginitis
  153. B37.410: Candida balanitis
  154. B37.410: Candida balanitis
  155. B37.700: Candida septicaemia
  156. B37.885: Candidal cheilitis
  157. B37.885: Candidal cheilitis
  158. B37.900: Thrush
  159. B37.900: Candidosis
  160. B37.900: Moniliasis, NOS
  161. B37.900: Candidiasis, NOS
  162. B38.300: Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis
  163. B39.300: Disseminated cutaneous histoplasmosis
  164. B39.400: American histoplasmosis, NOS
  165. B39.500: African histoplasmosis
  166. B39.900: Histoplasmosis, NOS
  167. B40.300: Cutaneous blastomycosis
  168. B40.900: Gilchrist's disease
  169. B41.810: Paracoccidioidomycosis of skin
  170. B41.900: Paracoccidioidomycosis, NOS
  171. B41.900: Lutz Splendore Almeida disease
  172. B42.100: Lymphatic cutaneous sporotrichosis
  173. B43.000: Chromoblastomycosis of skin
  174. B43.000: Chromomycosis of skin
  175. B43.000: Verrucous dermatitis
  176. B43.900: Chromoblastomycosis
  177. B44.810: Otomycosis due to aspergillus spp.
  178. B45.200: Cutaneous cryptococcosis
  179. B45.200: Cryptococcosis of skin
  180. B46.100: Rhinocerebral mucormycosis
  181. B46.100: Rhinocerebral mucormycosis
  182. B46.300: Mucormycosis of skin
  183. B46.300: Cutaneous mucormycosis
  184. B46.310: Subcutaneous mucormycosis
  185. B46.310: Subcutaneous mucormycosis
  186. B46.810: Entomophthoromycosis
  187. B46.900: Zygomycosis, NOS
  188. B47.000: Eumycetoma
  189. B47.000: Maduromycosis
  190. B47.010: Mycotic madura foot
  191. B47.900: Mycetoma of foot, NOS
  192. B47.910: Madura foot, NOS
  193. B48.000: Lobomycosis
  194. B48.100: Rhinosporidiosis
  195. B48.400: Disseminated cutaneous mycosis due to Penicillium spp.
  196. B48.810: Cutaneous alternariosis
  197. B49.x00: Mycosis, NOS
  198. B49.x00: Fungus infection of skin
  199. B55.000: Kala azar
  200. B55.000: Visceral affecting skin leishmaniasis
  201. B55.010: Post kala azar dermal leishmaniasis
  202. B55.010: Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
  203. B55.010: Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
  204. B55.100: Oriental sore
  205. B55.100: Delhi boil
  206. B55.100: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, NOS
  207. B55.110: Leishmaniasis of skin diffuse
  208. B55.130: Lupoid leishmaniasis
  209. B55.130: Lupoid leishmaniasis
  210. B55.200: American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
  211. B55.200: American cutaneous leishmaniasis
  212. B55.200: Espundia
  213. B55.900: Leishmaniasis, NOS
  214. B56.000: Trypanosomiasis Gambiense
  215. B56.100: Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis
  216. B56.900: Trypanosomiasis African, NOS
  217. B56.910: Sleeping sickness, NOS
  218. B57.510: Chagoma
  219. B57.510: Chagas disease skin
  220. B58.810: Toxoplasmosis of skin
  221. B58.900: Toxoplasmosis, NOS
  222. B56.000: Trypanosomiasis Gambiense
  223. B56.100: Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis
  224. B56.900: Trypanosomiasis African, NOS
  225. B56.910: Sleeping sickness, NOS
  226. B57.510: Chagas disease skin
  227. B57.510: Chagoma
  228. B58.810: Toxoplasmosis of skin
  229. B58.900: Toxoplasmosis, NOS
  230. B65.210: Katayama disease
  231. B65.300: Cercarial dermatitis
  232. B65.300: Cercarial dermatitis
  233. B65.300: Schistosome dermatitis
  234. B65.300: Schistosomiasis of skin
  235. B65.300: Sea bather's eruption
  236. B65.300: Swimmer's itch
  237. B65.900: Bilharziasis, NOS
  238. B65.900: Schistosomiasis of skin
  239. B67.900: Echinococcosis of skin
  240. B68.900: Dermatosis due to tapeworm
  241. B69.810: Cysticercosis of skin
  242. B69.900: Cysticercosis of skin
  243. B70.100: Sparganosis of skin
  244. B70.110: Sparganosis of skin
  245. B72.x00: Dracunculosis
  246. B73.x00: Onchocerciasis
  247. B73.x10: Onchodermatitis
  248. B73.x30: Onchocerciasis
  249. B74.000: Filariasis due to wuchereria bancrofti
  250. B74.010: Filarial elephantiasis
  251. B74.100: Filariasis due to brugia malayi
  252. B74.300: Loa loa
  253. B74.300: Loiasis
  254. B74.410: Mansonelliasis of skin
  255. B74.900: Filariasis
  256. B75.x00: Trichinosis
  257. B75.x00: Trichinosis
  258. B76.000: Ancylostomiasis of skin
  259. B76.900: Hookworm disease
  260. B76.900: Hookworm infestation, NOS
  261. B76.910: Creeping eruption
  262. B76.910: Cutaneous larva migrans
  263. B76.910: Creeping eruption
  264. B76.910: Larva migrans
  265. B76.910: Larva migrans
  266. B77.900: Acariasis
  267. B78.100: Strongyloidiasis affecting skin
  268. B78.110: Larva currens (strongyloidiasis)
  269. B78.700: Disseminated strongyloidiasis
  270. B78.900: Strongyloidiasis, NOS
  271. B80.x00: Oxyuriasis
  272. B83.000: Visceral larva migrans
  273. B83.000: Visceral larva migrans
  274. B83.010: Toxocariasis
  275. B83.100: Gnathostomiasis
  276. B85.000: Head lice
  277. B85.000: Head lice
  278. B85.000: Pediculosis capitis
  279. B85.100: Body lice
  280. B85.100: Body lice
  281. B85.100: Pediculosis corporis
  282. B85.100: Vagabond's disease
  283. B85.200: Pediculosis, NOS
  284. B85.300: Crabs
  285. B85.300: Pubic lice
  286. B85.300: Phthiriasis pubis
  287. B85.300: Pubic lice
  288. B85.310: Maculae caeruleae (phthiriasis)
  289. B85.310: Taches bleuâtres (phthiriasis)
  290. B85.400: Pediculosis with phthiriasis
  291. B85.400: Phthiriasis with pediculosis
  292. B86.x00: Human scabies
  293. B86.x10: Norwegian scabies
  294. B86.x20: Post-scabietic nodules
  295. B86.x30: Post-scabietic eczema
  296. B87.000: Myiasis of skin
  297. B87.010: Creeping myiasis
  298. B87.100: Myiasis of wound
  299. B87.100: Wound myiasis
  300. B87.900: Myiasis
  301. B88.010: Dermatosis due to plant mites
  302. B88.010: Harvest itch
  303. B88.010: Trombiculosis
  304. B88.020: Demodicidosis
  305. B88.030: Trombiculosis
  306. B88.040: Cheyletiella dermatitis
  307. B88.050: Animal scabies
  308. B88.050: Dermatosis due to animal mites
  309. B88.060: Dermatosis due to bird mites
  310. B88.100: Tungiasis
  311. B88.300: Leech bite
  312. B88.820: Tick bite
  313. B88.830: Protothecosis of skin


  1. C02.910: Squamous cell carcinoma of tongue
  2. C06.910: Verrucous carcinoma of oral cavity
  3. C25.410: Glucagonoma syndrome
  4. C43.992: Mucosal malignant melanoma
  5. C43.994: Extracutaneous malignant melanoma
  6. C43.L10: Nodular malignant melanoma
  7. C43.L20: Superficial spreading malignant melanoma
  8. C43.L40: Lentigo maligna malignant melanoma
  9. C43.L50: Amelanotic malignant melanoma
  10. C43.L60: Acral lentiginous malignant melanoma
  11. C43.L80: Histological type unclassifiable malignant melanoma
  12. C43.L82: Malignant blue naevus
  13. C43.L90: Clinical & histological type unspecified malignant melanoma
  14. C44.L12: Marjolin's ulcer
  15. C44.L21: Basalioma
  16. C44.L21: Basal cell carcinoma
  17. C44.L24: Micronodular basal cell carcinoma
  18. C44.L25: Superficial basal cell carcinaoma
  19. C44.L26: Nodualr basal cell carcinoma
  20. C44.L26: Circumscribed solid basal cell carcinoma
  21. C44.L27: Cystic basal cell carcinoma
  22. C44.L28: Morphoeic basal cell carcinoma
  23. C44.L30: Adenoid basal cell carcinoma
  24. C44.L32: Nodulo-ulcerative basal cell carcinoma
  25. C44.L33: Pigmented basal cell carcinoma
  26. C44.L34: Keratotic basal cell carcinoma
  27. C44.L35: Rodent ulcus
  28. C44.L38: Recurrent basal cell carcinoma
  29. C44.L40: Malignant spiradenoma
  30. C44.L42: Malignant cylindroma
  31. C44.L43: NEC sweat gland carcinoma
  32. C44.L44: Merkel cell carcinoma
  33. C44.L45: Malignant pilomatrixoma
  34. C44.L46: Sebaceous carcinoma
  35. C44.L47: Trichilemmal carcinoma
  36. C44.L48: Squamous cell carcinoma
  37. C44.L56: Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma
  38. C44.L62: Apocrine adenocarcinoma
  39. C44.L64: Malignant eccrine spiradenoma
  40. C44.L67: Eccrine porocarcinoma
  41. C44.L67: Eccrine porocarcinoma
  42. C44.L67: Hidradenocarcinoma
  43. C44.L68: Malignant sweat gland tumour
  44. C44.L75: Extramammary paget's disease
  45. C44.L79: Fibroepithelioma of Pinkus
  46. C46.010: Kaposi's sarcoma in HIV disease
  47. C46.010: Kaposi's sarcoma
  48. C46.020: Sporadic kaposi's sarcoma
  49. C46.030: Endemic kaposi's sarcoma
  50. C46.900: Kaposi's sarcoma, NOS
  51. C47.900: Nerve sheath-derived malignant neoplasm
  52. C47.910: Malignant granular cell tumour
  53. C49.M10: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
  54. C49.M10: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
  55. C49.M12: Atypical fibroxanthoma
  56. C49.M20: Haemangiopericytoma
  57. C49.M22: Malignant angioendotheliomatosis
  58. C49.M24: Dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans
  59. C49.M30: Bednar tumour
  60. C49.M40: Sarcoma of skin
  61. C49.M42: Fibrosarcoma
  62. C49.M44: Malignant schwannoma
  63. C49.M48: Leiomyosarcoma
  64. C49.M50: Rhabdomyosarcoma
  65. C49.M54: Myxofibrosarcoma
  66. C49.M60: Cutaneous angiosarcoma
  67. C49.M70: Lymphangiosarcoma
  68. C50.010: Paget's disease of nipple
  69. C50.810: Cancer en cuirasse
  70. C51.910: Malignant melanoma of vulva
  71. C60.910: Carcinoma of penis
  72. C60.910: Penile carcinoma
  73. C62.920: Seminoma
  74. C62.930: Teratoma
  75. C77.801: Lymph node matastasis due to melanoma
  76. C77.900: NOC Lymph node metastasis
  77. C77.930: Lymph node matastasis due to SCC
  78. C78.810: Visceral metastasis due to melanoma
  79. C79.210: Metastasis in skin, NOS
  80. C79.240: Due to melanoma intransit metastasis in skin
  81. C80.x20: Erysipelas carcinomatosum
  82. C81.900: Hodgkin's disease, NOS
  83. C81.900: Hodgkin's disease affecting the skin
  84. C83.310: Reticulum cell sarcoma
  85. C83.410: Immunoblastic lymphoma
  86. C83.700: Burkitt's lymphoma
  87. C83.900: Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, NOS
  88. C84.000: Mycosis fungoides
  89. C84.002: Premycotic eruption
  90. C84.004: Patch mycosis fungoides
  91. C84.006: Patch/plaque stage cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  92. C84.006: Patch/plaque stage mycosis fungoides
  93. C84.008: Erythrodermic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  94. C84.008: Erythrodermic mycosis fungoides
  95. C84.010: Poikilodermatous mycosis fungoides
  96. C84.010: Poikilodermatous mycosis fungoides
  97. C84.012: Tumour stage mycosis fungoides
  98. C84.014: "Tumeur d'emblée" type mycosis fungoides
  99. C84.018: Follicular mucinosis type cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  100. C84.018: Follicular mucinosis (T cell lymphoma)
  101. C84.018: Follicular mucinosis type mycosis fungoides
  102. C84.030: Woringer-Kolopp disease (pagetoid reticulosis)
  103. C84.030: Pagetoid reticulosis
  104. C84.040: Ketron-Goodman disease (pagetoid reticulosis)
  105. C84.040: Generalised pagetoid reticulosis
  106. C84.050: Granulomatous slack skin disease
  107. C84.050: Granulomatous slack skin disease
  108. C84.060: Panniculitis-like cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  109. C84.100: Sézary syndrome
  110. C84.200: T-zone (involving skin) t-cell lymphoma
  111. C84.300: Lennert's (involving skin) t-cell lymphoma
  112. C84.300: Lennert's lymphoma
  113. C84.400: Peripheral T cell lymphoma
  114. C84.412: Pleomorphic peripheral T cell lymphoma
  115. C84.414: Pleomorphic small/medium-sized cell cutaneous t-cell lymphoma
  116. C84.418: CD-30 positive anaplastic large cell cutaneous t-cell lymphoma
  117. C84.420: CD-30 positive anaplastic large T-cell cutaneous lymphoma
  118. C84.420: Ki-1 positive T cell lymphoma
  119. C84.422: CD-30 positive pleomorphic large T-cell cutaneous t-cell lymphoma
  120. C84.424: CD-30 negative pleomorphic large cell cutaneous t-cell lymphoma
  121. C84.426: CD-30 positive T-immunoblastic cutaneous t-cell lymphoma
  122. C84.430: Ki-1 positive T cell lymphoma
  123. C84.430: CD-30 positive large T-cell cutaneous malignant lymphoma
  124. C84.460: Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy
  125. C84.500: T-cell lymphoma involving skin
  126. C85.100: B-cell lymphoma with skin involvement
  127. C85.110: Small lymphocytic (involving skin) b-cell lymphoma
  128. C85.900: Lymphoma, NOS
  129. C88.000: Macroglobulinemia Waldenström
  130. C88.000: Waldenström's macroglobulinemia
  131. C90.002: Myelomatosis
  132. C90.002: Cutaneous infiltration by multiple myeloma
  133. C90.010: Kahler's disease
  134. C90.100: Plasma cell leukemia
  135. C90.200: Myeloma solitary
  136. C90.201: Cutaneous plasmocytoma
  137. C90.201: Cutaneous plasmacytoma
  138. C91.100: Chronic lymphocytic (involving skin) t-cell leukaemia
  139. C91.400: Hairy-cell leukaemia (involving skin)
  140. C91.401: Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis
  141. C91.500: Adult T-cell lymphoma-leukaemia (ATLL)
  142. C92.100: Chronic myeloid leukaemia : leukaemic infiltration of skin
  143. C92.700: Myeloid leukaemia : leukaemic infiltration of skin
  144. C93.700: Monocytic leukaemia : leukaemic infiltration of skin
  145. C95.900: Leukaemic infiltration of skin
  146. C96.000: Letterer-Siwe disease
  147. C96.110: Histiocytic medullary reticulosis
  148. C96.120: Malignant histiocytosis (involving skin)
  149. C96.200: Malignant mastocytosis
  150. C96.210: Malignant mastocytosis


  1. D03.L00: In situ malignant melanoma
  2. D03.L10: Lentigo maligna
  3. D04.L10: Bowen´s disease
  4. D07.110: Erythroplasia of Queyrat of vulva
  5. D07.120: Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia
  6. D07.410: Penis erythroplasia of Queyrat
  7. D10.120: Abrikosoff´s tumour of tongue
  8. D10.310: White sponge nevus
  9. D17.910: Lipoma
  10. D17.920: Multiple lipomata
  11. D17.930: Angiolipoma
  12. D17.940: Lipoblastomatosis
  13. D17.950: Hibernoma
  14. D18.010: Haemangioma
  15. D18.010: Angioma, NOS
  16. D18.011: Glomus tumour
  17. D18.011: Glomus tumour
  18. D18.013: Angioma senile
  19. D18.014: Cavernous haemangioma
  20. D18.015: Capillary haemangioma
  21. D18.015: Capillary angioma
  22. D18.016: Multiple progressive angiomatosis
  23. D18.050: Venous hemangioma
  24. D18.050: Venous lake
  25. D18.100: Lymphangioma
  26. D18.110: Simple lymphangioma
  27. D18.130: Lymphangioma circumscriptum cutis
  28. D18.130: Lymphangioma circumscriptum
  29. D18.140: Cavernous lymphangioma
  30. D18.140: Cystic hygroma
  31. D18.140: Cystic hygroma
  32. D21.M20: Masson´s pseudoangiosarcoma
  33. D21.M30: Giant-cell synovioma
  34. D21.M40: Leiomyoma
  35. D21.M50: Rhabdomyoma
  36. D21.M60: Angioleiomyoma
  37. D22.301: Naevus of Ota
  38. D22.301: Ota's naevus
  39. D22.504: Naevus of Ito
  40. D22.505: Mongolian spot
  41. D22.L14: Compound naevus
  42. D22.L22: Dermal cellular naevus
  43. D22.L30: Spindle cell naevus of Reed
  44. D22.L32: Spitz naevus
  45. D22.L32: Desmoplastic Spitz naevus
  46. D22.L34: Halo naevus
  47. D22.L36: Pseudomelanoma
  48. D22.L42: Blue naevus
  49. D22.L42: Blue naevus
  50. D22.L50: Giant nevus
  51. D22.L60: Congenital naevus
  52. D22.L80: Balloon cell naevus
  53. D23.L12: Trichilemmoma
  54. D23.L13: Trichoepithelioma
  55. D23.L14: Giant solitary trichoepithelioma
  56. D23.L15: Trichofolliculoma
  57. D23.L17: Epithelioma calcificans Malherbe
  58. D23.L17: Pilomatrixoma
  59. D23.L18: Trichoadenoma
  60. D23.L22: Winer's pore
  61. D23.L24: Trichoblastoma
  62. D23.L25: Multiple fibrofolliculomas
  63. D23.L26: Trichodiscoma
  64. D23.L27: Benign eccrine tumour
  65. D23.L30: Eccrine hidrocystoma
  66. D23.L31: Hidroacanthoma simplex
  67. D23.L31: Eccrine poroma
  68. D23.L32: Eccrine syringofibroadenoma
  69. D23.L33: Cylindroma
  70. D23.L36: Benign apocrine tumour
  71. D23.L37: Tubular apocrine adenoma
  72. D23.L39: Apocrine hidrocystoma
  73. D23.L45: Eruptive syringomata
  74. D23.L48: Hidradenoma papilliferum
  75. D23.L49: Spiradenoma
  76. D23.L53: Fibroma
  77. D23.L54: Fibroma molle
  78. D23.L59: Periungual fibroma
  79. D23.L62: Dermatofibroma
  80. D23.L67: Acanthoma fissuratum
  81. D23.L71: Keratoacanthoma
  82. D23.L73: Angiokeratoma circumscriptum
  83. D23.L74: Angiokeratoma of Mibelli
  84. D23.L75: Angiofibroma
  85. D23.L79: Osteoma cutis
  86. D23.L83: Verruciform xanthoma
  87. D24.x10: Erosive adenomatosis of nipple
  88. D24.x30: Adenoma of nipple
  89. D29.010: Pearly penile papules
  90. D29.010: Hirsuties papillaris penis
  91. D29.420: Scrotal angiokeratoma
  92. D29.430: Dartoic myoma
  93. D36.110: Cutaneous neuroma
  94. D36.150: Nerve sheath-derived benign neoplasm
  95. D36.150: Neurilemmoma
  96. D36.160: Neurofibroma
  97. D36.160: Neurofibroma single
  98. D36.170: Granular cell tumor
  99. D36.170: Abrikossoff's tumour
  100. D36.170: Granular cell myoblastoma
  101. D36.170: Granular cell tumour
  102. D36.180: Ganglioneuroma
  103. D45.x00: Polycythaemia vera
  104. D47.200: Monoclonal gammopathy
  105. D47.300: Idiopathic hemorrhagic thrombocythemia
  106. D48.110: Soft tissue NOS tumour
  107. D48.510: FAMMM syndrome
  108. D48.520: Dysplastic nevus syndrome
  109. D48.520: Hereditary BK-Mole syndrome
  110. D48.540: Dysplastic nevus
  111. D48.560: Generalised follicular hamartoma
  112. D48.570: Desmoid tumour
  113. D50.110: Paterson Kelly syndrome
  114. D50.110: Plummer Vinson syndrome
  115. D59.110: Cold agglutinins
  116. D61.010: Fanconi syndrome
  117. D65.x20: Purpura fulminans
  118. D68.810: Antiphospholipid syndrome
  119. D68.830: Systemic lupus erythematosus-associated antiphospholipid syndrome
  120. D68.900: Bruising/purpura due to coagulation disorder
  121. D69.010: Henoch-Schönlein purpura
  122. D69.010: Anaphylactoid purpura
  123. D69.020: Toxic purpura
  124. D69.020: Toxic purpura
  125. D69.030: Allergic vasculitis
  126. D69.030: Leucocytoclastic vasculitis
  127. D69.030: Allergic vasculitis
  128. D69.030: Angiitis leucocytoclastic
  129. D69.030: Leucocytoclastic vasculitis
  130. D69.030: Gougerot Ruiter disease
  131. D69.050: Purpura due to drug
  132. D69.050: Drug-induced purpura
  133. D69.080: Idiopathic purpura
  134. D69.110: Glanzmann Naegeli syndrome
  135. D69.210: Purpura
  136. D69.220: Purpura simplex
  137. D69.230: Auto-erythrocyte sensitisation
  138. D69.230: Syndrome painful bruising
  139. D69.230: Gardner Diamond syndrome
  140. D69.240: Eczematid like purpura
  141. D69.250: Purpura teleangiectatica arciformis Touraine
  142. D69.260: Purpura senile
  143. D69.260: Senile purpura
  144. D69.270: Steroid-induced purpura
  145. D69.280: Contact purpura
  146. D69.280: Contact purpura
  147. D69.290: Itching purpura
  148. D69.300: Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
  149. D69.300: Werlhof's disease
  150. D69.300: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
  151. D69.310: Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
  152. D69.500: Sencondary thrombocytopenic purpura
  153. D69.507: Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
  154. D69.507: Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
  155. D69.507: Haemangioma-associated purpura
  156. D69.507: Haemangiomatosis with thrombocytopenia
  157. D69.810: Black heel
  158. D71.x10: Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood
  159. D72.100: Eosinophilia
  160. D72.120: Hypereosinophilic syndrome
  161. D76.000: Langerhans cell histiocytosis
  162. D76.010: Chronic progressive histiocytosis X
  163. D76.020: Hand Schuller Christian disease
  164. D76.030: Eosinophilic granuloma
  165. D76.050: Hashimoto-Pritzker type langerhans cell histiocytosis
  166. D76.050: Hashimoto-Pritzker syndrome
  167. D76.100: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
  168. D76.100: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
  169. D76.301: Reticulohistiocytic granuloma
  170. D76.320: Benign cephalic histiocytosis
  171. D76.330: Familial sky blue histiocytosis
  172. D76.330: Familial sea-blue histiocytosis
  173. D76.340: Generalised eruptive histiocytomata
  174. D76.360: Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy
  175. D76.360: Rosai-Dorfman disease
  176. D76.370: Plane xanthoma
  177. D76.380: Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma
  178. D76.380: Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma
  179. D76.390: Juvenile xanthogranuloma
  180. D81.210: Omenn's syndrome
  181. D81.900: Severe combined immunodeficiency
  182. D82.000: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
  183. D82.100: DiGeorge syndrome
  184. D82.400: Buckley's syndrome
  185. D82.400: Hyper-IgE syndrome
  186. D82.400: Job's syndrome
  187. D84.100: Complement deficiency
  188. D84.110: Hereditary angioneurotic edema
  189. D84.110: Hereditary angio-oedema
  190. D84.112: C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
  191. D84.900: Immunodeficiency, NOS
  192. D86.300: Cutaneous sarcoidosis
  193. D86.310: Papular sarcoidosis
  194. D86.312: Maculopapular sarcoidosis
  195. D86.314: Nodular sarcoidosis
  196. D86.316: Subcutaneous nodular sarcoidosis
  197. D86.318: Annular sarcoidosis
  198. D86.320: Plaque sarcoidosis
  199. D86.330: Sarcoidosis in scar
  200. D86.340: Lupus pernio
  201. D86.350: Acute with erythema nodosum sarcoidosis
  202. D86.360: Angiolupoid
  203. D86.810: Heerfordt's syndrome
  204. D86.830: Ostitis multiplex cystoides Jüngling
  205. D86.920: Besnier Boeck Schaumann disease
  206. D89.010: Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura
  207. D89.100: Cryoglobulinemia
  208. D89.120: Cryofibrinogenemia


  1. E03.810: Diffuse myxedema
  2. E03.900: Skin signs of hypothyroidism
  3. E03.910: Myxoedema (hypothyroidism)
  4. E05.810: Pretibial myxedema
  5. E05.900: Hyperthyroidism, NOS
  6. E1i.500: Diabetic angiopathy
  7. E1i.501: Dermatoses due to diabetic microangiopathy
  8. E1i.504: Neuropathic ulcer due to diabetes
  9. E1i.505: Gangrene wet of feet in diabetic
  10. E1i.506: Diabetic dermopathy
  11. E1i.506: Diabetic dermopathy
  12. E1i.507: Diabetic rubeosis
  13. E1i.507: Diabetic rubeosis
  14. E1i.507: Diabetic rubeosis
  15. E1i.601: Diabetic thick skin
  16. E1i.604: Diabetic necrobiosis lipoidica
  17. E1i.605: Bulla due to diabetes mellitus
  18. E1i.605: Bullosis diabeticorum
  19. E1i.606: Diabetic cheiroarthropathy
  20. E22.000: Acromegaly
  21. E23.010: Sheehan's syndrome
  22. E24.200: Drug-induced cushing's syndrome
  23. E24.900: Cutaneous signs due to cushing syndrome
  24. E25.900: Adrenogenital syndrome, NOS
  25. E27.100: Cutaneous signs due to addison's disease
  26. E28.200: Stein Leventhal syndrome
  27. E28.200: Cutaneous manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome
  28. E29.900: Cutaneous marker of testicular disorder
  29. E29.920: Hypogonadism
  30. E30.000: Delayed puberty
  31. E30.100: Precocious puberty
  32. E30.100: Precocious puberty
  33. E34.000: Carcinoid syndrome
  34. E34.820: Werner's syndrome
  35. E34.830: Leprechaunism
  36. E34.840: Progeria
  37. E34.850: Acrogeria
  38. E34.860: Progeria infantilis
  39. E34.860: Hutchinson Gilford syndrome
  40. E34.870: Metageria
  41. E34.900: Cutaneous marker of endocrine disorder
  42. E40.x00: Kwashiorkor
  43. E41.x00: Marasmus
  44. E50.810: Keratosis follicular due to vitamin A deficiency
  45. E50.820: Xeroderma due to vitamin A deficiency
  46. E50.830: Hyperkeratosis due to vitamin A deficiency
  47. E50.830: Phrynoderma
  48. E52.x00: Pellagra
  49. E52.x10: Pellagroid
  50. E53.000: Ariboflavinosis
  51. E53.000: Vitamin B2 deficiency
  52. E53.100: Vitamin B6 deficiency
  53. E53.850: Folate deficiency
  54. E53.870: [[Deficiency vitamin # B12 with dermatosis
  55. E54.x00: Scurvy
  56. E56.100: Vitamin K deficiency
  57. E60.x00: Nutritional zinc deficiency
  58. E60.x10: Zinc depletion syndrome
  59. E61.100: Dermatoses associated with iron deficiency
  60. E66.900: Obesity, NOS
  61. E67.000: Skin disease due to hypervitaminosis A
  62. E67.100: Aurantiasis
  63. E70.000: Phenylketonuria - PKU
  64. E70.000: Folling's syndrome
  65. E70.000: Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia
  66. E70.100: Hyperphenylalaninemia
  67. E70.210: Alkaptonuria
  68. E70.230: Richner-Hanhart oculocutaneous syndrome (tyrosinaemia II)
  69. E70.230: Ochronosis
  70. E70.300: Albinism, NOS
  71. E70.300: Albinism
  72. E70.310: Oculocutaneous albinism
  73. E70.312: Partial albinism
  74. E70.314: Tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism (type 2)
  75. E70.314: Oculocutaneous type 2 (tyrosinase positive) albinism
  76. E70.314: Oculocutaneous albinism - tyrosinase-negative (type 1)
  77. E70.318: Albinoidism
  78. E70.320: Waardenburg's syndrome
  79. E70.340: Chediak Higashi syndrome
  80. E70.340: Oculocutaneous albinism - Chediak-Higashi
  81. E70.350: Piebaldism
  82. E70.358: Tietz 's syndrome
  83. E70.360: Oculocutaneous albinism - Hermansky-Pudlak
  84. E70.360: Hermansky Pudlak syndrome
  85. E70.380: Cross syndrome
  86. E72.020: Hartnup disease
  87. E72.510: Leg ulcer due to prolidase deficiency
  88. E75.220: Gaucher's disease
  89. E75.230: Niemann-Pick disease
  90. E75.240: Disseminated lipogranulomatosis
  91. E75.240: Farber's disease
  92. E75.240: Lipogranulomatosis disseminated
  93. E75.250: Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum of Fabry
  94. E75.250: Fabry's disease
  95. E75.510: Tendinous xanthoma
  96. E75.520: Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
  97. E75.520: Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
  98. E75.540: Lipid storage disease
  99. E75.690: Lipid storage disease
  100. E76.010: Mucopolysaccharidosis I H (Hurler)
  101. E76.010: Hurler syndrome (MPS I)
  102. E76.020: Gargoylism
  103. E76.040: Scheie syndrome
  104. E76.040: Mucopolysaccharidosis I S (Scheie)
  105. E76.120: Hunter syndrome (MPS II)
  106. E76.120: Mucopolysaccharidosis II (Hunter)
  107. E76.210: Morquio's syndrome
  108. E76.210: Mucopolysaccharidosis IV A & B (Morquio)
  109. E76.220: Sanfilippo syndrome
  110. E76.220: Mucopolysaccharidosis III A to D (Sanfilippo)
  111. E76.230: Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (Maroteaux-Lamy)
  112. E76.230: Maroteaux Lamy disease
  113. E76.280: NEC Mucopolysaccharidosis
  114. E76.300: Mucopolysaccharidosis affecting the skin, NOS
  115. E78.210: Tubero-eruptive xanthoma
  116. E78.220: Eruptive xanthoma
  117. E78.230: Tuberous xanthoma
  118. E78.240: Xanthoma disseminatum
  119. E78.250: Disseminated xanthosiderohistiocytosis
  120. E78.260: Xanthochromia striata palmaris
  121. E78.270: Xanthomatosis, NOS
  122. E78.280: Xanthoma, NOS
  123. E78.290: Diffuse normolipaemic plane xanthomatosis
  124. E78.500: Xanthomatosis due to hyperlipidaemia
  125. E78.660: Tangier disease
  126. E78.810: Urbach Wiethe disease
  127. E78.810: Lipoid proteinosis
  128. E78.810: Hyalinosis cutis et mucosae
  129. E78.810: Lipoid proteinosis
  130. E78.820: Systemic hyalinosis
  131. E78.830: Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
  132. E78.830: Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
  133. E79.100: Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
  134. E80.010: Erythropoietic protoporphyria
  135. E80.010: Protoporphyria erythropoeitic
  136. E80.020: Gunther's disease
  137. E80.020: Congenital erythropoietic porphyria
  138. E80.030: Erythropoietic porphyria
  139. E80.040: Erythropoietic coproporphyria
  140. E80.100: Porphyria cutanea tarda
  141. E80.110: Sporadic porphyria cutanea tarda
  142. E80.120: Familial porphyria cutanea tarda
  143. E80.200: Porphyrin abnormality affecting the skin
  144. E80.210: Acute intermittent porphyria
  145. E80.210: Acute intermittent porphyria
  146. E80.220: Hereditary coproporphyria
  147. E80.222: Hereditary coproporphyria
  148. E80.230: Variegate porphyria
  149. E80.232: Chester porphyria
  150. E80.232: Chester porphyria
  151. E80.240: Hepatic porphyria
  152. E80.250: Pseudoporphyria
  153. E80.260: Toxic porphyria
  154. E80.282: Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria
  155. E80.290: Porphyria, NOS
  156. E83.010: Menkes' syndrome
  157. E83.010: Kinky hair disease
  158. E83.020: Wilson's disease
  159. E83.110: Skin changes due to haemochromatosis
  160. E83.210: Acrodermatitis enteropathica
  161. E83.510: Calcinosis universalis
  162. E85.000: Heredofamilial systemic affecting skin amyloidosis
  163. E85.100: Amyloidosis - familial amyloid polyneuropathy affecting skin
  164. E85.300: Amyloidosis secondary systemic
  165. E85.400: Localized amyloidosis
  166. E85.800: NEC Amyloidosis
  167. E85.900: Amyloidosis, NOS
  168. E88.010: Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
  169. E88.100: Lipodystrophy
  170. E88.110: Hollander Simons syndrome
  171. E88.120: Membranous lipodystrophy
  172. E88.120: Membranous lipodystrophy
  173. E88.130: NEC Lipodystrophy
  174. E88.200: Multiple symmetrical lipomatosis
  175. E88.210: Adiposis dolorosa
  176. E88.210: Dercum's disease
  177. E88.280: Lipomatosis
  178. E88.800: Multiple symmetrical lipomatosis
  179. E88.820: Madelung's disease
  180. E88.820: Madelung's neck


  1. F06.010: Parasitophobia
  2. F45.800: Psychogenic pruritus
  3. F63.300: Hair pulling
  4. F63.300: Trichotillomania
  5. F63.800: Trichotillomania
  6. F68.120: Münchhausen's syndrome
  7. F98.420: Trichophagia
  8. F98.810: Nail biting
  9. F98.810: Onychophagia
  10. F98.820: Onychotillomania


  1. G11.310: Ataxia telangiectasia
  2. G11.310: Louis Bar syndrome
  3. G51.200: Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
  4. G51.860: Facial hemiatrophy
  5. G51.860: Romberg's syndrome
  6. G53.020: Post-herpetic neuralgia
  7. G60.100: Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis
  8. G60.100: Refsum disease
  9. G71.110: Dystrophia myotonica


  1. H00.010: Hordeolum
  2. H00.100: Chalazion
  3. H01.000: Blepharitis
  4. H01.000: Blepharitis, NOS
  5. H01.110: Eyelid eczema
  6. H02.000: Entropion
  7. H02.010: Trichiasis
  8. H02.100: Ectropion
  9. H02.300: Blepharochalasis
  10. H02.690: Xanthelasma
  11. H02.710: Madarosis
  12. H04.200: Epiphora
  13. H10.100: Allergic conjunctivitis
  14. H10.800: Nonallergic conjunctivitis
  15. H10.900: Conjunctivitis
  16. H11.110: Pingueculae
  17. H11.210: Symblepharon acquired
  18. H16.110: Photokeratitis
  19. H30.810: Harada's disease
  20. H35.300: Angioid streaks
  21. H60.020: Furunculosis of external auditory canal
  22. H60.110: Streptococcal cellulitis of external ear
  23. H60.500: Acute otitis externa - eczematous
  24. H60.530: Acute otitis externa
  25. H60.800: Chronic otitis externa
  26. H60.900: Otitis externa
  27. H61.010: Chondrodermatitis nodularis of helix
  28. H61.020: Perichondritis of external ear


  1. I70.200: Atherosclerosis of arteries of extremit
  2. I70.230: Ischaemic leg ulcer
  3. I70.231: Atherosclerotic ulcer
  4. I70.240: Atherosclerotic gangrene
  5. I70.240: Ischaemic gangrene
  6. I70.240: Ischaemic foot ulcer
  7. I73.000: Raynaud's phenomenon
  8. I73.010: Primary raynaud's phenomenon
  9. I73.020: Secondary raynaud's phenomenon
  10. I73.030: Raynaud's disease
  11. I73.030: Raynaud's disease
  12. I73.040: Raynaud's gangrene
  13. I73.050: Digitus mortuus
  14. I73.100: Thromboangiitis obliterans
  15. I73.100: Thromboangiitis obliterans
  16. I73.810: Acrocyanosis
  17. I73.820: Erythromelalgia
  18. I73.830: Livedo reticularis
  19. I73.880: Symmetrical of soles lividities
  20. I73.910: Dermatosis due to (NEC)/(NOS) microangiopathy of cutaneous vasculature
  21. I73.990: Peripheral ischaemia
  22. I73.990: Peripheral ischaemia
  23. I74.410: Arterial embolism
  24. I77.800: Kohlmeier Degos syndrome
  25. I77.800: Malignant atrophic papulosis of Degos
  26. I77.800: Malignant atrophic papulosis of Degos
  27. I77.800: Malignant atrophic papulosis
  28. I78.010: Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
  29. I78.010: Angiomatosis Osler Weber Rendu
  30. I78.010: Osler Weber Rendu syndrome
  31. I78.110: Nevus araneus
  32. I78.110: Spider telangiectasis
  33. I78.110: Spider nevus
  34. I78.810: Unilateral telangiectasia
  35. I78.820: Generalised essential telangiectasia
  36. I78.830: Telangiectasia
  37. I78.850: Capillaritis alba
  38. I78.850: Atrophie blanche en plaque
  39. I78.850: Hyalinising segmental vasculitis
  40. I80.000: Superficial thrombophlebitis
  41. I80.220: Deep vein thrombosis in lower limb (NOS)
  42. I80.230: Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
  43. I80.810: Sclerosing periphlebitis of chest wall
  44. I80.810: Mondor's disease
  45. I80.900: Thrombophlebitis, NOS
  46. I80.910: Thrombophlebitis, NOS
  47. I80.920: Phlebothrombosis
  48. I82.100: Thrombophlebitis superficial migratory
  49. I82.820: Axillary vein thrombosis
  50. I82.830: Iliac vein thrombosis
  51. I82.830: Iliac vein thrombosis
  52. I82.910: Venous thrombosis
  53. I83.000: Venous leg ulcer
  54. I83.010: Gravitational ulcer
  55. I83.010: Gravitational leg ulcer
  56. I83.010: Varicose leg ulcer
  57. I83.030: Stasis ulcer
  58. I83.030: Post-phlebitic leg ulcer
  59. I83.100: Venous eczema
  60. I83.110: Gravitational eczema
  61. I83.110: Stasis eczema
  62. I83.110: Stasis eczema
  63. I83.110: Gravitational eczema
  64. I83.200: Varicose with varicose eczema ulcer
  65. I83.200: Varicose ulcer with varicose eczema
  66. I83.910: Spider veins
  67. I83.920: Corona phlebectatica
  68. I83.990: Varicose veins
  69. I83.990: Venous varicosity
  70. I83.990: Venous varix
  71. I84.500: External hemorrhoids, NOS
  72. I84.600: Anal skin tags
  73. I84.600: Skin tags of anus
  74. I86.000: Sublingual varicosities
  75. I86.000: Sublingual varicosis
  76. I86.810: Palmar varices
  77. I86.820: Caput Medusae
  78. I86.820: Abdominal due to portal hypertension varicosities
  79. I87.000: Post-thrombotic pre-ulcer stage
  80. I87.000: Post-phlebitic syndrome
  81. I87.000: Postphlebitic syndrome
  82. I87.290: Acroangiodermatitis
  83. I89.000: Lymphatic edema, NOS
  84. I89.000: Elephantiasis, NOS
  85. I89.000: Lymphoedema
  86. I89.010: Primary lymphedema
  87. I89.020: Secondary lymphedema
  88. I89.040: Lymphangiectasis
  89. I89.050: Elephantiasis
  90. I89.060: Elephantiasis nostras
  91. I89.100: Lymphangitis
  92. I89.840: Dermatopathic lymphadenopathy
  93. I89.840: Dermatopathic lymphadenopathy
  94. I97.200: Postmastectomy lymphedema
  95. I97.200: Post-mastectomy lymphedema


  1. J30.020: Vasomotor rhinitis
  2. J30.210: Seasonal allergic rhinitis
  3. J30.300: Perennial allergic rhinitis
  4. J30.400: Respiratory allergy
  5. J31.010: Congestive non-allergic rhinitis
  6. J33.900: Nasal polyposis


  1. K05.110: Marginal gingivitis
  2. K05.120: Chronic marginal gingivitis
  3. K05.130: Desquamative gingivitis
  4. K06.100: Gingival hyperplasia
  5. K06.800: Epulis giant cell
  6. K09.010: Dentigerous cyst
  7. K11.610: Oral mucous cyst
  8. K11.710: Xerostomia
  9. K11.810: Mikulicz syndrome
  10. K12.000: Recurrent aphthae
  11. K12.000: Recurrent (RAS) aphthous stomatitis
  12. K12.010: Minor aphthae (oral aphthosis)
  13. K12.010: Herpetiform (oral aphthosis) aphthous ulcers
  14. K12.020: Periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens
  15. K12.030: Stomatitis aphthosa minor Mikulicz
  16. K12.030: Mikulicz ulcers
  17. K12.040: Sutton's aphthae (oral aphthosis)
  18. K12.040: Major (oral aphthosis) aphthous ulcers
  19. K12.050: Bednar's aphthae
  20. K12.070: Aphthous ulcer of oral mucosa
  21. K12.090: Aphthous ulcers
  22. K12.100: Stomatitis
  23. K12.110: Acute stomatitis
  24. K12.120: Ulcerative stomatitis
  25. K12.120: Ulcerative stomatitis
  26. K12.140: Vesicular stomatitis
  27. K12.150: Pyostomatitis vegetans (inflammatory bowel disease)
  28. K13.000: Angular cheilitis
  29. K13.000: Angular cheilitis
  30. K13.000: Perlèche
  31. K13.002: Cheilodynie
  32. K13.010: Volkmann's cheilitis
  33. K13.020: Cheilitis simplex
  34. K13.040: Exfoliative cheilitis
  35. K13.052: Granulomatous cheilitis
  36. K13.060: Plasma cell cheilitis
  37. K13.062: Leukoplakia of lip
  38. K13.080: Lip fissure
  39. K13.090: Cheilitis
  40. K13.100: Cheek biting
  41. K13.110: Morsicatio buccarum
  42. K13.110: Frictional keratosis of oral mucosa
  43. K13.200: Leukoplakia
  44. K13.200: Oral leukoplakia
  45. K13.240: Leukoplakia of oral mucous membrane
  46. K13.250: Erythroplakia of oral mucous membrane
  47. K13.260: Leukokeratosis nicotina palati
  48. K13.300: Oral hairy leukoplakia
  49. K13.300: Oral hairy leucoplakia
  50. K13.300: Oral hairy leukoplakia
  51. K13.300: Oral hairy leucoplakia
  52. K13.500: Oral submucous fibrosis
  53. K13.600: Oral verrucous hyperplasia
  54. K13.740: Gangrene infective of mouth
  55. K14.100: Geographical tongue
  56. K14.100: Geographical tongue
  57. K14.200: Median rhomboid glossitis
  58. K14.300: Hairy tongue
  59. K14.300: Hairy tongue
  60. K14.310: Black hairy tongue
  61. K14.310: Black hairy tongue
  62. K14.320: Foliate papillitis
  63. K14.320: Foliate papillitis
  64. K14.410: Atrophic glossitis
  65. K14.500: Scrotal tongue
  66. K14.600: Glossodynia
  67. K14.600: Burning tongue
  68. K14.810: Macroglossia
  69. K50.810: Crohn's disease of skin
  70. K59.400: Anal spasm
  71. K60.200: Fissure anal, NOS
  72. K60.200: Anal fissure, NOS
  73. K60.400: Rectal fistula
  74. K60.400: Fistula rectum to skin
  75. K61.300: Ischiorectal abscess
  76. K61.300: Ischiorectal abscess
  77. K62.200: Anal prolapse
  78. K62.200: Prolapse of anal canal
  79. K90.000: Gluten sensitive enteropathy
  80. K90.000: Celiac disease
  81. K90.000: Celiac disease


  1. L00.x00: Staphylococcal-Scalded-Skin-Syndrome (SSSS)
  2. L01.010: Staphylococcal impetigo
  3. L01.020: Streptococcal impetigo
  4. L01.030: Bulla repens
  5. L01.040: Impetigo follicularis
  6. L01.040: Impetigo follicularis
  7. L01.040: Bockhart's impetigo
  8. L01.090: Impetigo
  9. L01.090: Impetigo vulgaris
  10. L01.100: Impetiginisation (secondary)
  11. L02.900: Furuncle, Abscess, Carbuncle, NOS
  12. L02.910: Phagadenic abscess
  13. L02.920: Furuncle
  14. L02.930: Furunculosis
  15. L02.940: Carbuncle
  16. L02.950: Abscess
  17. L03.010: Panaritium
  18. L03.020: Paronychia
  19. L03.020: Bacterial acute paronychia
  20. L03.050: Acute bacterial paronychia
  21. L03.050: Acute perionychia
  22. L03.050: Acute bacterial paronychia
  23. L03.060: Chronic paronychia
  24. L03.100: Cellulitis of other parts of the limbs
  25. L03.200: Cellulitis of face
  26. L03.300: Cellulitis of trunc
  27. L03.800: Cellulitis of other sites
  28. L03.900: Cellulitis, NOS
  29. L04.000: Lymphadenitis, acute of face, head or neck
  30. L04.100: Acute of trunc lymphadenitis
  31. L04.200: Acute of upper limb lymphadenitis
  32. L04.300: Acute of lower limb lymphadenitis
  33. L04.900: Lymphadenitis acute
  34. L04.910: Abscess lymph node, NOS
  35. L04.920: Acute lymphangitis
  36. L05.000: Pilonidal abscess
  37. L05.010: Pilonidal with abscess fistula
  38. L05.900: Pilonidal without abscess cyst
  39. L05.910: Pilonidal without abscess fistula
  40. L05.920: Pilonidal sinus
  41. L05.930: Pilonidal fistula
  42. L08.000: Pyoderma (bacterial)
  43. L08.010: Purulent dermatitis
  44. L08.050: Chancriform pyoderma
  45. L08.050: Chancriform pyoderma
  46. L08.100: Erythrasma
  47. L08.800: Infection of skin, NOS
  48. L08.802: Infected scar
  49. L08.802: Infected scar
  50. L08.802: Infected cicatrix
  51. L08.806: Streptococcal intertrigo
  52. L08.810: Gram-negative infection of toe web
  53. L08.820: Erythema necrolyticum migrans
  54. L08.830: Ecthyma
  55. L08.840: Pustular folliculitis
  56. L08.842: Gram-negative folliculitis
  57. L08.850: Pitted keratolysis
  58. L08.850: Keratoma plantare sulcatum
  59. L08.870: Fistula, NOS
  60. L08.880: Trichomycosis axillaris
  61. L08.900: Inflammation of skin, NOS
  62. L10.000: Pemphigus vulgaris
  63. L10.100: Pemphigus vegetans
  64. L10.120: Pyodermatitis vegetans
  65. L10.120: Végétante (Hallopeau) pyodermite
  66. L10.120: Dermatitis vegetans
  67. L10.200: Pemphigus foliaceus
  68. L10.210: Cazenave's disease
  69. L10.300: Brazilian pemphigus
  70. L10.300: Wild fire pemphigus
  71. L10.300: Brazilian pemphigus
  72. L10.300: Brazilian pemphigus
  73. L10.400: Pemphigus erythematosus
  74. L10.400: Senear Usher syndrome
  75. L10.500: Pemphigus due to drug
  76. L10.500: Drug induced pemphigus
  77. L10.800: NEC pemphigus
  78. L10.800: NEC pemphigus
  79. L10.820: Paraneoplastic pemphigus
  80. L10.820: Paraneoplastic pemphigus
  81. L10.820: Pemphigus paraneoplastica
  82. L10.900: Pemphigus
  83. L11.100: Transient acantholytic dermatosis
  84. L11.100: Transient acantholytic dermatosis
  85. L11.100: Grover's disease
  86. L11.900: Acantholysis, NOS
  87. L12.000: Bullous pemphigoid
  88. L12.000: Bullous pemphigoid
  89. L12.100: Mucous membrane pemphigoid
  90. L12.100: Cicatricial pemphigoid
  91. L12.110: Brunsting-Perry type cicatricial pemphigoid
  92. L12.120: Cicatrising conjunctivitis due to mucous membrane pemphigoid
  93. L12.200: Benign chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood
  94. L12.210: Juvenile pemphigoid
  95. L12.300: Epidermolysis acquisata
  96. L12.300: Acquired epidermolysis bullosa
  97. L12.310: Drug-induced epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
  98. L12.310: Epidermolysis acquisata due to drug
  99. L12.800: NEC pemphigoid
  100. L12.900: Pemphigoid, NOS
  101. L13.000: Dermatitis herpetiformis
  102. L13.000: Duhring's disease
  103. L13.100: Subcorneal pustular dermatosis
  104. L13.100: Sneddon Wilkinson disease
  105. L13.800: Unclassifiable immunobullous disorder
  106. L13.810: Linear IgA disease of childhood
  107. L13.820: Linear IgA disease of adulthood
  108. L13.850: Culicosis bullosa
  109. L13.900: Bullous dermatitis, NOS
  110. L20.000: Besnier's prurigo
  111. L20.000: Prurigo atopic dermatitis
  112. L20.800: NEC atopic eczema
  113. L20.802: Discoid pattern atopic dermatitis
  114. L20.804: Inverse pattern atopic dermatitis
  115. L20.806: Follicular atopic dermatitis
  116. L20.810: Flexural atopic dermatitis
  117. L20.810: Flexural eczema
  118. L20.816: Infantile eczema
  119. L20.816: Infantile atopic dermatitis
  120. L20.828: Atopic hand eczema
  121. L20.840: Impetiginised atopic dermatitis
  122. L20.850: Erythrodermic atopic eczema
  123. L20.900: Atopic dermatitis
  124. L21.000: Seborrhoeic dermatitis of scalp
  125. L21.020: Seborrhoeic dermatitis of scalp
  126. L21.030: Pityriasis capitis
  127. L21.040: Milk crust seborrheic
  128. L21.100: Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
  129. L21.110: Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis
  130. L21.120: Leiner syndrome
  131. L21.120: Erythroderma desquamativum
  132. L21.840: Erythrodermic seborrhoeic dermatitis
  133. L21.900: Seborrhoeic dermatitis
  134. L21.900: Seborrhoeic dermatitis
  135. L22.x00: Napkin dermatitis
  136. L22.x00: Diaper rash
  137. L22.x10: Napkin psoriasis
  138. L22.x10: Napkin psoriasis
  139. L23.000: Allergic contact eczema due to metal
  140. L23.000: Allergy to metal
  141. L23.010: Allergic contact dermatitis - nickel
  142. L23.020: Allergic contact dermatitis - chromate
  143. L23.100: Glue or resin system allergic contact dermatitis - plastic
  144. L23.200: Allergic contact dermatitis - cosmetic or toiletry
  145. L23.300: Allergic contact dermatitis - drug in contact with skin
  146. L23.300: Allergic contact dermatitis due to drugs
  147. L23.400: Allergic contact dermatitis due to dye
  148. L23.500: Allergic contact eczema due to other chemical products
  149. L23.510: Rubber dermatitis, NOS
  150. L23.510: Allergic contact eczema due to rubber
  151. L23.510: Allergic contact dermatitis - rubber chemical
  152. L23.520: Allergic contact dermatitis - insecticide
  153. L23.520: Allergic contact dermatitis - agrochemical
  154. L23.530: Allergic contact dermatitis - cement
  155. L23.540: Allergic contact dermatitis - plastic
  156. L23.700: Allergic contact dermatitis - plant
  157. L23.800: Allergic contact dermatitis - agent not elsewhere classified
  158. L23.810: Allergic contact dermatitis - airborne
  159. L23.810: Airborne contact dermatitis
  160. L24.000: Irritant contact dermatitis - detergents & wet work
  161. L24.100: Irritant Contact Dermatitis due to Oils and Greases
  162. L24.200: Irritant Contact Dermatitis due to Solvents
  163. L24.520: Irritant contact dermatitis - cement
  164. L24.700: Irritant contact dermatitis - contact with plant
  165. L24.800: NEC irritant Contact Dermatitis due to Specified Cause
  166. L24.910: Cumulative irritant contact dermatitis
  167. L24.920: Irritant contact dermatitis due to cumulative insult
  168. L24.930: Acute irritant contact eczema, NOS
  169. L24.940: Chronic irritant contact eczema, NOS
  170. L25.900: Contact dermatitis, NOS
  171. L25.910: Occupational contact dermatitis, NOS
  172. L25.910: Occupational dermatitis
  173. L26.x00: Exfoliative dermatitis
  174. L26.x10: Pityriasis rubra Hebra
  175. L27.000: Generalised drug eruption
  176. L27.010: Erythema multiforme due to drug
  177. L27.030: Lichenoid drug eruption
  178. L27.050: Erythroderma due to drug
  179. L27.110: Fixed drug eruption
  180. L27.150: Bromoderma
  181. L28.000: Lichen simplex
  182. L28.100: Nodular prurigo
  183. L28.210: Nodular prurigo
  184. L28.210: Prurigo Hebra
  185. L28.210: Hebra's prurigo
  186. L28.220: Strophulus infantum
  187. L28.222: Urticaria papulosa
  188. L28.222: Subacute prurigo
  189. L28.224: Chronic prurigo
  190. L28.226: Prurigo pigmentosa
  191. L28.290: Prurigo
  192. L29.000: Pruritus ani
  193. L29.100: Pruritus scroti
  194. L29.200: Pruritus vulvae
  195. L29.300: Anogenital pruritus, NOS
  196. L29.830: Aquagenic pruritus
  197. L29.830: Aquagenic pruritus
  198. L29.840: Senile pruritus
  199. L29.850: Pruritus due to drug
  200. L29.850: Pruritus due to drug
  201. L29.860: Pruritus in diabetes mellitus
  202. L29.870: Uraemic pruritus
  203. L29.880: Pruritus due to liver disease
  204. L29.890: Generalised pruritus of unknown aetiology
  205. L29.900: Pruritus
  206. L30.000: Discoid eczema
  207. L30.000: Nummular dermatitis
  208. L30.100: Pompholyx
  209. L30.110: Cheiropompholyx
  210. L30.130: Cheiropodopompholyx
  211. L30.140: Podopompholyx
  212. L30.170: Juvenile plantar dermatosis
  213. L30.180: Dyshidrotic eczema
  214. L30.181: Chronic vesicular eczema of hands and feet
  215. L30.190: Dyshidrosis
  216. L30.200: Autosensitisation dermatitis
  217. L30.205: Ide eruption
  218. L30.210: Mycide
  219. L30.220: Candidid
  220. L30.240: Id eruption due to eczema
  221. L30.300: Eczematoid dermatitis
  222. L30.310: Infective eczema
  223. L30.310: Infective eczema
  224. L30.400: Intertriginous eczema
  225. L30.490: Intertrigo
  226. L30.500: Pityriasis alba faciei
  227. L30.590: Pityriasis alba
  228. L30.800: NEC dermatitis
  229. L30.802: Etat craquelé
  230. L30.806: Papuloerythroderma Ofuji
  231. L30.808: Pityriasis simplex
  232. L30.822: Eczema infantum
  233. L30.834: Hyperkeratotic palmar eczema
  234. L30.836: Psoriasiform palmar eczema
  235. L30.842: Lick eczema
  236. L30.852: Nipple eczema
  237. L30.862: Scrotal eczema
  238. L30.864: Anal eczema
  239. L30.864: Perianal eczema
  240. L30.910: Hand eczema
  241. L40.000: Psoriasis vulgaris
  242. L40.020: Type 1 (early onset) psoriasis
  243. L40.030: Type 2 (late onset) psoriasis
  244. L40.050: Nummular psoriasis
  245. L40.100: Von Zumbusch's disease
  246. L40.100: Generalised pustular psoriasis
  247. L40.110: Acute generalised pustular psoriasis
  248. L40.110: Acute generalised pustular psoriasis
  249. L40.120: Impetigo herpetiformis
  250. L40.200: Acropustulosis
  251. L40.300: Chronic palmoplantar pustular psoriasis
  252. L40.311: Palmoplantar pustulosis
  253. L40.380: Pustular bacterid
  254. L40.380: Pustular bacterid Andrews
  255. L40.400: Guttate psoriasis
  256. L40.500: Psoriatic arthritis
  257. L40.510: Arthropathic psoriasis
  258. L40.820: Circinate and annular pustular psoriasis
  259. L40.830: Flexural psoriasis
  260. L40.840: Intertriginous psoriasis
  261. L40.850: Erythrodermic psoriasis
  262. L40.860: Nail psoriasis
  263. L41.000: Mucha Habermann disease
  264. L41.000: Pityriasis lichenoides acuta
  265. L41.000: Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
  266. L41.100: Pityriasis lichenoides chronica
  267. L41.200: Lymphomatoid papulosis
  268. L41.300: Small plaque parapsoriasis
  269. L41.400: Large-plaque parapsoriasis
  270. L41.800: NEC parapsoriasis
  271. L41.900: Parapsoriasis, NOS
  272. L42.x00: Pityriasis rosea
  273. L42.x00: Gibert's disease
  274. L43.000: Hypertrophic oral lichen planus
  275. L43.100: Bullous lichen planus
  276. L43.200: Lichenoid reaction due to drug
  277. L43.300: Subacute lichen planus
  278. L43.310: Lichen planus tropicus
  279. L43.804: Lichen planus of nail
  280. L43.808: Lichen planus annularis
  281. L43.808: Annular lichen planus
  282. L43.810: Oral lichen planus
  283. L43.812: Linear lichen planus
  284. L43.814: Atrophic lichen planus
  285. L43.816: Verrucous lichen planus
  286. L43.818: Generalised lichen planus
  287. L43.820: Follicular lichen planus
  288. L43.900: Lichen planus
  289. L44.000: Devergie's disease
  290. L44.000: Pityriasis rubra pilaris
  291. L44.010: Adult forms pityriasis rubra pilaris
  292. L44.020: Juvenile forms pityriasis rubra pilaris
  293. L44.030: Juvenile - circumscribed (type IV) pityriasis rubra pilaris
  294. L44.100: Lichen nitidus
  295. L44.200: Lichen striatus
  296. L44.300: Lichen ruber moniliformis
  297. L44.400: Gianotti-Crosti syndrome
  298. L44.870: Tinea amiantacea
  299. L44.870: Pityriasis amiantacea
  300. L44.870: Pityriasis amiantacea
  301. L45.x00: Papulosquamous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
  302. L50.000: Allergic urticaria
  303. L50.000: Allergic urticaria
  304. L50.010: Urticaria due to food
  305. L50.020: Urticaria due to drug
  306. L50.100: Nonallergic urticaria
  307. L50.100: Idiopathic urticaria
  308. L50.110: Acute idiopathic urticaria
  309. L50.110: Urticaria acute idiopathic
  310. L50.120: Chronic idiopathic urticaria
  311. L50.200: Thermal urticaria
  312. L50.210: Cold urticaria
  313. L50.220: Familial cold urticaria
  314. L50.230: Heat Urticaria
  315. L50.230: Urticaria due to local heat
  316. L50.300: Factitious urticaria
  317. L50.300: Factitial urticaria
  318. L50.310: Dermographic urticaria
  319. L50.310: Autographism
  320. L50.410: Delayed pressure urticaria
  321. L50.500: Cholinergic urticaria
  322. L50.510: Cholinergic urticaria
  323. L50.600: Contact urticaria
  324. L50.830: Aquagenic urticaria
  325. L50.900: Urticaria
  326. L51.100: Bullous erythema multiforme
  327. L51.110: Erythema multiforme - severe mucosal form
  328. L51.120: Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  329. L51.130: Fuch's syndrome
  330. L51.140: Ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis
  331. L51.200: Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  332. L51.200: Drug-induced lyell's disease
  333. L51.800: NEC erythema multiforme due to specified cause
  334. L51.810: Erythema multiforme due to herpes simplex infection
  335. L52.x00: Erythema nodosum
  336. L53.000: Toxic erythema
  337. L53.100: Erythema annulare centrifugum
  338. L53.200: Erythema marginatum
  339. L53.300: Erythema chronic figurate
  340. L53.320: Erythema perstans
  341. L53.330: Erythema gyratum repens
  342. L53.840: Palmar erythema
  343. L53.910: Erythema, NOS
  344. L55.050: Sunburn
  345. L55.050: Solar erythema
  346. L56.000: Phototoxic drug reaction
  347. L56.100: Photo-allergic drug reaction
  348. L56.200: Phototoxic contact dermatitis
  349. L56.210: Photodermatitis due to plant
  350. L56.220: Phytophotodermatitis
  351. L56.230: Berloque dermatitis
  352. L56.240: Phototoxic eczema
  353. L56.240: Phototoxic dermatitis
  354. L56.300: Solar urticaria
  355. L56.400: Polymorphous light eruption
  356. L56.410: Prurigo estivalis
  357. L56.800: Acute due to UV dermatosis
  358. L56.810: Actinic folliculitis
  359. L56.850: Photo-onycholysis
  360. L56.860: Hydroa vacciniforme
  361. L57.000: Actinic keratosis
  362. L57.000: Solar keratosis
  363. L57.300: Poikiloderma of Civatte
  364. L57.400: Elastosis senilis
  365. L57.500: O'Brien's granuloma
  366. L57.500: Granuloma actinic
  367. L57.820: Favre Racouchot syndrome
  368. L57.862: Farmer's skin
  369. L57.862: Sailor's skin
  370. L57.870: Persistent light reaction
  371. L57.886: Acquired colloid milium
  372. L57.890: Solar elastosis
  373. L57.890: Actinic elastosis
  374. L57.900: Chronic solar damage to skin, NOS
  375. L58.000: Acute radiodermatitis
  376. L58.100: Chronic radiodermatitis
  377. L58.110: Radiation-induced dermatosis
  378. L58.900: Radiodermatitis, NOS
  379. L59.000: Erythema ab igne
  380. L60.000: Ingrowing nail, NOS
  381. L60.010: Fingernail ingrowing
  382. L60.020: Ingrowing toenail
  383. L60.100: Onycholysis
  384. L60.110: Lamellar onycholysis
  385. L60.200: Onychogryphosis
  386. L60.300: Nail dystrophy
  387. L60.320: Nail dystrophy
  388. L60.340: Trachyonychia
  389. L60.350: Onychorrhexis
  390. L60.360: Onychodystrophy acquired
  391. L60.370: Twenty nail dystrophy
  392. L60.370: Twenty nail dystrophy
  393. L60.380: Dystrophia unguis mediana canaliformis
  394. L60.390: NEC nail dystrophy
  395. L60.400: Beau's lines
  396. L60.500: Yellow nail syndrome
  397. L60.804: Subungual hyperkeratosis
  398. L60.814: Acquired anonychia
  399. L60.816: Nail artefact, NOS
  400. L60.818: Nail damage caused by chemical agents
  401. L60.818: Nail damage caused by chemicals
  402. L60.820: Leukopathia unguium due to drug
  403. L60.820: Drug-induced leuconychia
  404. L60.822: Punctate leuconychia
  405. L60.844: Trumpet nail deformity
  406. L60.860: Nail dystrophy due to trauma
  407. L60.862: Nail damage due to drug
  408. L60.864: Exogeneous nail discolouration
  409. L60.872: Subungual hematoma
  410. L60.872: Subungual haematoma
  411. L60.874: Splinter hemorrhage
  412. L60.876: Endogeneous nail discolouration
  413. L60.878: Pterygium of nail
  414. L60.900: Nail disorder, NOS
  415. L62.800: Nail dystrophy due diseases classified elsewhere
  416. L62.810: Racket nails
  417. L62.830: Half-and-half nail
  418. L62.840: Lichen planus of nail
  419. L63.000: Alopecia totalis
  420. L63.100: Alopecia universalis
  421. L63.200: Ophiasic alopecia areata
  422. L63.810: Diffuse alopecia areata
  423. L63.900: Alopecia areata
  424. L64.000: Drug induced androgenic alopecia
  425. L64.810: Androgenetic alopecia due to androgen excess
  426. L64.820: Male pattern alopecia
  427. L64.820: Male pattern baldness
  428. L64.830: Androgenic - female pattern alopecia
  429. L64.900: Alopecia androgenic, NOS
  430. L65.000: Telogen effluvium
  431. L65.100: Anagen effluvium
  432. L65.200: Follicular mucinosis
  433. L65.200: Follicular mucinosis
  434. L65.820: Diffuse alopecia
  435. L65.830: Diffuse due to drug alopecia
  436. L65.834: Alopecia due to malnutrition
  437. L65.836: Diffuse postinfective alopecia
  438. L65.840: Toxic alopecia diffuse
  439. L65.842: Nonscarring traumatic alopecia
  440. L65.852: Traction alopecia
  441. L65.852: Traction alopecia
  442. L65.854: Alopecia due to pressure
  443. L65.870: Loose anagen hair syndrome
  444. L65.900: Nonscarring alopecia, NOS
  445. L65.910: Hair loss, NOS
  446. L66.000: Pseudopelade
  447. L66.100: Lichen planopilaris
  448. L66.120: Graham-Little syndrome
  449. L66.200: Folliculitis decalvans
  450. L66.300: Folliculitis abscedens et suffodiens
  451. L66.410: Ulerythema reticulata
  452. L66.800: NEC cicatricial alopecia
  453. L66.810: Alopecia parvimaculata
  454. L66.820: Cicatricial due to trauma/injury alopecia
  455. L66.900: Cicatricial alopecia, NOS
  456. L67.000: Trichorrhexis nodosa
  457. L67.100: Variations in hair colour
  458. L67.110: Acquired poliosis circumscripta
  459. L67.120: Canities
  460. L67.130: Premature greying
  461. L67.140: Heterochromia
  462. L67.150: Poliosis
  463. L67.800: NEC hair changes
  464. L67.810: Pili trianguli et canaliculi
  465. L67.812: Pili pseudoanulati
  466. L67.814: Pili bifurcati
  467. L67.820: NEC hair shaft disorder
  468. L67.830: Trichorrhexis invaginata
  469. L67.834: Trichoschisis
  470. L67.838: Trichoclasis
  471. L67.840: Trichomalacia
  472. L67.842: Trichonodosis
  473. L67.844: Fragile hair
  474. L67.860: NEC hair dystrophy
  475. L67.870: NEC hair colour change
  476. L67.900: Abnormal hair shaft, NOS
  477. L67.910: Hair shaft damage - exogeneous
  478. L67.920: Abnormal hair, NOS
  479. L68.000: Hirsutism
  480. L68.010: Endocrine hirsutism
  481. L68.020: Hirsutism due to drug
  482. L68.030: Idiopathic hirsutism
  483. L68.030: Idiopathic hirsutism
  484. L68.100: Acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa
  485. L68.200: Hypertrichosis localised, NOS
  486. L68.800: Hypertrichosis, specified, NEC
  487. L68.830: Hypertrichosis due to drug
  488. L68.860: Idiopathic hypertrichosis
  489. L68.900: Hypertrichosis
  490. L70.000: Acne vulgaris
  491. L70.010: Comedonal acne
  492. L70.020: Papulopustular acne
  493. L70.030: Cystic acne
  494. L70.030: Acne indurata
  495. L70.100: Acne conglobata
  496. L70.300: Tropical acne
  497. L70.400: Infantile acne
  498. L70.812: Acne fulminans
  499. L70.814: Acne due to drug
  500. L70.816: Corticosteroid-induced acne
  501. L70.824: Iododerma
  502. L70.826: Bromoderma
  503. L70.828: Chloracne
  504. L70.830: Oil acne
  505. L70.830: Oil acne
  506. L70.832: Tar acne
  507. L70.834: Acne cosmetica
  508. L70.838: Occupational acne
  509. L71.000: Perioral dermatitis
  510. L71.100: Rhinophyma
  511. L71.810: Telangiectatic rosacea
  512. L71.820: Pustular rosacea
  513. L71.850: Lupoid rosacea of Lewandowsky
  514. L71.900: Rosacea
  515. L72.000: Epidermoid cyst
  516. L72.100: Trichilemmal cyst
  517. L72.120: Scrotal cyst
  518. L72.200: Steatocystoma multiplex
  519. L72.200: Steatocystoma multiplex
  520. L72.820: Vellus hair cyst
  521. L72.830: Milium
  522. L73.100: Pseudofolliculitis barbae
  523. L73.200: Hidradenitis suppurativa
  524. L73.910: Folliculitis, NOS
  525. L74.000: Miliaria rubra
  526. L74.100: Miliaria crystallina
  527. L74.200: Miliaria profunda
  528. L74.420: Hypohidrosis
  529. L74.830: Granulosis rubra nasi
  530. L74.840: Ross syndrome
  531. L75.000: Bromhidrosis
  532. L75.100: Chromhidrosis
  533. L75.210: Fox-Fordyce disease
  534. L80.x00: Vitiligo
  535. L81.000: Post-inflammatory hypermelanosis
  536. L81.100: Melasma
  537. L81.200: Ephelis
  538. L81.300: Café-au-lait macule
  539. L81.402: Unilateral lentiginosis
  540. L81.404: Eruptive lentiginosis
  541. L81.406: Generalised lentiginosis
  542. L81.408: Periorbital hypermelanosis
  543. L81.420: Lentigo simplex
  544. L81.438: Acromelanosis
  545. L81.448: Hypermelanosis
  546. L81.460: Laugier-Hunziker syndrome
  547. L81.540: Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis
  548. L81.750: Dermatite Gougerot-Blum
  549. L81.810: Iron salt tattoo
  550. L81.820: Tattoo
  551. L81.824: Pigmentation due to carotenaemia
  552. L81.832: Pigmentation due to ingested/injected substance
  553. L81.854: Argyria
  554. L81.856: Chrysiasis
  555. L82.x20: Leser-Trélat syndrome
  556. L83.x00: Acanthosis nigricans
  557. L83.x10: Malignant acanthosis nigricans
  558. L83.x20: Benign acanthosis nigricans
  559. L83.x40: Confluent and reticulate papillomatosis of Gougerot & Carteaud
  560. L83.x40: Confluent and reticulate papillomatosis of Gougerot & Carteaud
  561. L83.x40: Confluent and reticulate papillomatosis of Gougerot & Carteaud
  562. L84.x00: Callosity
  563. L84.x00: Callosity
  564. L85.000: Acquired ichthyosis
  565. L85.010: Pityriasis rotunda
  566. L85.020: Ichthyosiform reaction to drug
  567. L85.110: Keratoderma climactericum
  568. L85.140: Acquired keratoderma
  569. L85.150: Bazex syndrome (acrokeratosis paraneoplastica)
  570. L85.150: Bazex syndrome (acrokeratosis paraneoplastica)
  571. L85.850: Acrokeratoelastoidosis of Costa
  572. L85.910: Unspecified hyperkeratosis
  573. L87.000: Kyrle's disease
  574. L87.100: Reactive perforating collagenosis
  575. L87.200: Elastosis perforans serpiginosa
  576. L88.x00: Pyoderma gangrenosum
  577. L89.x00: Decubitus gangrene
  578. L89.x00: Decubitus gangrene
  579. L90.300: Atrophoderma of Pasini-Pierini
  580. L90.400: Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
  581. L90.510: Scar
  582. L90.510: Scar
  583. L90.520: Atrophic scarring
  584. L90.812: Cutaneous atrophy due to topical corticosteroid
  585. L90.814: Cutaneous atrophy due to corticosteroids
  586. L90.820: Follicular atrophoderma
  587. L90.870: Lipoatrophy NOS
  588. L90.872: Lawrence Seip syndrome
  589. L90.872: Lipoatrophia totalis
  590. L90.876: Lipoatrophia semicircularis
  591. L90.900: Cutaneous atrophy
  592. L90.910: Anetoderma
  593. L91.000: Keloid
  594. L91.030: Hypertrophic scar
  595. L91.910: Pachyderma (NOS)
  596. L92.000: Granuloma annulare
  597. L92.020: Perforating granuloma annulare
  598. L92.030: Generalised granuloma annulare
  599. L92.040: Subcutaneous granuloma annulare
  600. L92.100: Necrobiosis lipoidica
  601. L92.110: Non-diabetic necrobiosis lipoidica
  602. L92.120: Granulomatosis disciformis chronica et progressiva
  603. L92.120: Miescher's granuloma
  604. L92.200: Granuloma faciale
  605. L92.300: Foreign body granuloma
  606. L92.300: Foreign body granuloma
  607. L92.311: Reaction to suture materials in skin
  608. L92.320: Barber's hair sinus
  609. L92.320: Barber's hair sinus
  610. L92.800: NEC granuloma of skin
  611. L92.810: Oleoma
  612. L92.820: Oleogranuloma
  613. L92.830: Infantile gluteal granuloma
  614. L92.840: Granuloma multiforme
  615. L92.850: Idiopathic sclerosing lipogranuloma
  616. L92.850: Sclerosing lipogranuloma
  617. L92.872: Oil granuloma
  618. L92.872: Paraffinoma
  619. L92.874: Silica granuloma
  620. L92.880: NEC granuloma
  621. L92.900: Granuloma of skin or subcutaneous tissue, NOS
  622. L93.000: Discoid lupus erythematosus
  623. L93.010: Lupus erythematosus
  624. L93.010: Non-tuberculous lupus
  625. L93.020: Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus
  626. L93.020: Discoid lupus erythematosus
  627. L93.100: Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
  628. L93.200: Lupus erythematosus, cutaneous, NEC
  629. L93.210: Lupus erythematosus profundus
  630. L93.230: Lupus erythematodes tumidus
  631. L93.240: Lupus erythematodes verrucosus
  632. L93.260: Chilblain lupus erythematosus
  633. L93.270: Lupus panniculitis
  634. L94.000: Morphea, NOS
  635. L94.000: Morphoea
  636. L94.000: Circumscribed scleroderma
  637. L94.020: Guttate morphoea
  638. L94.020: Localised morphea
  639. L94.030: Generalised morphoea
  640. L94.100: Scleroderma linear
  641. L94.100: Linear morphoea
  642. L94.100: Morphoea en coup de sabre
  643. L94.120: Frontoparietal morphoea
  644. L94.120: En coup de sabre
  645. L94.200: Calcinosis cutis
  646. L94.210: Calcinosis dystrophica
  647. L94.220: Cutaneous calculus
  648. L94.230: Acral calcinosis
  649. L94.300: Sclerodactyly
  650. L94.400: Gottron's papules
  651. L94.500: Prereticulotic poikiloderma
  652. L94.500: Prereticulotic poikiloderma
  653. L94.500: Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans
  654. L94.600: Ainhum
  655. L94.610: Constricting band of extremity
  656. L94.620: Pseudo-ainhum
  657. L94.810: Pseudoscleroderma
  658. L94.820: Skleroedema adultorum Buschke
  659. L94.822: Skleroedema diabeticorum
  660. L94.830: Cutaneous NEC elastosis
  661. L94.900: Connective tissue disease affecting skin
  662. L95.000: Livedoid vasculitis
  663. L95.000: Livedoid vasculitis
  664. L95.000: Livedoid vasculitis
  665. L95.020: Livedo reticularis with summer ulceration
  666. L95.100: Erythema elevatum diutinum
  667. L95.800: Capillaritis, NOS
  668. L95.810: Urticarial vasculitis
  669. L95.820: Livedo racemosa
  670. L95.850: Nodular vasculitis
  671. L95.850: Nodular vasculitis
  672. L95.850: Nodular vasculitis
  673. L95.900: Cutaneous vasculitis
  674. L97.x00: Ulcer leg, NOS
  675. L97.x00: Leg ulcer, NOS
  676. L97.x00: Leg ulcer
  677. L98.000: Pyogenic granuloma
  678. L98.000: Granuloma pyogenicum
  679. L98.000: Pyogenic granuloma
  680. L98.010: Eruptive angioma
  681. L98.100: Simulated dermatitis
  682. L98.100: Factitial dermatitis
  683. L98.100: Dermatitis artefacta
  684. L98.100: Self-inflicted skin disease
  685. L98.100: Factitial dermatitis
  686. L98.110: Factitious lymphoedema
  687. L98.120: Cutaneous artefact
  688. L98.130: Neurotic excoriation(s)
  689. L98.130: Neurotic excoriation(s)
  690. L98.130: Neurotic excoriations
  691. L98.140: Psychogenic purpura
  692. L98.200: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
  693. L98.200: Sweet's syndrome
  694. L98.200: Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
  695. L98.200: Sweet's disease
  696. L98.300: Eosinophilic cellulitis
  697. L98.300: Wells' syndrome
  698. L98.400: Skin ulcer, NOS
  699. L98.400: Chronic ulcer
  700. L98.420: Neuropathic foot ulcer
  701. L98.420: Neurotrophic ulcer
  702. L98.420: Neurotrophic ulcer
  703. L98.440: Tropical ulcer
  704. L98.440: Tropical sore
  705. L98.440: Tropical ulcer
  706. L98.450: Traumatic ulcer
  707. L98.490: Skin ulcer
  708. L98.500: Cutaneous mucinosis
  709. L98.500: Cutaneous NOS mucinosis
  710. L98.520: Focal cutaneous mucinosis
  711. L98.530: Lichen myxedematosus
  712. L98.540: REM syndrome
  713. L98.550: Plaque-like Mucinosis
  714. L98.560: Selfhealing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis
  715. L98.560: Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis
  716. L98.580: Arndt Gottron syndrome
  717. L98.580: Scleromyxoedema
  718. L98.810: Pseudolymphoma of skin
  719. L98.812: Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia
  720. L98.820: Kimura´s disease
  721. L98.830: Lymphocytoma cutis
  722. L98.840: Lymphocytic infiltration
  723. L98.840: Benign lymphocytic infiltration of Jessner-Kanof
  724. L98.860: Erythema arciforme et palpabile migrans
  725. L98.880: Oid-Oid Disease
  726. L98.880: Sulzberger Garbe syndrome
  727. L98.880: Exudative discoid and lichenoid dermatitis
  728. L98.884: Ascher´s syndrome
  729. L98.910: Skin disease, NOS
  730. L98.910: Dermatosis, NOS


  1. M02.390: Circinate (Reiter's disease) balanitis
  2. M02.390: Fiessinger Leroy syndrome
  3. M02.390: Circinate (Reiter's disease) vulvovaginitis
  4. M02.390: Reiter's disease involving skin
  5. M05.290: Rheumatoid vasculitis
  6. M05.290: Rheumatoid arteritis
  7. M06.390: Rheumatoid nodules
  8. M08.290: Still's disease juvenile
  9. M08.290: Juvenile still's disease
  10. M10.091: Gouty tophus
  11. M30.000: Polyarteritis nodosa
  12. M30.000: Kussmall Meier disease
  13. M30.000: Polyarteritis nodosa
  14. M30.000: Periarteritis nodosa
  15. M30.020: Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa
  16. M30.020: Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa
  17. M30.110: Churg Strauss granuloma
  18. M30.110: Allergic granulomatous angiitis
  19. M30.120: Allergic granulomatosis
  20. M30.120: Allergic granulomatosis
  21. M30.300: Kawasaki disease
  22. M30.300: Kawasaki disease
  23. M30.300: Mucocutaneous lymphnode syndrome
  24. M30.810: Polyangiitis overlap syndrome
  25. M30.820: Sneddon's syndrome
  26. M30.820: Livedo reticularis with nodules
  27. M31.000: Hypersensitivity angiitis
  28. M31.010: Goodpasture syndrome
  29. M31.100: Thrombotic microangiopathy
  30. M31.110: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
  31. M31.110: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
  32. M31.110: Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
  33. M31.300: Wegener's granulomatosis
  34. M31.310: Midline granuloma
  35. M31.400: Takayasu arteritis
  36. M31.400: Takayasu's arteritis
  37. M31.600: Giant cell arteritis, NOS
  38. M31.600: Giant cell arteritis
  39. M31.600: Giant cell arteritis
  40. M31.610: Temporal arteritis
  41. M31.610: Giant cell arteritis
  42. M31.610: Horton's syndrome
  43. M31.610: Temporal arteritis
  44. M31.800: Necrotising NEC angiitis
  45. M31.810: Urticrial hypocomplementemic vasculitis
  46. M32.000: Drug-induced lupus syndrome
  47. M32.010: Lupus erythematosus(LE)-like syndrome due to drug
  48. M32.900: Systemic lupus erythematosus
  49. M33.000: Juvenile dermatomyositis
  50. M33.000: Juvenile dermatomyositis
  51. M33.100: NEC dermatomyositis
  52. M33.200: Polymyositis
  53. M33.900: Dermatopolymyositis, NOS
  54. M33.910: Dermatomyositis
  55. M34.000: Progressive systemic sclerosis
  56. M34.020: Diffuse cutaneous type systemic sclerosis
  57. M34.100: CREST syndrome
  58. M34.210: Scleroderma occupational
  59. M34.830: Limited cutaneous type scleroderma (systemic)
  60. M34.860: Acrosclerosis
  61. M34.870: Thibierge Weissenbach syndrome
  62. M35.000: Sjögren syndrome
  63. M35.010: Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
  64. M35.040: Sicca syndrome
  65. M35.100: Mixed connective tissue disease
  66. M35.100: Overlap syndrome (connective tissue disease)
  67. M35.100: Sharp syndrome (mixed connective tissue disease)
  68. M35.100: Sclerodermatomyositis
  69. M35.200: Behçet's disease
  70. M35.210: Mouth and genital ulcer-Inflamed cartilage-syndrome
  71. M35.210: MAGIC-Syndrome
  72. M35.400: Shulman's syndrome
  73. M35.400: Eosinophilic fasciitis
  74. M35.500: Fibrosclerosis multiple
  75. M35.600: Weber Christian disease
  76. M35.600: Systemic nodular panniculitis
  77. M35.600: Relapsing febrile nodular panniculitis (Weber-Christian)
  78. M35.600: Nodular non-suppurative febrile panniculitis
  79. M35.610: Relapsing panniculitis
  80. M35.650: panniculitis due to alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
  81. M35.900: Autoimmune systemic disease, NOS
  82. M35.920: Systemic connective disease, NOS
  83. M35.930: Collagen vascular disease, NOS
  84. M36.000: Dermatomyositis associated with internal malignancy
  85. M36.000: Malignant disease with dermatomyositis
  86. M67.490: Ganglion
  87. M70.810: Digital myxoid cyst
  88. M71.200: Baker's cyst
  89. M72.000: Palmar fibromatosis
  90. M72.000: Palmar fibromatosis
  91. M72.000: Dupuytren's contracture
  92. M72.100: Knuckle pads
  93. M72.200: Plantar fibromatosis
  94. M72.200: Ledderhose's disease
  95. M72.200: Plantar fibromatosis
  96. M72.210: Plantar fasciitis
  97. M72.390: Nodular fasciitis
  98. M72.591: Ischaemic fasciitis
  99. M72.891: Infantile systemic hyalinosis
  100. M72.891: Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis
  101. M72.892: Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis
  102. M72.893: Aggressive systemic infantile myofibromatosis
  103. M72.893: Fibromatosis congenital generalised
  104. M72.895: Infantile digital fibromatosis
  105. M72.895: Infantile digital fibromatosis
  106. M79.390: Panniculitis, NOS
  107. M79.894: Traumatic fat necrosis
  108. M79.896: Cold panniculitis
  109. M79.896: Cold panniculitis
  110. M89.490: Pachydermoperiostosis
  111. M95.100: Cauliflower ear
  112. M95.100: Cauliflower ear


  1. N48.102: Balanitis
  2. N48.160: Infective balanitis
  3. N48.170: Irritant balanitis
  4. N48.180: Zoon's balanitis
  5. N48.180: Plasma cell balanitis
  6. N48.190: Balanoposthitis
  7. N48.300: Priapism
  8. N48.300: Painful erection
  9. N48.500: Penile ulcer
  10. N48.500: Ulcer of penis
  11. N48.600: Balanitis xerotica obliterans
  12. N48.610: Peyronie's disease
  13. N48.610: Plastic induration of penis
  14. N48.610: Penile fibromatosis
  15. N48.820: Mondor's of penis phlebitis
  16. N48.820: Mondor's phlebitis of penis
  17. N48.830: Nonvenereal chordee
  18. N49.810: Fournier's gangrene
  19. N62.x00: Gynaecomastia
  20. N64.000: Mammillary fistula
  21. N64.520: Retracted acquired nipple
  22. N75.000: Bartholin's gland cyst
  23. N75.100: Bartholin's gland cyst
  24. N75.800: Bartholinitis
  25. N76.020: Acute vulvovaginitis
  26. N76.110: Chronic vulvovaginitis
  27. N76.210: Vulvitis, NOS
  28. N76.600: Vulvar ulcer, NOS
  29. N76.610: Lipschütz ulcer (vulval aphthosis)
  30. N80.610: Cutaneous endometriosis
  31. N84.300: Vulvar polyp
  32. N90.300: Vulvar dysplasia, NOS
  33. N90.410: Kraurosis vulvae


  1. O22.000: Varicose veins of leg in pregnancy
  2. O22.100: Vulvar varices in pregnancy
  3. O22.200: Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy
  4. O22.300: Deep vein thrombosis in pregnancy
  5. O26.400: Herpes gestationis
  6. O26.400: Pemphigoid gestationis
  7. O99.740: PUPPP syndrome (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy)


  1. P00.810: Neonatal lupus erythematosus
  2. P00.820: Neonatal lupus erythematosus
  3. P35.200: Herpes simplex congenital
  4. P35.200: Neonatal herpes simplex
  5. P80.000: Neonatal cold injury
  6. P83.000: Sclerema neonatorum
  7. P83.100: Toxic erythema neonatorum
  8. P83.100: Erythema neonatorum
  9. P83.800: Subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn
  10. P83.820: Bronze baby syndrome


  1. Q17.000: Accessory auricle
  2. Q18.010: Branchial fistula
  3. Q18.020: Branchial cyst
  4. Q27.400: Diffuse congenital phlebectasia
  5. Q36.900: Hare lip
  6. Q38.200: Congenital macroglossia
  7. Q69.900: Polydactyly
  8. Q70.900: Syndactyly
  9. Q77.300: Chondrodysplasia punctata
  10. Q78.420: Haemangiomata with dyschondroplasia
  11. Q80.020: Follicular ichthyosis
  12. Q80.100: X-linked recessive ichthyosis
  13. Q80.200: Lamellar ichthyosis
  14. Q80.870: Netherton syndrome ichthyosis linearis circumflexa
  15. Q81.000: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
  16. Q81.010: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (Köbner)
  17. Q81.020: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation (Gedde-Dahl)
  18. Q81.030: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (Weber-Cockayne)
  19. Q81.030: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (Weber-Cockayne)
  20. Q81.100: Junctional - lethal (Herlitz) epidermolysis bullosa
  21. Q81.200: Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
  22. Q81.210: Dystrophic - dominant (Pasini variant) epidermolysis bullosa
  23. Q81.240: Dystrophic - inverse epidermolysis bullosa
  24. Q81.260: Dystrophic - generalised recessive (Hallopeau-Siemens) epidermolysis bullosa
  25. Q81.820: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex herpetiformis (Dowling-Meara disease)
  26. Q81.850: Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
  27. Q82.100: Xeroderma pigmentosum
  28. Q82.120: De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome
  29. Q82.230: Cutaneous mastocytosis
  30. Q82.290: Urticaria pigmentosa
  31. Q82.296: Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans
  32. Q82.300: Incontinentia pigmenti of Bloch-Sulzberger
  33. Q82.300: Incontinentia pigmenti of Bloch-Sulzberger
  34. Q82.502: Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus (ILVEN)
  35. Q82.503: Epidermal naevus
  36. Q82.504: Aplastic nevus
  37. Q82.505: Eccrine naevus
  38. Q82.507: Apocrine naevus
  39. Q82.509: Nevus syringocystadenomatosus papilliferus
  40. Q82.510: Port-wine stain
  41. Q82.520: Telangiectatic naevus
  42. Q82.540: Naevus anemicus
  43. Q82.550: Woolly hair naevus
  44. Q82.552: Nevus lipomatodes superficialis
  45. Q82.570: Naevus sebaceus of Jadassohn
  46. Q82.582: Becker´s naevus
  47. Q82.585: Acantholytic nevus
  48. Q82.597: Elastic nevus
  49. Q82.802: Naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
  50. Q82.810: Hereditary pseudoxanthoma elasticum
  51. Q82.816: Cutis laxa
  52. Q82.817: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  53. Q82.818: Congenital/genetic poikiloderma
  54. Q82.832: Progressive palmoplantar keratoderma (Greither keratoderma)
  55. Q82.832: Progressive palmoplantar keratoderma
  56. Q82.834: Mal de Meleda
  57. Q82.836: Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma
  58. Q82.844: Poikiloderma with incontinentia pigmenti (Degos-Touraine syndrome)
  59. Q82.852: Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
  60. Q82.855: Erythrokeratoderma
  61. Q82.857: Erythrokeratoderma en cocardes (Degos syndrome)
  62. Q82.858: Symmetrical progressive of Gottron erythrokeratoderma
  63. Q82.859: Erythrokeratoderma variabilis (Mendes da Costa)
  64. Q82.859: Erythrokeratoderma variabilis
  65. Q82.868: Darier's disease
  66. Q82.872: Acrokeratosis verruciformis (Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf)
  67. Q82.878: Ectodermal dysplasia
  68. Q82.882: Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
  69. Q83.300: Accessory nipple
  70. Q83.900: Developmental defect breast
  71. Q84.010: Atrichia congenita
  72. Q84.110: Pili annulati
  73. Q84.120: Pili torti
  74. Q84.130: Uncombable hair syndrome
  75. Q84.140: Monilethrix
  76. Q84.160: Brittle hair (Trichothiodystrophy)
  77. Q84.169: Trichothiodystrophy
  78. Q84.210: Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa
  79. Q84.220: Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa
  80. Q84.230: Marie-Unna syndrome
  81. Q84.256: Hair follicle nevus
  82. Q84.300: Anonychia
  83. Q84.510: Pachyonychia congenita
  84. Q84.520: Pachyonychia congenita type I (Jadasssohn-Lewandowsky syndrome)
  85. Q84.530: Pachyonychia congenita type II (Jackson-Lawler syndrome)
  86. Q84.540: Pachyonychia congenita type III (Schafer-Brunauer syndrome)
  87. Q84.610: Inherited nail deformity
  88. Q84.810: Aplasia cutis congenita
  89. Q85.000: Neurofibromatosis - multiple neurofibromas
  90. Q85.010: Neurofibromatosis 1
  91. Q85.020: Neurofibromatosis II
  92. Q85.030: Segmental neurofibromatosis
  93. Q87.110: Cockayne syndrome
  94. Q87.114: Russell-Silver syndrome
  95. Q87.136: Sjögren-Larsson syndrome
  96. Q87.170: Cornelia de Lange syndrome
  97. Q87.210: Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
  98. Q87.210: Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
  99. Q87.230: Nail-patella syndrome
  100. Q87.400: Marfan syndrome
  101. Q87.410: Arachnodactyly
  102. Q90.900: Down syndrome
  103. Q96.900: Turner syndrome
  104. Q98.400: Klinefelter syndrome
  105. Q99.200: Poly X syndrome


  1. R20.850: Oral dysesthesia
  2. R20.850: Burning mouth syndrome
  3. R23.200: Flushing
  4. R23.840: Erythrocyanosis
  5. R60.030: Oedema due to heart failure
  6. R60.040: Oedema due to hypoproteinaemia
  7. R61.000: Localised hyperhidrosis
  8. R61.030: Axillary hyperhidrosis
  9. R61.040: Asymmetrical hyperhidrosis
  10. R61.050: Gustatory hyperhidrosis
  11. R61.100: Generalised hyperhidrosis


  1. T14.010: Abrasion
  2. T14.082: Haematoma
  3. T14.110: Open wound
  4. T14.130: Knife wound
  5. T30.000: Thermal burn
  6. T30.100: First degree burn


To cite Bolognia rapidly use Template:Bolognia 2 thus ((Bolognia 2|1|1106)) giving ((Bolognia 2|1|1106))

Similarly template:Fitzpatrick 6; ((Fitzpatrick 6|112|1208)) gives Ship, Jonathan A.; Joan Phelan, and A. Ross Kerr (2003). "Chapter 112: Biology and Pathology of the Oral Mucosa". In Freedberg; et al. (eds.). Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. p. 1208. ISBN 0-07-138067-1.

In both cases the first argument is the chapter, the second the page number. The 2 and 6 refer to the edition, no other editions are currently supported.

Other lists[edit]

L update[edit]

  • Section 1/6 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 01:16, 24 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 2/6 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 17:43, 27 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 3/6 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 18:47, 27 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 4/6 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 17:58, 1 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Sections 5,6/6 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 16:09, 3 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I update[edit]

  • Section 1/4 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 22:19, 3 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 2/4 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 16:32, 9 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 3/4 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 13:57, 10 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
  • Section 4/4 finished. ---kilbad (talk) 15:23, 10 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]