Service awards test cases Ubxmedal tests (by date) Ubxbook tests (by edit count) Medal tests (by edit count) Book tests (by edit count) Ribbon tests (by edit count) Ribbon 2 tests (by date) Smlribbon tests (by edit count) Text tests (by edit count) Other test cases .mw-parser-output .navbar{display:inline;font-size:88%;font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .navbar-collapse{float:left;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .navbar-boxtext{word-spacing:0}.mw-parser-output .navbar ul{display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;line-height:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-brackets::before{margin-right:-0.125em;content:"[ "}.mw-parser-output .navbar-brackets::after{margin-left:-0.125em;content:" ]"}.mw-parser-output .navbar li{word-spacing:-0.125em}.mw-parser-output .navbar a>span,.mw-parser-output .navbar a>abbr{text-decoration:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-mini abbr{font-variant:small-caps;border-bottom:none;text-decoration:none;cursor:inherit}.mw-parser-output .navbar-ct-full{font-size:114%;margin:0 7em}.mw-parser-output .navbar-ct-mini{font-size:114%;margin:0 4em}vte

Note: ((Service awards)) is a particularly complex template. Limitations placed on MediaWiki to reduce server load mean that it cannot be used too many times on one page. Hence, the test cases have been split into multiple pages. Use the navbox in the top right to jump between the test case pages.

Basic usage

This test case should show the default 'medal' format.

Sandbox version Main template Code
This editor is an Ultimate Vanguard Editor and is entitled to display this Meitnerium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram.
This editor is a Sagacious Editor and is entitled to display this Carbonadium Editor Star with the Strangelet Superstar.
((Service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000))

Caption customisation

Sandbox version Main template Code
Hello everyone, I'm an Ultimate Vanguard Editor and I'm now going to show off my Meitnerium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram to the whole world!!!
Hello everyone, I'm a Sagacious Editor and I'm now going to show off my Carbonadium Editor Star with the Strangelet Superstar to the whole world!!!
((Service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|caption1=Hello everyone, I'm|caption2=and I'm now going to show off my|caption3=to the whole world|punctuation=!!!))
Hello everyone, I'm an Ultimate Vanguard Editor and you see here my extraordinary Meitnerium Editor Star with the Neutronium Superstar hologram superextraspecially magically-enhanced! :-)
Hello everyone, I'm a Sagacious Editor and you see here my extraordinary Carbonadium Editor Star with the Strangelet Superstar superextraspecially magically-enhanced! :-)
((Service awards|year=1995|month=1|day=15|edits=2000000|caption1=Hello everyone, I'm|caption2=and you see here my extraordinary|caption3=superextraspecially magically-enhanced|punctuation=! :-)))