Tally: I count 9 delete, 1 keep, and 2 comments. I'll delete these two articles now. Wile E. Heresiarch 15:56, 3 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Ithkuil & John Quijada


Another conlang article. Heck, these people are making all of us conlangers look bad. - Cymydog Naakka 02:26, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC) Note: Forgot to log in!

...and its non-notable author. (Sorry, Cymydog, my bad.) Mikkalai 06:58, 26 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Another note -- John Quijada was added by User:Mikkalai, not me. He also added a couple of extra words before my signature, making it look like I wrote them. (You shouldn't do that, Mikkalai...) However I do vote for the deletion of both articles. - Cymydog Naakka 09:57, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Like I said, these people are making all of us conlangers look bad! No, we are not mentally ill, thank you very much, George, and most of us are quite capable of distinguishing subjective and objective. Don't start insulting an entire group of people because of the deeds of one. Conlangery is not a disease, it's an art form; and conlangs are works of art, not concoctions of an ill mind. - Cymydog Naakka 10:08, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Oh, come on! It was just a joke, and it was about private vanity on Wikipedia, not about conlangs. The UFOlogy people, the "secret history" people, that kind of thing. There are perfectly sane conlangs just as there are perfectly sane revisionist historians. I was joking about the fringe, not the body. Sorry if it appeared otherwise. Geogre 13:02, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Um, Geogre, that was a bit over the top. I think that it would make vfd more effective, and more efficient, if we could stick to neutral language; it helps avoid flamewars. It would cut down on the entertainment value of vfd, true enough -- I suspect that's a good thing. Fwiw, Wile E. Heresiarch 15:21, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)