For Hatfield Technical College please see University of Hertfordshire

Hatfield College is a college of the University of Durham in England. Founded in 1846 by the Rev Thomas Melville, it is the second oldest of Durham's colleges, and was originally called Bishop Hatfield's Hall. It is named after Thomas Hatfield, Prince-Bishop of Durham from 1345 to 1381.

Hatfield College occupies a large site above the River Wear on North Bailey next to Durham Cathedral on the World Heritage Site peninsula. The buildings are an ecclectic and simple blend of 17th century halls, early Victorian buildings and major additions during the last century. Central to the College is its dining room and entrance via an impressive gateway from North Bailey. The college boathouse is situated within the grounds, as is the beautiful Victorian college chapel.

History & Buildings

Hatfield College was established in 1846 as the second college of the university. The establishment of the college as a furnished and catered residence with fees set in advance was a revolutionary idea at the time and later became a general practice at student residences. The origin of this idea came from the founding Master, Rev. David Meville. Meville’s idea for the college was that the college and higher education should be economically viable to the financially disadvantaged. Three principles to Meville’s model was that rooms were furnished and let out to students with shared servants, meals were provided and eaten in the college hall and college battles (bills) were set in advance. Meville’s model was not introduced within the university until recommended by the Royal Commission of 1862, whereby it was later used at Keble College and eventually worldwide.

Although not established as a theological college, the first 50 years of the college had a majority of theology students and staff as members of the college, with senior staff members and the Principal (who had always been a reverend until 1897) being a cleric. The rise in students to over a hundred, resulting from the popularity of theology, resulted in the college buying Bailey house and the Rectory to accommodate its students in the 1890s. Towards the end of the nineteenth century Hatfield’s demography had shifted from theology to education and science and resulted in the building of ‘C Stairs’ to increase the amount of accommodation.

The economic shortfall during the 1920s led to an uncertain situation for Hatfield, although with a larger number of students then University College it lacked the facilities especially kitchens to accommodate them. The solution resulted in the amalgamation of Hatfield and University Colleges with all meals being taken at the former. As a result of this Hatfield was awarded monies to fund its tutorial system and the introduction of electricity. During World War II the college was taken over by a local teaching college and students were moved to nearby accommodation on the bailey.

After the war and twenty years under the care of University College, Hatfield students were able to return to their college although a number of problems faced the college such as the number of students rinsing as a result of the backlog of students resulting from the war and rebuilding the morale and freedom of students. As a result new buildings were built and refurbished (e.g. Pace, Gate-house and Kitchen Blocks) as well as accommodation away from the main site being bought along with the establishment of the Senior Common Room.

During the late twentieth century the Hatfield was faced with an increasing number of students and as a result living-out became compulsory and many of the existing buildings were either rebuilt or refurbished to make room for students. Hatfield also became a co-educational college during this time and the first female Senior Man holding the post in 1992.

List of Buildings


The College Chapel was built in 1851 as a result of donations by alumni and a loan from the university. The chapel was designed by the architect and then Chaplin to Bishop Cosin’s Hall, James Turner and contains two head sculptures of Bishop Van Mildert and the Vice Chancellor and Warden Thopre. Decorative furnishings were later added with the first organ being installed in 1882, commemorative wooden panels marking the First World War dead and a book of remembrance for those who lost their lives along with a lectern were added gradually and were primarily funded by alumni and the Hatfield Association. Attendance to the services at the chapel were compulsory for eighty years after the foundation of the chapel until the onset of World War II and ended the compulsory attendance to Cathedral services .

College Traditions


Original arms

The original arms used by the college consisted of the shield of Bishop Thomas Hatfield turned into a circular device with the motto “Vel Primus, Vel Cum Primis”. The use of these arms was, however, founded to be illegal as they were not registered with the College of Arms [1].[2] As the arms had been used for over 100 years the college was able to use the shield, although it had to be differentiated from that of Bishop Hatfield by the addition of an ermine border around the shield.

The current coat of arms features the Shield of Bishop Hatfield and is blazoned as "Azure a Chevron Or between three Lions rampant Argent a Bordure Ermine", with the college motto underneath: "Vel Primus Vel cum Primis" which literally means "First or Among the First"[3] although it now interpreted by the college as "Be the Best you can Be".[4]

Academic Dress

Similar to most Bailey Colleges the wearing of the undergraduate academic gown is required to formal events. The wearing of the gown is at the discretion of the Master of the college and at present is worn at Matriculation, Congregation and formal meals healed in the hall.


Benedicte Deus, qui pascis nos a iuventute nostra et praebes cibum omni carni, reple gaudio et laetitia corda nostra, ut nos, quod satis est habentes, abundemus in omne opus bonum. Per Jesum Christum, Dominum Nostrum, cui tecum et Spiritu Sancto, sit omnis honos, laus et imperium in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

This can be translated as:

Blessed God, who feeds us from our youth, and provided food for all flesh, fill our hearts with joy and gladness, that we, having enough to satisfy us, may abound in every good work, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and praise and power for all ages. Amen.

The grace was widely used in the fourth century and is based on earlier Hebrew prayers. It was translated from the Greek and adopted by Oriel College, Oxford. Presumably influenced by the Reverend Dr. Henry Jenkyns, who was a Fellow of Oriel, Hatfield adopted this grace practically verbatim. Since 1846 the grace has been read at all Formal meals in College which occur twice a week.

Hatfield Spirit

Hatfield College is a very lively, active college and the spirit of Hatfield is legendary. The College leads at most sports in the university, along with sporting rivals, the College of St Hild and St Bede, Hatfield excels especially at rowing and other team sports, which has resulted in a host of alumni in the sports arena such as Andrew Strauss, Will Carling and Will Greenwood. Hatfield College has its own well-known theatre group called The Lion Theatre Company.

Hatfield has an intense and famous rivalry with many of the older colleges on The Bailey, especially nearby University College. Hatfield College is one of the most competitive in Durham, and is often regarded as having a disproportionate public school intake.

College Officers and Fellows

The Master

Tim Burt has returned as Master of Hatfield College. Burt was appointed Dean of Colleges and Support Services between 2002-2006, leaving an Acting-Master in his absence.

List of Past Masters

Senior Tutor



College Fellows

College fellows are awarded by the Hatfield College Council on the advice of the Master and is the highest honour that the college can bestow on former alumni and people who have a close association with Hatfield. On receipt of the fellowship the fellow automatically becomes an honoury member of the SCR and receives the same benefits such as the use of the SCR common and dinning rooms as well as a brass plaque baring the fellows name being erected in the dinning hall. As of 2007 the number of fellows stood at 18. The first fellowships were awarded in 1991 to Sir Kingsley Charles Dunham, the Right Reverend David Jenkins, Sir Frederick Holliday, Professor Sir Gareth Roberts, Professor Robert Allison, Bruce Oldfield and Dr. Sheila Armstrong. The former Master and pioneer of the college fellowship Professor James Barber was awarded a fellowship in 1996.

Notable alumni
