en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.


I am a researcher with a Ph.D. degree in wireless network and network security areas. Currently I am doing research and development in a SoCal network company. My hobby includes my R&D job and traditional Chinese writings, such as poems (古詩詞格律),literature (古文) and official history records(二十四史).

My user name in is 霍枯燥.

My user name in is also 霍枯燥, where now I am a sysadmin.

BTW, in my whole lifetime so far, I have played too much with engineering stuffs and history stuffs. In addition, I am not a native speaker of English. The English I have learned is also very engineering-oriented rather than politics-oriented. My English expressions are thus typically point-blank as engines where diplomacy can hardly be found. I wish I could be more diplomatic, but it is as good as it gets.

Favorite quotes (to be translated)


Amusing things

This user's comments about himself are quite amusing.--Jiejunkong 23:25, 16 July 2007 (UTC)

What I like here

What I don't like here

What's going on?

Busy at, it's a tough job to input ancient manuscripts (many characters are missing in modern language) into wiki.

Non-experts vs. Experts

In every field, there are rules and politics. Many people follow the (imperfect) rules and play ordinary politics. Typically, this probabilistic social system works fine. However, if some (self-asserted, self-promoted) outsiders jump in due to some unexpected probabilistic events, then the ordinary politics in the field may be screwed and the insiders are in trouble.

Do not distort history

You've studied history then don't distort the history as property of entity, you have been arguing Goguryeo history is Chinese or Korean countless times, yet all you care is including Goguryeo as or under Chinese history which is nonsense because no Chinese have contributed to Goguryeo culture and heritage. These who distort history will only be seen as insecure people.--Korsentry 03:22, 12 March 2009 (UTC)