The ((collapse-mobile|Headline=headline|Content=folding text)) template is used for placing collapse boxes around text in a context where mobile readers may need to access the content - standard collapse templates such as ((collapse top)) and ((collapse bottom)) often do not display on mobile devices, or display with errors. ((collapse-mobile)) will display by default as expanded text on mobile devices.



This template is customizable with regard to content and styling. Most customizable values will default to a basic/standard value if not defined.



Its most basic usage, with only collapsed content defined, this template would be called as:

and display as (click to display in full):

This is my text!

Users can also define a Headline value, which will replace "Expand" as the above-the-fold text to display:

and display as:

This is my headline
This is my text!



This template also accepts optional CSS styling. The following parameters are defined for this template:



A very complex (and not particularly attractive) usage of ((collapse-mobile)) might then look like:

|Headline=This is my headline
|Content=This is my text
|barBorder=2px dashed #585858
|barBorderBottom=2px solid #CEE3F6
|boxBorder=2px dotted #0A0A2A

and would display as:

This is my headline
This is my text

Full blank syntax

|collapsed       = no
|barBackground   = 
|barFloat        = 
|barFont         = 
|barTextAlign    = 
|barFontSize     = 
|barFontColor    = 
|barBorder       = 
|barRadius       = 
|barBorderBottom = 
|barMargin       = 
|barMore         = 
| Headline       = 
|boxBackground   = 
|boxBorder       = 
|boxRadius       = 
|boxFont         = 
|boxFontSize     = 
|boxFontColor    = 
|boxPadding      = 
|boxMarginTop    = 
|boxBorderTop    = 
|boxMore         = 
| Content        = 

See also
