Hi everyone!

You can call me Curtis if you like.

Why am I here? To improve wikipedia by declaring open war on things that, to quote Eric Cartman, "really piss me off". Let me also assure everyone here that by "things", I don't mean "people". People aren't the problem - even when they're excessively abusive and confrontational - the problem is:

If I sometimes come off as aggressive, I apologise in advance. The wiki mandate is to be "bold". So full speed ahead and may the devil take the hindmost. However, If someone I say or do bothers you then please let me know. I don't consider anything I say here to be above criticism or challenge. If you have a problem the feel free to speak your mind. If you respond to me politely, you may expect boundless civility in return. What goes around comes around, that's what I say.

However, one thing that really winds me up is vague accusation. If you have a problem with something I write and all you can manage to say in criticism is "that's bad", then don't bother. I never criticise anyone unless I can explain EXACTLY what my problem is with what they've done. I would never insult someone by using the "because I said so, that's why" style of argument and I require the same respect in return.