Which article are you evaluating?

(Provide a link to the article here.) Ecologically based invasive plant management

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?

(Briefly explain why you chose it, why it matters, and what your preliminary impression of it was.)

The reason why I chose this article is because, invasive species can be very harmful to plants and to the overall ecosystem. This article talks about a EBIPM framework that can help us manage invasive species to lessen the harmful effects they can have on neighbouring species and on the ecosystem as a whole. This is something beneficial to look into as it can have a big impact in improving quality of life for other plant species and indirectly for other living organisms such as humans as well.

Evaluate the article

(Compose a detailed evaluation of the article here, considering each of the key aspects listed above. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what a useful Wikipedia article evaluation looks like.)

Lead Section:

The article that I chose talks about the development of EBIPM framework, which is based on ecological factors to manage infestation of invasive weed and to restore landscapes. The article elaborates on the 5 steps of this framework and explains each step in detail. The article speaks about some background information which mentions how previously many treatments have been done to treat rangelands that have been dominated by invasive species but none of them targeted the underlying reason for them. This caused them to reappear from time to time again. The EBIPM plan is also based on ecological succession that was theorized by Frederic Clements. Frederic Clements also explained plant community change overtime. Steward T.A. Pickett further expanded on the theory of Frederic Clements and developed a hierarchical model. This model looked at causes of change in plant community, availability of sites, availability of species, and performance of species. The article also expanded more on availability of sites, availability of species, and performance of species allowing the reader to better understand why these factors are important for developing a framework such as EBIPM.


The content that was presented in the article was related to the main topic of the article. The content was not up to date. All the references that were mentioned in the article were at least 12 years old. The most latest reference it had was from 2011. I think That the content present in the article was pretty good overall, One thing that I think should be mentioned in that article is the harm that can be caused by the invasive plant species. This will help the reader to understand why the framework that was proposed holds importance.

Tone and Balance:

The article mainly talks about a framework that can improve and help with the way invasive species are dealt with. It talks about the benefits of that framework rather than its disadvantages so we can say that it leads us to believe that such a framework will be helpful if implemented. Due to the claims made and the information given, the article seems to be favoring the EBIPM framework. The article only spoke from a perspective that favours the framework so the opinion that is underrepresented in this article woul dbe one that isn't in favour of the EBIPM plan.

Sources and References:

The sources that were referenced in the article are reliable. The sources that are referenced are about 12 years old at least so they are not up to date but the information present in those references relates to the topic of the article really well. There is a wide range of authors who are referenced as well which I believe makes the article stronger than it would've been if fewer authors were referenced. All the links that were given worked. I think more references can be added along with some more information about invasive species. The article is referring to a framework that is developed for controlling infestation of invasive plant but there is close to no information about why invasive species can be harmful. To make the article more impactful, I think a section regarding the effects of invasive plants should be added which in tern would mean that more references relating to that topic would need to be added.

Organization and writing quality:

The article is well written and has subsections with relevant information. It is clearly written making it easy to read and understand. I did spot some grammatical mistakes. One example of that was in the paragraph that was written explaining step 5, it said that "outcomes and the true effectiveness of management is virtually impossible to predict" which should've said "outcomes and the true effectiveness of management are virtually impossible to predict". Overall, the point of article was conveyed effectively.

Images and Media:

The article had one picture to show the EBIPM restoration efforts in eastern Oregon. There weren't any pictures that were given, but the picture that was given had a caption that represented the picture well. The picture that was used in the article was mentioned to be the work of the author so it adhere to wikipedia copyright regulations. There was only one picture that was given so there wasn't much for the author to organize and present in an appealing way. The placement of the picture that was added however was appropriate.

Talk page Discussion:

There were no discussions in the talk section of the article. The article is part of Wikiproject Environment to add on to Wikipedia's articles/pages that are based on the environment. The article is rated as C-class for it's quality and is rated to have low importance for projects. This article also fits into the category of Wikiproject Plants which is there to improve and add on to information about plants and botany. For the Wikiproject, the article is still rated C-class and is rated of low importance to projects.

Overall Impressions:

I think one of the strengths of this article was that it was organized well. It was written in a way where it was easy for anyone to understand it. They don't need to have a background for the topic that was discussed because all the information needed to make sense of the article, was given. I definitely do think that this article can be developed further and can have more background information about the harmful effects that invasive species can have as well as can mention any benefits it might have. The article can also add more examples of this framework being implemented and what the results were.