In plasma physics, a Taylor state is the minimum energy state of a plasma while the plasma is conserving magnetic flux.[1] This was first proposed by John Bryan Taylor in 1974 and he backed up this claim using data from the ZETA machine.[2]

A comparison of different Taylor States inside the Dynomak.
A comparison of different Taylor States inside the Dynomak.

Taylor-States are critical to operating both the Dynomak and the Reversed field pinch - both run in a Taylor State.


In 1974, Dr. John B Taylor proposed that a spheromak could be formed by inducing a magnetic flux into a loop plasma. The plasma would then relax naturally into a spheromak also known as a Taylor State.[3][4] This process worked if the plasma:

These claims were later checked by Marshall Rosenbluth in 1979.[5] In 1974, Dr. Taylor could only use results from the ZETA pinch device to back up these claims. But, since then, Taylor states have been formed in multiple machines including:


Consider a closed, simply-connected, flux-conserving, perfectly conducting surface surrounding a plasma with negligible thermal energy ().

Since on . This implies that .

As discussed above, the plasma would relax towards a minimum energy state while conserving its magnetic helicity. Since the boundary is perfectly conducting, there cannot be any change in the associated flux. This implies and on .

We formulate a variational problem of minimizing the plasma energy while conserving magnetic helicity .

The variational problem is .

After some algebra this leads to the following constraint for the minimum energy state .

See also


  1. ^ Paul M. Bellan (2000). Spheromaks: A Practical Application of Magnetohydrodynamic dynamos and plasma self-organization. Imperial College Press. pp. 71–79. ISBN 978-1-86094-141-2.
  2. ^ Taylor, J. Brian. "Relaxation of toroidal plasma and generation of reverse magnetic fields." Physical Review Letters 33.19 (1974): 1139.
  3. ^ Bellan, Paul (2000). Spheromaks. Imperial College Press. ISBN 978-1-86094-141-2.
  4. ^ Taylor, J. Brian. "Relaxation of toroidal plasma and generation of reverse magnetic fields." Physical Review Letters 33.19 (1974): 1139.
  5. ^ Rosenbluth, M. N., and M. N. Bussac. "MHD stability of spheromak." Nuclear Fusion 19.4 (1979): 489
  6. ^ JARBOE, T. R., WYSOCKI, F.J., FERNÁNDEZ, J.C., HENINS, I., MARKLIN, G.J., Phys. Fluids B 2 (1990) 1342-1346
  7. ^ "Physics through the 1990s", National Academies Press, 1986, p. 198.
  8. ^ WYSOCKI, F.J., FERNÁNDEZ, J.C., HENINS, I., JARBOE, T.R., MARKLIN, G.J., Phys. Rev. Letters 21 (1988) 2457-2460
  9. ^ Wood, R. D., et al. "Particle control in the sustained spheromak physics experiment." Journal of nuclear materials 290 (2001): 513-517.
  10. ^ Sieck, P. E., et al. "First Plasma Results from the HIT-SI Spheromak." APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 45. 2003.
  11. ^ Sutherland, D. A., et al. "The dynomak: An advanced fusion reactor concept with imposed-dynamo current drive and next-generation nuclear power technologies."