Featured picture nominations by month, 2007-2012.

Max (overall): 182 (February 2008)
Min (overall): 38 (October 2011)
Max (2012): 122 (March)
Min (2012): 50 (August)

List created using number of pages in categories (e.g. ((subst:PAGESINCATEGORY:Featured picture nominations/December 2010))). Nominations before 2007 were not separated into categories by date.

Year-Month (YYYY-MM) Number of FPC nominations
2007-01 87
2007-02 88
2007-03 119
2007-04 124
2007-05 108
2007-06 84
2007-07 108
2007-08 97
2007-09 88
2007-10 112
2007-11 89
2007-12 103
2008-01 127
2008-02 182
2008-03 158
2008-04 92
2008-05 95
2008-06 99
2008-07 103
2008-08 133
2008-09 99
2008-10 89
2008-11 91
2008-12 82
2009-01 155
2009-02 134
2009-03 128
2009-04 143
2009-05 92
2009-06 72
2009-07 160
2009-08 124
2009-09 134
2009-10 120
2009-11 75
2009-12 68
2010-01 64
2010-02 101
2010-03 81
2010-04 60
2010-05 71
2010-06 78
2010-07 124
2010-08 156
2010-09 81
2010-10 71
2010-11 78
2010-12 75
2011-01 68
2011-02 47
2011-03 106
2011-04 69
2011-05 71
2011-06 43
2011-07 61
2011-08 61
2011-09 71
2011-10 38
2011-11 51
2011-12 72
2012-01 77
2012-02 83
2012-03 122
2012-04 93
2012-05 95
2012-06 67
2012-07 68
2012-08 50
2012-09 85
2012-10 72
2012-11 78
2012-12 76