Sharon Tate


Please look this over and tell me what needs to be done to improve it. I have completely rewritten the article and have researched every point and everything can be linked to the references I've quoted. I have tried to take the "fanzine" tone out of the previous article. Also it's long - but I think it needs to cover her career, the murder and trials, and finally the work that has been done in her name by her family. I'm worried it may be considered too long, but I think it needs to be, and there are featured articles longer, so hope it's not a problem. Rossrs 15:08, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Thanks. I don't know how to deal with the references. I know it looks like there aren't enough, but everything in the article, quotes included, come straight from the books I cited. I just don't know how to substantiate them. With other articles I've contributed to, I've put links to webpages etc and cited them as references, but with Sharon Tate, all I can find on the net are fan pages that are grossly inaccurate, and make her sound like Mother Theresa so I'm not going to cite them. The majority of what I used is in the Greg King book I cited. I agree it looks inadequately referenced - I don't know how to fix it, because I really was scrupulous about checking and rechecking every fact/quote etc. Rossrs 28 June 2005 06:38 (UTC)
Thank you. I appreciate your opinion. The shy and aloof thing.... Hopefully it won't need changing, but I figure if several people refer to her as "shy" in the book, and several refer to her as "aloof" and someone else says her "friendships were transient" I can defend putting it all in one sentence. Just for example. But if it comes to that, I guess it can always be changed. Thanks. Rossrs 3 July 2005 02:23 (UTC)
I had another look at that comment and reworded it more in line with what was written in the book rather than my paraphrasing it, and I think it's an improvement. Rossrs 3 July 2005 13:17 (UTC)