See, today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and adversity. ... I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live (Dt 30:15,19)

(Holman Christian Standard Bible) *Note to quick judging wikipedian's. I am not christian, but I happen to like this translation.]]

"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from -- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."

Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

This user, as noted by Blueaster, voted for the deletion of the article, Persecution of Muslims, only giving the following words as his/her reasoning: "Islamist playground. This article is going to turn into an unmaintainable POV fest.", while ignoring both the fact that there has been plenty of scholarly documentation of the article's subject, and the fact that articles on highly contentious topics, such as Xenu, Global Warming, Intelligent Design, and Roe v. Wade have indeed reached commendable states of accuracy and NPOV. Therefore, it is very difficult to look at user Klonimus's action in good faith, as it can look to the average bystander that Klonimus simply does not want to acknowledge the fact that throughout history and all the world, any group which is the minority in a situation is subject to persecution by the majority. Blueaster 22:52, 21 October 2007 (UTC)

User:Klonimus/AINB Anti-idiotarian notice board.

  1. User:Klonimus/Justin Vermillion
  2. User:Klonimus/Seamus mitwurst
  3. User:Klonimus/Society for the Preservation of Waffle Irons
  4. User:Klonimus/Sir Scott Rashap

Life Changing event

View of the WTC and the Statue of Liberty.

On September 11, 2001, I witnessed the start of World War IV when Islamic forces attacked the World Trade Center. I saw the smoke rising from Manhattan Island from the windows of 14th Story of the Axinn Library at Hofstra University.

Shortly afterwards I began reading Little Green Footballs,Fuckedcompany, and was turned on to Victor Davis Hanson. I was privileged to hear VDH speak in person in 2004 at UC Santa Cruz. In my opinion the fight against Islamofascism is as important to this generation as the fight against Nazism and Communism were to previous generations.

The man who brings Democracy, Whiskey, And Sexy to the wretched of the earth

Because in many ways this is a war of ideas, the best way to fight Islamofascism (see [1] for good explanation) is by exposing it to critical scrutiny and demonstrating an alternative way of life that better fits the human desire for liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the words of a liberated Iraqi, what the world needs is more "Democracy, Whiskey. And Sexy!" [2]

I believe in the principle of Uberrima fides, meaning utmost good faith and full disclosure of all material facts. Unfortunately some people on wikipedia do not operate on the same principle, they are opposed to full disclosure of any information that makes their cherished intellectual idolatry (be it Islam, Chomskian leftism, or something else) look bad.

My long experience with FuckedCompany, makes owning hippies and idiotarians, quick, simple and effective. Being an inclusionist, I feel the best way to fight disinformation is more information.

Zeev Jabotinsky the greatest political philosopher of the 20th century.

Palestinians, Armenians and lots of other put-upon ethnic groups too, demand 'justice'. Well, diplomacy,finance, and poker are alike in one respect: there ain't no justice, and you're barking at a stone wall to 'demand' it. Pragmatism, expedience, and Realpolitik guided by great principals rule the day.

And to anyone who claims that I have some grand bias against Islam, Quote me. If I'm alleged the mightiest and greatest Islamophobe on wikipedia, then there ought to be reams of unimpeachable evidence for this to be so. Creating new articles, and expanding others will not cut it with me.

Page interests


Substantial Improvment

Books critical of Islam

Recently I've been filling out the category Category:Books critical of Islam with articles about a contemporary books that are critical of Islam. One would think that documenting a verifiyable sub genre of books would not cause offense. But sadly this is not the case. If wikipedia is to be an encyclopedic encyclopedia then this is a topic that must be documented. I am especially pleased in that the anti-majortarian aspects of the wikipedia VfD process protected these articles from deletion by an organised campaign of wikipedian's dedicated to an encyclopedia free of anything that might cast Islam in a bad light.

Klonimus 23:55, 1 October 2005 (UTC)

Too hot for Wikipedia !!!

Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings. (German: Dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.) Heinrich Heine, from his play Almansor (1821)

Due to an explosion of bad faith editing, bordering on vandalism, in the public Islamofascism, it is impossible for anyone working in good faith to attempt to improve that article. However it contains plenty of material that could be inserted into other articles. Klonimus 04:40, 2 August 2005 (UTC)

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The Islamic Barnstar Award

Rewarded for providing a much-needed factual basis and tireless NPOV approach in Islam-related articles. Germen (Talk | Contribs ) 15:24, 2 September 2006 (UTC)