South eastern Pacific species of Petrolisthes, Allopetrolisthes, and Liopetrolisthes (Porcellanidae)This user wants things to stop evolving into crabs.
Xs zhang6
— Wikipedian —
Country Australia
Time zoneAEST/AEDT
Hobbies, favourites and beliefs
HobbiesGuitar, violin, collecting CDs, reading, writing poetry
MusicThe Mountain Goats, The Front Bottoms, Neutral Milk Hotel

Your mouth is sweeter than wine, and it has a more complicated history than the American South.

— John Darnielle, "New Chevrolet in Flames"
Hitchhiker's gestureThis user has sex with your mom.

Hi! I'm a high school student aiming to study history from Australia. I've always considered editing Wikipedia, but I only started in February of 2022, so I'm definitely a new contributor. I used to browse Wikipedia and read through all my interests during school, so it's a fantastic privilege to be able to contribute to this project now!

Here are some of the main topics I edit/intend on editing:

However, I am open to contributing to a wide range of topics, and I especially enjoy hunting down and adding citations; it's a great way to learn more about topics you might not be familiar with, and even to learn how to research!