
John Lattier is my name. I'm a student at Emory University. I study stem cells & muscle regeneration. Someday I'd like to help find a cure for type I diabetes. -John L.

-Jon L.*

Hi! Your message caused me to dig around on the internet to try to find my genealogy. I managed to trace it all the way back to Jean Lattier (French for John Lattier) who lived in France in the early 1700s. Check out these two pages:
Apparently after Jean Lattier, it's Joseph (first to come to Louisiana), Francois Sr., Francois Jr., Francois Rene, Firmin, Alphonce, James, Ken, then me! That makes Jean my Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather! I wonder if/how you and I are related. Do you have any family history from Louisiana? France? I'm at if you ever feel like writing. But on here is fine, too.
John Lattier