The Wikiproject Geographical coordinates is busy tagging all articles about locations on Earth with their geographic coordinates using the coor family of tags; this gives readers access to maps and aerial photography and allows external sites to create mashups showing Wikipedia articles on maps. Right now, it is not possible to access a list of articles about nearby locations from a given Wikipedia article. The Location Categorization Project is designed to remedy this.

For every region of size 1° latitude by 1° longitude, a Wikipedia category is created; for example Category:Locations 37°N 122°W to 38°N 123°W. Twenty-five of these are grouped together in a larger category of size 5° by 5°: Category:Locations 35°N 120°W to 40°N 125°W, and 36 of those make up a toplevel category of size 30° by 30°: Category:Locations 30°N 120°W to 60°N 150°W. There are thus 72 toplevel categories.

Every article about a location or area is placed in at least one of these categories, namely in the lowest-level category that contains a majority of the area. So if the described location or area covers only a few 1° by 1° regions (such as a city for example), then it is placed in those 1° by 1° categories that capture a major portion of the area; if it is significantly larger (such as a U.S. state) then it is placed in the corresponding higher level categories that capture major portions of it. Many countries will be placed in the top-level categories, and all of these belong to Category:Locations.

Every locations category page will contain links to the neighboring location categories at the same level, a coor link for the center of the region using the right scale so that maps and aerial photography are readily accessible, and a short one-sentence description of the location categorization system.

(To quickly find the extend of regions in terms of geographic coordinates, Google Earth's View/Grid (Control-L) feature is very useful.)

Design decisions[edit]


The location categories were deleted; the discussion leading up to this decision can be found here.