About me

I am a Canadian living and working in Ottawa, Canada. I'm currently completing my Masters of Education in Distance Education and technology. I previously worked at Khan Academy as the program manager of the medicine faculty. I now am a content manager/ video content lead at Osmosis where we are making medical videos under a CC-BY-SA license. Previous to all this I worked as a pediatric intensive care unit nurse at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. My singular focus is to provide the best possible learning experience to students.


I receive remuneration from Osmosis to create and put our CC-BY-SA videos on Wikimedia/Wikipedia as well as YouTube. My contributions and comments are my own and I take full responsibility for them. You can learn more about Osmosis here: https://open.osmosis.org/ .

Wiki aspirations

My goal is to provide video high-quality video lessons on medical topics to Wikipedia. There's a lot of great text here, but sometimes things are just easier to understand in video form. You can find all of Osmosis's uploaded videos here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Videos_from_Osmosis