This is a homemade colour scheme intended for use with this CEC land cover dataset, which covers all of NAFTA at 30m resolution. Originally designed to replicate the look and feeling of satellite imagery covering Alberta, it is incomplete and may need modifications to well represent other North American jurisdictions. To drape it over a hillshade, set it to 50% opacity and Multiply blend mode.

New (orange minor roads)

Value Land cover type
#a1bd85 1 Temperate needleleaf forest
#a1bd85 5 Temperate deciduous forest
#a1bd85 6 Mixed forest
#b7cb8f 8 Temperate shrubland
#dbd5b4 10 Temperate grassland
#cdce91 14 Wetland
#e5ecec 15 Cropland
#e5ecec 16 Barren
#e5ecec 17 Urban
#708d87 18 Water
#e5ecec 19 Snow and ice
#f1b347 My favourite orange that I use for roads and urban footprints

Legacy (gray minor roads)

Value Land cover type
#8BAC6D 1 Temperate needleleaf forest
#98BA7A 5 Temperate deciduous forest
#8CAF6B 6 Mixed forest
#B7CB8F 8 Temperate shrubland
#DDD5A8 10 Temperate grassland
#CDCE91 14 Wetland
#E3E3C5 15 Cropland
#EBEBE9 16 Barren
#9D9D8C 17 Urban
#708D87 18 Water
#F0F8F8 19 Snow and ice