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I earned a Diploma in Geophysics from the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland and a PhD in seismology from CALTECH, Pasadena, California. For 20 years I was professor at the University of Colorado and Fellow of CIRES, Boulder Colorado. For ten years I held the Wadati chair of seismology at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and served as State Seismologist of Alaska for a few years. From 2001 to 2014, I was the director of the World Agency for Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction, a non-profit organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Now I am a senior scientist at the International Centre for Earth Simulation Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland. For a little more than a decade I chaired the IASPEI sub-commission for earthquake prediction and served as editor of Pure and Applied Geophysics. I have published about 200 articles in reviewed journals and a dozen books. In particular, I have published books and articles on seismic hazard and risk (about 50) and Geoethics. I have lead a group to construct QLARM, a program and data set to estimate damage, fatalities and number of injured for any earthquake worldwide within 30 minutes of its occurrence. Loss estimates I calculate for likely future earthquakes are called scenarios. Expertise: Earthquake loss estimates, risk assessment, hazard assessment, prediction, source mechanisms, tectonics. [1].

portrait of Max Wyss.
portrait of Max Wyss
portrait of Max Wyss.
portrait 2 of Max Wyss