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/Yehoshua Ya'akov

Yehoshua Ya'akov

Yehoshua Ya’akov (* June 5th, 1942 in the United States as Michael Francis O’Donnell) is the inventor of the new anthropocentric discipline Humanomics (sm) and its new cognitive behavioral and economic science first principles and their respective “enabling technologies". Contained in his ‘Humanomics (sm) Trilogy’ are his basic innovative contributions in original social science research: (1) Receiving to Give (sm). (2) The Theory of Organization (sm), (3) The Integration of Labor (sm), the new economic paradigm, now replacing The Division of Labor, and (4) The Energy Function of Information (sm). He is also the founder and CEO of the Macrotech Corporation set up by him to supply the UN and its 192 member nations with content and enabling technology to achieve its main goals. In particular this will be achieved through the The Integration of Labor™ new working methods and the Sustainable Human Development (SHD) new media contents, which will make possible the level of cooperation required to foster enduring international peace, economic stability and justice and a global effectively coordinated effort of preserving our biosphere. Originally born and raised in the USA, he is an auto-didactic scientist living and working in Jerusalem, Israel, since 1987. He is married to his wife Sarah and together they are raising two sons.


 1 Early years  2 Business Career in the US  3 Life Achievements  3.1 Research seeking fundamental solutions  3.2 The challenge of the 21st century – from the information society to authentic identity  3.3 The Humanomics (sm) Trilogy  4 Major global wake up events confirm his many wake-up calls and letters to public figures  5 Spiritual Leadership  6 Notes here I bring in the the quotes, the source)  7 Further reading (literature)  8 External Links (websites, and proposal is on GoogleDocs)

1. Early years – the beginning

The youngest of seven boys, Yehoshua Ya’akov, was born as Michael Francis O’Donnell on June 5th, 1942, in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was named after Captain (RDF) Michael Francis O’Donnell (1886-1958), an Irish war hero and he’s also the grand-nephew of the late Patsy Sweeney, who at the turn of the 19th century was a world boxing champion, from Manchester, N.H. His late father, Martin F. O’Donnell, of Manchester, NH, was a humanist and his late mother Loretta H. O’Donnell of Stephentown, New York, was a traditional spiritualist. He was raised in a single-parent home by his father and paternal grandmother.

As a youth, Yehoshua Ya’akov pursued an interest in art and worked as an apprentice for Carl Paulson (his God-father), in the "Raven Stain Glass Studio" on Ridge Road in Upton, Massachusetts, the city where he grew up and attended school. Carl Paulson in turn had started out as a student in the famous “Connick Studios”, whose founder, Charles Jay Connick had opened his stained glass studio in Boston in 1913. Carl Paulson also became a unique master stain glass artist with world class accomplishments, artistically the equal of Chagall. From him he learned design, cutting, glazing and all facets of designing and making both medallions and windows, for patrons and churches, inspiring people all over the world. Carl Paulson’s windows are a spiritual heuristics for Yehoshua Ya'akov, perceiving them as “portals of light”, which inspire a consistent divine connection.

In school, in Upton’s "George S. Ball School", as a mere youth he intuited that a ‘scorched earth’ had preceded him, as it came from his five older brothers, who preceded him there, in an extremely racist school system; although this too came from G-d. Next, he went to Northbridge JHS and Saint Mary’s RC, HS, in Milford, Mass. Despite being a mere youth, he did not accept the Catholic school’s moral and ethical tenets. After this, he lived for the first time in his life with his mother Loretta in Worcester and it was there, that he attended Commerce and North High secular Schools, in Worcester. He dropped out of high school (and later out of College, while attempting to achieve a professional career in baseball, as a young man, in California) and instead of completing his degree, he went to work, and became self-supporting and self-educated. Following his mother’s guidance, he continued reading the classics and herein his natural focus became the Bible. This also led him to read science and philosophy on his own, focusing initially on the cognitive and behavioral sciences; later on, economics was of interest to him. These knowledge instruments were used by him in sustainable human development, in learning to think, and to respond to his own inherent cognitive altruism, that within religion provided him his identity, ethics, morality and his direction in life.

In 1985/86, upon returning to his mother’s Jewish roots (her maiden name was Loretta Halperin), he chose the Hebrew name Yehoshua Ya’akov (Ben-Avraham) and in 1987, he moved from New Jersey, US to Jerusalem, Israel. From the time he began studying the Torah, its commentaries and its related classics, continuing to date, he in parallel became an accomplished auto-didactic scientist, with achievements in numerous science disciplines; having postulated Humanomics (sm), as the new “white space” social science East-West ‘convergence model’ after the global collapse of the ‘local reality,’ which he first observed, 18 years ago (in 1993), while combining in his life’s work an epistemic meta-analysis of his readings of behavioral and economic sciences.

2. His business career and his achievements in the USA

At the age of 27 he founded a company in 1969 in New Jersey, an enterprise by the name ‘Market Science Company’ (MSC), which provided strategic consulting, computer and business systems design development and management training services, locally and years later nationally, to businesses and to government. With time this company slowly secured significant institutional clients.

The 'Market Science Company' provided organizational and related strategic R&D new ‘IST’ technology development and professional IST management training and education services. Its unique focus was on the use of information as a strategic asset. He pursued these new technology and related business development goals, for some years, through additional vehicles he created, owned and operated with partners; namely ‘Rhodes & O’Donnell, Inc.’, ‘Computer Technology Associates’ (CTA), thereafter ‘Hoskyns Systems Management Inc.’ (NY/London) and years later the ‘International Planning Corporation’ (IPC, in Delaware). His companies’ clients were Sperry Rand’s, Univac Division in Blue Bell, Penn., HP, IBM’s SBC Division, Hoffman LaRoche, Morgan Chase, Bristol Meyers, Schering Plough, Johnson & Johnson, Weyerhauser, Citibank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, Union Carbide, Merck & Company, the NYSE, Merrill Lynch-ML and many other institutions, that his companies provided strategic IST development, management training, systems design and related consulting services to, often where he and his companies were the primary provider of services to these enterprises.

The original MSC vehicle created a ‘Joint Venture’ company, which was named ‘Hoskyns Systems Management’ (HSMI), with Sir John Hoskyns, of London, who subsequently became Margaret Thatcher’s economic adviser. After Sir John’s learning certain macro-economic heuristics from him at that time, regarding his new economic paradigm - the “Integration of Labor (sm)” - a Peerage suggestion was made to Yehoshua Ya’akov, by others not connected with Sir John, however this was refused by him for personal reasons. After this, he went on to create ‘Computer Technology Associates’ (CTA) and a few years later IPC.

After CTA was divested of certain of its employee-partners, the core company continued, and undertook research on his new economic paradigm, the 'Integration of Labor' (sm)” for its strategic development and a new consulting direction. It was renamed as the 'International Planning Corporation' (IPC), and was at the time incorporated in Delaware NJ in July 1979 with his partners being Leo Schnitzer, and Julian Rogoff, who together each invested 250K, matching funds with Yehoshua Y The Humanomics (sm) Trilogy a'akov's original 250K personal investment, which he had made at the time, into IPC’s predecessor companies.

3. His Life Achievements

3.1 Research ‘Seeking Fundamental Solutions

The purpose of his consulting firm "International Planning Corporation" was to seek the answers for the three basic human existential questions, through a basic research into the manifestations of the contemporary human existence and society, in order to develop solutions for the problems that arise when remain when these questions remain Unanswered:

(1) “What creates life and sustainable human development life systems?” 
(2) “What creates [sustainable demand and thus] wealth?” and 
(3) “Who am I?” in general, as the search for identity for the individual subjects. 

And it was the combination of these questions and their answers, which over time produced the “meta-analysis” that eventually led to the postulation of the new discipline of Humanomics (sm) in general and its two particular paradigms, namely “Receiving, to give (sm),” and the “Integration of Labor (sm). While the first is Humanomics’ (sm) new ‘central organizing principle’ and the latter is the new global economic paradigm. In combination, they confirm his primary hypothesis, which is the post-collapse of the “local reality” globally, and form the new East-West “convergence model”

3.2 The Challenge of the 21st century - beyond the information age to authentic identity

Yehoshua Ya'akov's main innovation in the social sciences is to identify the absence of the authentic self as the root cause of alienation and its manifestations of mental and physical illness, difficulties in child-rearing, domestic, traffic and labor accidents, relationships soured, emotional disturbance such as jealousy, competitiveness, hatred, many times leading to warfare, economic injustice and needless litigation. And most painfully, the many incidents of youths turning into killers on school grounds in the developed countries during the past 2 decades. With this realization, he has also refuted the specious thesis, that the root of all evil in the world derives from religion and organized religion; rather he has clarified that the evil in the world derives unquestionably from man’s separation and exile, first from his own authentic self, and then as result of this also from others and from God in general. And to not see or be aware of this inside problem and construct on top of the authentic identity vacuum the false self - that is the mankind's generic delusion, as it obfuscates completely the ego's destructive agenda behind the smokescreen of civility and/or tradition and fundamentalism. Whereas through the deconstruction of the false self – to which he also refers as deprogramming the mind of exile –and the commitment to receiving one's authentic self, personal redemption occurs, and in the cumulative then the collective redemption of humanity.

3.3. ‘Humanomics(sm)’

Since his arrival in Israel in 1987 to date, he has served in Israel (and of behalf of all the UN member nations pro bono with his Internet multimedia efforts from1995 and onwards to this very day, to ‘brand’ Humanomics (sm) and its new economic paradigm. Also for this purpose he has been writing the ‘Humanomics Trilogy’ and is getting ready to publish the manuscript on the web this summer of 2013. This entire trilogy is now estimated to run to around 2,500, pages, of text & graphics, which have been through 4 to 5 drafts already. Its purpose and value is intended to be 'lighthouse' and 'guide-map' (or a collective GPS of sorts) for the long-term strategic needs of the US and the EU/EC (its 27 member nations) for formulating their own new domestic policies required to fashion a suitable development policy for the ‘Global Technological Infrastructure’ (GTI). Its development, implementation and operation considerations and its respective timing, is a joint US and EU “supply side” macro-economic development, national priority, as these two advanced societies now look to each other, to lead in the now required new public policy, advocacy and presentation methods, to their respective legislative bodies, that are derived from the 3 ‘Humanomics Trilogy’ volumes as follows:

- Volume One, of Humanomics (sm), explains that it is the general new ‘central organizing principle’ of man and mankind, for the now proceeding “post-collapse era" of the ‘local reality,’ (from September 11th, 2011 onwards) that is events and history’s new “East-West Convergence Model,” after both systems (communism and capitalism) have collapsed ideologically, socially and financially. And also it explains why it, that Humanomics (sm) is the new science idea, technology and program, whose time has come; as it is comprised of the two primary paradigms that are now needed in the world to solve its biggest continuing unsolved problems. Problems, which will all continue to be unsolvable, unless the basic human problem of identity resolution is faced through the content assimilation of 'Receiving to Give' (sm), defined in

- Volume Two, explains, defines and elucidates Humanomics (sm) new ‘central organizing principle’, namely “Receiving, to give” (sm), which is the new ‘central organizing principle’ of both the Jewish people and of all mankind; and it is as well the Halachah (Jewish law) of the redemption, while it is also , in secular parlance, the new cognitive-behavioral science ‘first principle,’ of the post-modern, post-industrial era. It is the quintessence and purpose of the so-called information society as it provides man with true knowledge about himself, which in turn is what s/he requires to self-organize her life around her authentic identity.

- Volume Three, explains Humanomics (sm) new ‘economic paradigm’ that is the “Integration of Labor (sm),” which now replaces globally the old industrial model of the ‘division of labor.’ It identifies, in classical terms ‘information’ as the new agent of transformation. And it now compels the massive “reallocation” of world capital markets’ assets to the emerging new world-class ‘Global Technologic Infrastructure’ (GTI) systems, their derivative “enabling technology” models and their respective “sun rise” industries, globally.

In the “Integration of Labor (sm),” the general model is comprised of four sub-models that are its macro “enabling technology,” and they are: (1) its new Sustainable Human Development (SHD) programs, (2) its new Network Services (NS), (3) its new Systems Integration (SI) and (4) its new Natural Intelligence (NI) programs.

In combination, when all these 4 sub-models are developed, implemented and made operational, as its new world-class Global Technologic Infrastructure (GTI), it is to be noted, that this is only possible, when they are developed and based on ‘Humanomics (sm)’ in general, and its new economic paradigm, the “Integration of Labor (sm)” in particular. Or in short, it will take the ‘Integration of Labor’ (sm) to produce the vast integrated system of unified human intelligence and cooperation (the GTI), which in turn will deliver the sustainable human services (education & healthcare) required for all.

As only then will we see the promised macro-economic transformational general and particular creation of jobs, through the retraining and educational results, attained and sustained, as a function of the macro-economic achievement levels of the American nation’s transformed GNP/GDP productivity; the new GTI in America will bring us from a 14 to a 45/50 trillion GDP, eliminating the national, trade and SSA deficits in their entirety and also providing national health insurance and education to all for free.

In parallel, experts predict that ‘Humanomics (sm) is the Humanities’ new center of gravity, while it’s also believed its ‘technology model’ from which its new ‘GTI’ as above, will ultimately derive, when operational, is now expertly believed that it’s certain to become, over time Internet 3.

4. Major global wake-up events confirm his many wake-up calls and letters to public figures (here I cite the list of letters he send out)

His initial primary hypothesis, the collapse of the local reality and the transition into the new quantum reality globally, was subsequently confirmed. with the collapse of the ‘local reality’ around the globe, which began 18 years ago (starting in 1993), and particularly, in relation to Humanomics’ (sm) solutions which are post-modernity’s solutions as well. For the secular, this is the end of the pre-modern and modern era, in the ascent to the post-modern era, in the generality; while it’s to be noted that both next require “deconstruction” of the now collapsed ‘local reality’s’ ground zero, in particular.

This Yehoshua Ya’akov predicted in 1986/87 after his move, that this would come about in Israel as well, and it was completely dismissed at first. Relatively soon after it actually happened, it was then viewed with great suspicion, cynicism or dismissed as a lucky guess, though most the common response to his prediction was denial, while he himself was considered to be unreliable as an auto-didactic scientist, as was also Albert Einstein.

Nonetheless, the prediction was subsequently confirmed on Nov. 5th, 1995 with Israeli prime minister's Itzhak Rabin’s murder and next with the attack on the World Trade Center ‘9-11’ in New York City 2001, as well, as both events revealed, in combination with other events such as the Tsunami in Asia in December 2006 (of which he like others such as Shari Arison had a premonition), or the Tsunami in Japan in 2011 the meaning, in and through their “meta-narrative(s),” of what was actually happening, as was/is supported by the meta-analysis of numerous others. For which Yehoshua Ya’akov says, “we all must now thank God for His salvation, that is the awakening and compelled atonement, imposed by Heaven on mankind, which is the end of man’s exile.

5. Spiritual Leadership

As today and for centuries to come, we see in Yehoshua Ya’akov’s, observation(s) of the post collapse of the ‘local reality,’ solution(s) that is Humanomics(s) and its NEW original science and technology, what iis the NEW East West ‘convergence model’ that now provides for man and mankind, its applied Sustainable Human Development-SHD program(s) and technology, as the NEW Vistas of spiritual windows of light, that inspire over the horizon VISION(S), for the ascent of man and mankind, in authentic identity’s realization, now confirming the era of post-modernity.

Its model(s) that now inspire man and mankind to deep faith in His, Blessed be G-d’s redemptive promise, for man and mankind’s redemption as NOW proceeds globally. As is now CONFIRMED in his revolutionary observation of the COLLAPSE of the ‘local reality’ globally, as was/is confirmed in the “meta narrative(s)” he authored about ‘9-11.’

And since his arrival in Israel, he has stood firm, against the Israeli Gulag-style Zionism that he demystifies as a false liberation theology that has painfully misled the Jewish people during the last 60 years. While he in turn has worked for the Jewish people, pro bono, remaining also loyal to America and its people and to all our human family, including the Palestinians, in the service of Heaven.