Archive 1

I just heard him on the radio and he said he was not a member of the Panthers but that he had worked with them. He also said that he had been in prison for over ten years.—Preceding unsigned comment added by TeresaTeng (talkcontribs) 00:18, 11 April 2008 (UTC)

It is worth noting that significant statements based on public records have been edited out of this entry, leading one to believe that the principal author of this article is either Larry Pinkney, or someone operating directly on his behalf. It is unfortunate that a public, democratic media source cannot meet the expectations of rigorous scrutiny and therefore be considered a valid and objective source of information. This is perhaps one reason why information obtained from Wikipedia is not considered a viable source for print news and other media publications.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Contrary to the above assertion, Wikipedia is very much considered by many to be a, not the only, "valid and objective source of information..." The above statement assigning responsibility to "Larry Pinkney, or someone operating directly on his behalf..." is itself based upon innuendo and subjectivity, and reeks of racism. In the real world an enormous amount of people have access to the internet through various means.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

The information referred to and contained on the following links, neglects to mention that the trial by judge of black activist Larry Pinkney in Minneapolis, MN, in 1995, selectively excluded black people, having a white prosecuting attorney, a white supposed defense attorney, and a white judge; assuring that Larry Pinkney would not receive a fair hearing.

It is also noteworthy that nothing whatever is mentioned about the fact that witnesses and evidence critical to the defense of Larry Pinkney, were disallowed by the all white Minnesota court. Additionally, it is worth being cognizant that no mention is made in the following links, to the belated retractions by the news media of its crucial and damaging false information about Larry Pinkney. These kinds of oversights appear to be the tactics being utilized by the person or persons making the obviously disingenuous neutrality argument.

Also, it should be noted that it was in fact activist Larry Pinkney, who of his own volition, in an effort to stop or at least slow down the discreditation actovities against him; made it a matter of legal record that he would not be on Minnesota college campuses. Activist Larry Pinkney could have refused to agree to the staying away from Minnesota college campuses stipulation, but did so in an effort to expose the efforts to maliciously discredit him; which is also not delineated in the following links.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Arbitrary section break

Larry James Pinkney, b. 4/27/1950, was convicted on two counts of sexual assault in 1995, in Minneapolis, MN. He is currently on probation until 2009. He is not allowed within 1500 feet of any college campus. There have been other reports of incidents of rape and sexual assault, but due to lack of evidence (no witnesses), no other charges have been made. Here are some links to fact-check this:

STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS CX-95-1869 State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Larry James Pinkney, Appellant. Filed June 18, 1996

Reported Incidents at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN, October 2005

I am personally acqainted with one of his assault victims. 03:49, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

Arbitrary section break 2

Regarding the POV Check tag:

I agree with the editor at the top of this page.

After posting the above information, I studied the changes made to the article and find it likely that despite the verifiability of the information that was removed as "libelous," the article itself is being edited by someone promoting Larry Pinkney, rather than someone dedicated to providing full and accurate information about him.

Furthermore, many of the statements made regarding the convictions are not exactly neutral, nor are they verifiable.

Thank you,

DevinMcGevin 04:45, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

[Violation of NPA and BLP (personal information about editors) posted by removed by Crockspot 20:02, 24 April 2007 (UTC)]

With respect to black activist Larry Pinkney, long standing and continuing FBI COINTELPRO discreditation activities, the collusion of the media in spreading false published stories against Larry Pinkney, and the connection to a Wikipedia "editor" (who is also apparently a Macalester College student in Minnesota) and a native of Bellingham, Washington; research has determined the following relevant information with respect to efforts to discredit black activist Larry Pinkney using false sex allegations in Bellingham, Washington:

          It has been ascertained that not coincidentally, and as a result
          strenuous legal and political follow-up, The Bellingham Herald news-
          paper (of Bellingham, Washington) was compelled to come clean and 
          and publish, in relevant part, concerning its own previously 
          published stories that, "Larry Pinkney, was arrested Thursday,
          on an FBI warrant charging him with unlawful flight to avoid prosecu-
          tion, NOT on a charge of a sexual offense as previously reported...
          The FBI INCORRECTLY informed the Whatcom County Sherriff's Office re-
          garding the sexual offense."

Of course, as intended by the media in Bellingham, Washington and the FBI, the damage against black activist Larry Pinkney had already been done.

The Wikipedia "editor" [personal information removed by Crockspot] who has been piously calling for "neutrality" and "full disclosure" has failed to heed her own advice, by not forthrightly and openly disclosing in this Wikipedia "discussion" that she is herself apparently a [personal information removed by Crockspot] whose media and white community actively sought to use false information to discredit internationally known black activist Larry Pinkney. None of this is coincidental.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Furthermore, any allegations and/or convictions against black political activists in the United States have repeatedly been shown to be attempts to discredit said activists. Particularly is this clear in the case of black political activist Larry Pinkney, whose American FBI file is quite clear as to some of the tactics used to frame and discredit him using "sex and drug" allegations. What is also clear is that this has nothing whatever to do with so-called "neutrality," but rather is an ongoing discreditation vendetta by certain individuals, possibly working in collusion with the FBI or some similar agency or organization in an effort to misinform the public as to Larry Pinkney's political background and accomplishments.

Not only is the article in Wikipedia "neutral," its contents are in fact verified by, among other things, United Nation's records and American FBI files; apparently being ignored by those claiming that they are allegedly interested in "neutrality." The very term "neutrality" in this context is nothing more than a smoke screen for an ongoing and racist vendetta against Larry Pinkney. As usual, in a de facto racist society such as the United States of America, every possible effort will be made to discredit, libel, misinform, and (as the FBI files themselves indicate) "neutralize" black political activists such as Larry Pinkney. Read those FBI files, and stop pretending that"neutrality" is being sought after.

Larry Pinkney has also been accused of being a political "terrorist," which like the "sex and drug" allegations are false and contrived with the intent of discrediting and "neutralizing" him. Court records are deliberately misleading, especially since they OMIT the FBI files and concomitant records re the past and ongoing attempts to use false "sex and drug" allegations to discredit Larry Pinkney.

Larry Pinkney is not a rapist, a drug dealer, or a terrorist; nor are these the issues. Rather, he is a black politcal activist whom certain individuals (including apparently a Wikipedia editor)are attempting to discredit. "Accurate" information about Larry Pinkney is obviously what said individuals seek to avoid, which is why he has been libeled in Wikipedia in the past, and efforts continue to, at all costs, ignore (among other things) the details of the COINTELPRO records of the American FBI itself, regarding Larry Pinkney.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Whether the convictions were false or not, they still happened and are on record, and this should be included in the interest of full disclosure. Shall we request arbitration?

DevinMcGevin 20:39, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

The fact that "the convictions" of Larry Pinkney were "false" are extremely relevant.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

The interests of "full disclosure" are not what this is about. Instead, it is the continued white racist predilection with sex which makes COINTELPRO-type "sex and drug" discreditation sting operations against black political activists as Larry Pinkney, so hideous and insidiously effective in the United States of Amerikkka. It is self-evident that "full disclosure" is being used as a veneer for discreditation against Larry Pinkney, and by design, other black political activists. Whether or not one agrees or disagrees with the politics of Larry Pinkney, his political actions have benefited many thousands of people around the world, while having simultaneously incurred the wrath of powerful components of the American Government, and that of many individual open and closet racists in this country who remain adamant in their efforts to discredit him.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

The fact that "sex and drug" allegations against black activist Larry Pinkney are already directly and specifically referred to in the existing Wikipedia article is quite sufficient. There is no need for arbitration in this matter, which appears to look increasingly like a racist and extremely biased witch hunt.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

This alleged "discussion" has nothing whatever to do with Wikipedia neutrality or even arbitration. Rather, it has everything to do with active discreditation tactics and grudges against black activists, as those who have studied COINTELPRO well know.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

The April 23, 2007, sentence (contained in the Larry Pinkney article) stating that Larry Pinkney was banned from Macalester College (St Paul) for harassing female students is incorrect and libellous, and was rightfully deleted. A representative of the St Paul Police Department clearly stated publicly (published September 30, 2005) re this matter, that not only were no felony charges being brought against Larry Pinkney, but that "no misdemeanor charges are being considered." Additionally, this same police representative stated (which was published) re this matter, that "there is no physical evidence tying Pinkney to a crime;" and "People don't get charged on accusations alone."

Black activist and former university instructor Larry Pinkney voluntarily agreed in 2005, to avoid Macalester College campus etc., in order to make it more difficult for persons to fabricate accusations against him. The continuing efforts to discredit Larry Pinkney using disinformation obviously continue right into the year 2007, and demonstrate that the harassment is NOT BY Black activist Larry Pinkney, but against him.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

The Wikipedia article on black activist Larry Pinkney DOES meet Wikipedia standards, and does not need clean up. In fact, the article, among other sources, specifically refers to the exact COINTELPRO FBI file re Pinkney which file has been read and written about in the United States and around the world; and which file from the FBI itself chillingly delineates the ongoing political reasons for, and tactics used by, the FBI to "neutralize and discredit" black activist Larry Pinkney by fabricating, embellishing, and spreading false "sex, drug, and/or violence" accusations. These activities of course fit quite neatly into the segments of American society that continue to be racist, whether young or old.

It is quite clear, based upon continuing and utterly unnecessary and unprofessional attempts by CERTAIN individuals (with their own obvious personal and/or political agenda)using Wikipedia as a shield while feigning "neutrality", that these smear and vendetta discreditation tactics have continued. It is these tactics themselves, which in addition to being unprofessional and libelous, clearly represent a continuing campaign of harassment (by certain individuals) against black political activist Larry Pinkney, while simultaneously attempting to falsely depict Larry Pinkney as the harasser etc. The article on Larry Pinkney is and should be about a black political activist who has, despite enormous odds and challenges, accomplished many significant achievements, which achievements have continued to directly assist many thousands of people of all colors in the United States, and throughout the world. There should be no place in Wikipedia for the mean-spirited, inaccurate, and unprofessional disinformation tactics and unwarranted ongoing provocations being utilized by certain individuals against Larry Pinkney, utilizing Wikipedia as their cover.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

We are monitoring this matter and offer this specific information:

As to when the interview of long time black political activist Larry Pinkney was aired nationally on the NEWS HOUR:

Aired November 26, 1988 Jim Lehrer-THE MACNEIL/LEHRER NEWS HOUR

As to "citations," these represent SOME of the numerous published pieces that black activist Larry Pinkney has authored:

1. Piece entitled, 'NEUTRALIZE AND DESTROY: The Continuing Vendetta Against The Black Panther Party,' by Larry Pinkney and Gerald Sanders, San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, April 5 & 26, 2006. 2. Piece entitled, 'PRISONS: America's 21st Century Slave Plantations,' by Larry Pinkney, San Francisco Bay View Newspaper, April 19, 2006. 3. Piece entitled, 'Vietnam Revisited,' The Boston Globe newspaper, April 27, 2006. 4. Piece entitled, 'Double Standards,' The Minnesota Daily, April 21, 1986. 5. Piece entitled, 'Feminism, Racism,' THE GUARDIAN (of New York), October 29, 1980. 6. Piece entitled, 'EXPOSING RACISM: A Voice From Prison,' Canadian Dimension Magazine, May-August, 1980. 7. Piece entitled, 'Fascism: An American Reality,' Vancouver Indymedia, May 29, 2006. 8. Piece entitled, 'Fascism: An American Reality,' Online Journal, July 6, 2006. 9. Piece entitled, 'The San Francisco State Strike: Students At City College of San Francisco and the Impact of the Black Panther Party, It's About Time [online news organ of the Black Panther Party & Alumni].

The above pieces represent a portion of the many published pieces, over the years, by black activist Larry Pinkney, which are verifiable, and speaks for itself.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Further reading section

I was going to attempt to clean up that section, putting the sources into proper citation templates, find the ISBN numbers, gather more complete info, etc., but I have a couple of questions:

  1. Does anyone have the article title of the Bellingham Herald piece? I cannot get a hit on any articles that match what information is there. An indication of what the article is about would be helpful as well in determining some keywords to try.
  2. Are the FBI files (last source in the section) published anywhere? Being in the "further reading" section sort of implies that these would be available somewhere for people to read...

Any help here? When I get the chance, I will also try to wrap up some of the sources in the section above and add them to a "references" section, then others can use them to cite statements in the article. - Crockspot 20:09, 25 April 2007 (UTC) Also, a reminder to sign your comments on this page with four tildes, like this: ~~~~ . That will automatically sign your name or ip address, and add a timestamp. I've been trying to determine who said what here, and tagging those comments when I can identify the poster, but it's extra work that could be avoided easily. Thanks. - Crockspot 20:12, 25 April 2007 (UTC)

Another question

Is this the same Larry Pinkney who is an official with the Boy Scouts? The reason I ask it because I did a google news search on "Larry Pinkney", and I came up with only 14 hits total, several of those referring to an official with the Boy Scouts. I am concerned that this subject may not meet the notability standards for Wikipedia bios, even if all 14 hits refer to the subject of this article. Crockspot 20:35, 25 April 2007 (UTC)


I'll stick formatted sources here as I do them. - Crockspot 04:26, 26 April 2007 (UTC)