Elements adapted from previous short stories

In an old anthology of Philip K Dick short stories I remember reading notes saying "parts of this story were incorporated into <name of novel>". If memory serves, there were at least two stories whose elements (one of which I think was the Great C) that were incorporated into Deus Irae. --Jpwrunyan 05:07, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The current statement that the novel is based on "The Great C" is amazingly inaccurate, since only the final confrontation of that story is included, and then only as encounters in chapters 7 and 12. But I can accept that the book was cobbled together over a long period and hastily finished, since the middle part rather shoddily incorporates bits of other old stories, such as "Of Withered Apples" (a short segment in chapter 8) and "Planet for Transients" (a longer sequence in chapters 8-9, and a bit in chapter 13). For that matter, our nonlimbed pilgrim Tibor in his mechanical cart of course comes from Dr. Bloodmoney, while Carleton Lufteufel (Airdevil) is reminiscent of Dr. Bruno Bluhtgeld (Bloodmoney) himself. Idontcareanymore (talk) 13:30, 7 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]
--- PS, the scene immediately before "The Great C" passage in chapter 7, where Tibor indoctrinates the little black kids, comes directly out of "The Turning Wheel", so making at least four shorter stories that contributed bits to the novel. Idontcareanymore (talk) 07:50, 11 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Pete's visions

I'm also suprised that there is no commentary regarding Pete's visions at the beginning of the book which, granted, appear to amount to nothing. --Jpwrunyan 05:07, 2 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Leuftufel or Lufteufel?[edit]

I didnt read the original version of the novel, but in the italian translation, the Deus Irae is called Carleton Lufteufel and not Leuftufel as reported here. Btw, "Lufteufel" has a meaning: literally "devil of the air" from the german "Luft":air and "Teufel":devil. Could somebody check on that? Tannhäusergate (talk) 13:20, 5 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

It is spelled "Lufteufel". I assumed it was German for something when I read it. Thanks for telling me the meaning. Dick always uses too much German without translation. I guess the name needs to be changed. I'll do it and add the meaning in German (do I need a reference? haha). Actually, I see you already did it. Thanks. I made just a few changes to the English. I think there must be a more succinct way to say "creator and detonator" though... --Jpwrunyan (talk) 13:22, 17 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Names and surnames in the novel[edit]

I've always noticed a very curious choice for the names and surnames of Philip Dick's characters in many of his books. This novel features some good examples, such as the already-mentioned Lufteufel (BTW, the correct German pronunciation is loof-TOY-fal) and Schuld (meaning both debt and blame in German), which tell a lot about the intimate nature of these characters. German language is definitely a constant in PKD novels, I guess because of his very ancestry maybe (I'm not sure but I think he's of German descent, as the last name itself seems to be).
I'm also curious about Tibor's give name, it doesn't really sound English. I checked it online and it seems to be mostly Hungarian or from Eastern Europe anyway, but I don't think this is the case with Tibor McMasters character (plus the surname's clearly Irish).. who knows..--Teno85 (talk) 02:28, 31 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]