

Maintenance (Archiving)


These are instructions for maintaining the Top 4 page of the GL Illustration workshop Top 4. Any experienced editor is welcome to help out.

Switching old requests and archiving


To set new images for the top 4, you must archive the current ones first and then post the new requests afterwards. Failure to follow these instructions may result in your changes being reverted.

Please do not archive individual images that have been completed. Wait for the whole set to be done, and then archive all four at once. If there are unfinished requests after one week, then please archive the whole set and start with a new set of four.

1. Edit the top 4 page (direct link) and copy everything after REQUESTS START HERE and before REQUESTS END HERE. The selection should look something similar to this:
<gallery widths="160px">

<!-- File One -->
File:Example.svg|((Gl request|request=Retrace.|taken by=Graphist|new file=Example.svg))

<!-- File Two -->
File:Example.png|((Gl request|request=Vectorize.|taken by=|new file=))

<!-- File Three -->
Image:Graphic Lab Copyright.svg|((Gl request|unfree=Unfree image.png|request=Fix.|taken by=Graphist|new file=Example.jpg))

<!-- File Four -->
Image:Graphic Lab Copyright.svg|((Gl request|unfree=Unfree image.png|request=Vectorize.|taken by=Graphist|new file=Example.jpg))

2. Edit the archive for the current year (direct link). Add a date header at the bottom of the page and paste the selection underneath it. Add |notdone=1 before the closing curly brackets for any uncompleted request. See other examples of archives on that page, or ask for help on the discussion page. Save the archive page.
3. Go back and edit the top 4 page (direct link) and change the file names to four new ones. These should always be taken from the talk page; if you have a request you want to see on the top 4, please post it on the talk page first to ensure that the other editors agree that it is suitable before putting it into the template.
Once you have found four images, set the captions to default settings (((Gl request|request=The request...|taken by=|new file=))). It should now look like this:
<!-- ---------------REQUESTS START HERE--------------- -->
<gallery widths="160px">

<!-- File One -->
File:Example.svg|((Gl request|request=Retrace.|taken by=|new file=))

<!-- File Two -->
File:Example.png|((Gl request|request=Vectorize.|taken by=|new file=))

<!-- File Three -->
Image:Graphic Lab Copyright.svg|((Gl request|unfree=Unfree image.png|request=Vectorize.|taken by=|new file=))

<!-- File Four -->
Image:Graphic Lab Copyright.svg|((Gl request|unfree=Unfree image.png|request=Vectorize.|taken by=|new file=))

<!-- ---------------REQUESTS END HERE--------------- -->
If the top four are finished but there aren't enough suggestions on the suggestions page, either add your own image, or use this:
File:Blank.png|((Gl request|request=|taken by=|new file=))
This creates a blank request for anyone to fill in later.
4. Update the target times above the requests on this page (Template:Graphics Lab/Illustration workshop/Top 4). The first timestamp should be two days from the time of addition of the new requests; the second five days after that (a week after the addition).
5. Update the suggestions list (link) by marking the images you've put on the top four as '''Posted''', and the ones you've archived as either ((Done)) or ((Not done)) for completed and uncompleted requests respectively.

See also
