What is a "continental" journal?[edit]

The article says that Feminist Africa is "the first 'continental' African gender studies journal". What does that actually mean? Kaldari (talk) 18:52, 31 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

"Not in citation given"[edit]

Hi Guillaume, can you be more precise about your "not in citation given" tags? Two of them concern the "African diaspora" idea, which I do think appears in both. I suppose it's a little oblique in the "Out of Africa" source, so we might potentially remove it. It seems explicit in Reddock piece. Can you maybe clarify what you would like to see in a source that describes Feminist Africa as diasporic? I confess I don't know what to make of the "not in citation given" tag for "Acknowledgement of Funders", since the webcite states "Feminist Africa has been made possible with the support from Ford Foundation, and HIVOS." Peace2u & Thanks for all your work. groupuscule (talk) 03:46, 22 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • From "Case Study 2" by Eve Gray and Michelle Willmers:

Feminist Africa itself receives no funding from UCT, other than indirectly because the editorial functions, of both Editor-in-Chief and convenor of the editorial team, are carried out by UCT salaried academics. The AGI is committed through its funding arrangements to distribute the journal free of charge and not to run a subscription service. The journal does produce print copies for the GWS network and African university libraries, which are produced and distributed with the support of donor funding.
Feminist Africa is run with the support of donor funding, principally from the Ford Foundation, with further contributions from the Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (HIVOS), the Association of African Universities (AAU), and the Society for Information Display (SID). Ensuring the sustainability of the journal is an ongoing challenge. As the convenor of the editorial team points out: ‘Nobody just wants to fund a journal.’ AGI management is therefore forced to bundle the funding requests for the journal with other projects or deliverables. The convenor of the editorial team comments that fundraising for the journal is especially difficult in that funding partners who work in this discipline are more likely to support initiatives that would have an impact on the grassroots level – a product or programme that has clear potential to affect change or have an impact on popular consciousness. From the perspective of the OS project, this means that a UCT department, with the support of donor funding, is adding to the intellectual capital of the university's scholarship without concomitant support from the university.

  • From the quotation appended to the citation which you have (re)tagged "not in citation given":

The publication of this issue from within the continent and edited by a woman from the economic South is an important development which opens up new possibilities for South-South collaboration and debate within the African diaspora.

  • Karen MacGregor's article does not use the word "diaspora" in the same paragraph as it discusses Feminist Africa. It describes a member of the African diaspora who teaches in Illinois, writing in Feminist Africa about the importance of diasporic linkages. If you feel this is insufficient to support the claim made, I suppose you may remove this citation and rely on the other one.
  • From my perspective, the evidence for all of these claims is very clear, and I admit to some frustration at the resistance to including them. Peace, groupuscule (talk) 00:48, 28 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]